2015 Meeting Minutes
Lake Emma Town Board Minutes – December 8, 2015
Call to Order:
The Regular Meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board of Supervisors was
called to order at 7 PM, at the Town Hall, by Chairperson Brian Behrens.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Township officers present were:
Supervisors Behrens, Tony Platz and Irene Weis; Clerk, Lynne Erickson.
Also present: Justin Long.
Absent was: Treasurer, Linda Ballou.
Addition or Correction to Agenda:
There were no additions or corrections.
Clerk’s Report:
Minutes are distributed in advance for review and are also available on
the website. Motion
by Tony seconded by Irene to approve the minutes of November 3, 2015,
Regular Meeting, as presented.
Treasurer’s Report:
Lynne Erickson presented the Treasurer’s financial report for the period
ending November 30, 2015: Total of all accounts- $462,049.21, which
includes General Fund Revenues of - $99,161.30, and Road and Bridge Fund
Revenues of - $362,887.91. Northview Bank Accounts: Money Market -
$64,081.55 and CD - $125,316.37. Citizen’s National Bank Accounts: Money
Market - $90,454.13, CD - $53,879..51, CD - $52,817.65, CD - $75,000.00,
Checking - $500.00. Funds available - $155,035.68. Checks written:
#3549 - #3553 for payroll expenses of $3,414.56 and checks #3553 - #3561
for expenses of $6,568.88. It was also reported that tax revenues of
$150,308.00 were received and deposited on December 4, 2015. Motion
by Tony seconded by Irene to approve the Treasurer’s report as of
November 30, 2015 as presented. Motion carried
Road Report: Justin
Long reported on the snowfall maintenance during the month with little
else to report.
Great River Energy Utility Permit Applications: Two
applications were received for crossings at 204th Street and 230th
Street. This activity is part of the Long Lake to Mantrap upgrade of
their 34.5 kV line to 115kV. Discussion followed on whether 204th
Street was located in Lake Emma Township. Motion
by Brian seconded by Tony to approve the application for 230th Street
and Brian will check on the 204th Street location. Motion carried.
Half Moon East and West:
There has been no response to Curt Meyer’s request that the DNR allow
Lake Emma Township’s modification to the landing on Half Moon West for
use as a Turn-Around. The Engineer’s recommendation for Half Moon East
is to leave the vacated road as is, with ROW’s remaining as they are.
Concerns from the Floor: There
were none.
Town Hall Office Progress:
Lynne Erickson reported that the two old printers were taken to the
landfill. The laptop is awaiting a procedure to disable it before
disposal; The old desk was moved to the utility room pending a Board
recommendation on how to properly dispose of it, and the lock on the
office door has been replaced and keys were distributed. Irene stated
the desk could be taken to the DAC Salvage Depot.
Correspondence and Reminders:
The next Hubbard Township Assn meeting will be held
at Mantrap Town Hall on January 25, 2016. -
Irene stated she did not attend the Annual Convention
of MAT, which was recently held in Alexandria. -
Irene has not yet researched the cost of Internet for
the Town Hall.
Irene spoke to an issue which was brought before the Hubbard Township
Association at the last meeting. Any Townships that regularly meet on
the first Tuesday of November, Election Day, should plan to change that
meeting date going forward. Even though there may be no elections
conflicting with the meetings, the date is reserved for elections.
Irene recommended the Board ratify the motions made at the November 3rd
meeting. Tony read the motions that were made at the meeting. Motion
by Irene seconded by Tony to formally sanction the motions made at the
November 3, 2015 meeting. Motion carried.
The Board decided to notify the Township Association that Lake Emma
Township would be willing to host an Association meeting in either
March, May or November.
Irene said she reviewed the billing from Kennedy and Graven and found it
to be accurate, at $819.00, for the work performed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.
Lake Emma Town Board Minutes – November 3, 2015
Call to Order:
The Regular Meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board of Supervisors was
called to order at 7 PM, at the Town Hall, by Chairperson, Brian Behrens
with the Pledge of Allegiance. Township officers present were:
Supervisors Behrens, and Irene Weis. Supervisor Tony Platz was present
via FaceTime; Clerk, Lynne Erickson and Treasurer, Linda Ballou. Also
present: Terry Long, Robb Swanson and Deputy Nate Stein, arriving at
7:20 PM.
Addition or Correction to Agenda:
There were no additions or corrections.
Clerk’s Report:
Minutes are distributed in advance for review and are also available on
the website. Lynne Erickson advised the Board of an error in the minutes
of October 6, sent out earlier. In those minutes, the descriptions of
the discussion of Half Moon Drive East and Half Moon West were switched.
The minutes have now been corrected and presented to the Board. Motion
by Tony seconded by Irene to approve the corrected minutes of October 6,
2015, Regular Meeting minutes as presented.
Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
Linda Ballou presented the Treasurer’s financial report for the period
ending October 31, 2015: Total of all accounts- $469,939.55, which
includes General Fund Revenues of - $98,814.38, and Road and Bridge Fund
Revenues of - $371,125.17 . Northview Bank Accounts: Money Market -
$64,071.02 and CD - $125,111.39. Citizen’s National Bank Accounts: Money
Market - $98,694.28, CD - $53,811.69, CD - $52,751.17, CD - $75,000.00,
Checking - $500.00. Funds available - $163,265.30. Checks written –
#3545-#3548 for expenses of $8,900.87. Motion
by Irene seconded by Tony to approve the Treasurer’s report as of
October 31, 2015 as presented. Motion carried.
Resolution 15-01 – Zorbaz Liquor License: This
item was addressed out of turn. Robb Swanson was present to request the
Board’s approval for a Liquor License. Motion
by Brian seconded by Irene to approve Township Resolution 15-01
Consenting to the Issuance of an On-Sale Liquor License for Robb
Swanson, Zhateau Zorbaz. Motion Carried.
Road Report:
Terry Long reported that maintenance has consisted mainly of clearing
trees on windy days. Brushing has not been done yet, but there is still
time to get the brushing done this fall.
Happy Drive:
Irene Weis presented a letter from Troy Gilchrist, Kennedy and Graven
Law Firm. Relevant documents pertaining to Happy Drive’s origin had
been forwarded to Mr. Gilchrist in order to obtain a final determination
on the Township’s role in maintaining this road. Mr. Gilchrist’s
determination, after reviewing the documentation and statutes, is that
the road can be treated as a cartway and the Township is not obligated
to maintain it. Board member Weis stated she wanted to contact
Gilchrist to clarify that he meant what he said. Board members Tony
Platz and Brian Behrens agreed that they understood the opinion of
Gilchrist on this matter and no further communication with Kennedy and
Graven was warranted.
Half Moon West: Curt
Meyer, WSN has submitted a request to the DNR for permission to alter
the boat landing on Half Moon West, to allow a turn-around. No response
has been received.
Half Moon East:
Brian met again with Richard Smith and Karen Onstad. Aerial photos of
Half Moon Drive East were presented, showing the turnaround as Ms.
Onstad wanted it constructed. She wants the turn-around moved to the
furthest point of Township Right of Way, closest to her property line,
on the east side of her driveway.
Terry pointed out that the change may cause her to have to drive over a
part of Mr. Smith’s land to access her property. There are no concerns
that Karen would be landlocked as she owns land up to the road east of
her driveway and back to Theralson’s. Richard and Karen could see no
problems. Possibly problems could occur in the future with different
owners. Brian will speak to Karen and WSN to clarify the issues. The
area will have to be staked out before Long Construction can begin the
project. The Board had no issues with waiting until spring to begin the
project. The Township will continu maintaining the road as is, and
using the current turn-around until construction.
Concerns from the Floor:
There were no Concerns from the floor.
Request From County Engineer: The
Board was asked to review Lake Emma Township road maps and update any
changes to the road system. The Board noted no changes since 2014. The
map will be returned to Hubbard County by the November 4 deadline, with
no changes to report.
Town Hall Office: Lynne
Erickson addressed the Board in response to a recent recommendation that
the Clerk and Treasurer move Township offices from private homes to the
Town Hall. The recommendation was made at the MAT Summer Short Courses.
Lynne advised that she has already moved the Township materials that
were in her care. The Township office area is very small, has outdated
computers, printers, and an older unused desk that need disposal and the
door lock is not operable. Lynne has offered to donate two shelving
units to help ease the space shortage. Irene will check with Ron at
Paul Bunyan for monthly cost of internet. Tony suggested the purchase
of a safe for protecting important documents.
Motion by Irene seconded by Tony to contact a locksmith to install a
lock on the storage door, do what’s necessary for disposal of the
printers and laptop, accept the donation of the storage units, and to
contact Nancy Bogaard about the origin of the desk.
Request to Change Meeting Date: Tony
Platz requested the December meeting date be changed to December 8, so
that he can attend. Irene stated that she could not attend on that
date. Board members agreed that the Regular Meeting date be changed
from December 1 to December 8.
Reminders and Correspondence:
Next Hubbard County Township Assn Meeting – November 16, Farden Town
Hall. Annual MAT Conference November 19-21 at Arrowwood in Alexandria.
Irene was going to speak to Kathy Dennis, Township Assn. Secretary,
about the Township Association’s proposed by-laws change.
Meeting adjourned at 7:56 PM.
Lake Emma Town Board Minutes – October 6, 2015
Call to Order: The Regular Meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 7 PM by Chairperson, Brian Behrens with the Pledge of Allegiance. Township officers present were: Supervisors Behrens, Irene Weis and Tony Platz; and Clerk Lynne Erickson. Also present: Terry Long, Justin Long and Ron Jacobson.
Absent was: Treasurer, Linda Ballou.
Addition or Correction to Agenda: There were no additions or corrections.
Clerk’s Report: Minutes are distributed in advance for review and are also available on the website. Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to approve the September 1, 2015, Regular Meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to approve the minutes of the September 23 Fall Road Tour as presented. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lynne Erickson presented the Treasurer’s financial report for the period ending September 30, 2015: Total of all accounts- $490,265.56, which includes General Fund Revenues of - $99,413.70, and Road and Bridge Fund Revenues of - $390,851.86 . Northview Bank Accounts: CD - $125,111.39 and Money Market - $64,060.14. Citizen’s National Bank Accounts: Money Market - $118,506.68, CD - $53,811.69, CD - $52,751.17, CD - $75,000.00, Checking - $1,024.49. Funds available - $183,591.31 Checks written – #3541-#3544 for expenses of $19,839.00. Motion by Irene seconded by Tony to approve the Treasurer’s report as of September30, 2015. Motion carried.
Road Report: Terry Long reported that the washouts have been repaired and they are done with mowing. They are doing normal fall maintenance.
Mr. Jacobson asked why Holly has so much washboarding in a certain area. Terry responded that more Base 1 may be needed, but this condition also relates to the amount of traffic and the speed of traffic.
Brian asked about doing brushing this year, as discussed on the road tour. Terry said that it can be done later in November and December. Brian added that areas which could become a hazard this winter should be taken care of this fall. Hunter Road needs attention at the approach to the stop sign.
Happy Drive: Irene Weis stated that our concern is whether Lake Emma Township has liability to maintain the road as it is. Kyle Hartnett, formerly with MAT, said we should designate it as a cartway. The matter was also reviewed locally by Sara Swanson, who recommended seeking specialized advice.
Cartway designation paperwork was originally drafted, but never recorded because we needed an easement from the DNR. Irene has recently spoken to Troy Gilchrist at Kennedy and Graven Law Offices. Motion by Brian seconded by Tony to refer the matter to Troy Gilchrist and Kyle Hartnett at Kennedy and Graven. Motion carried.
Half Moon West: Brian presented aerial photos of Half Moon Drive East and West at the vacated points. The Engineer’s recommended turnaround placements were superimposed onto the aerial photos. Curt Meyer will be taking a request to the DNR to add a modification to the boat landing on Half Moon West. Maintenance equipment could then use the landing area to turn. Mr. Jacobson, a resident, was interested in the plan for the turnaround.
Half Moon East: Brian will be meeting with Richard Smith and Karen Ongstadt to review the engineer’s recommendation for construction of the new turnaround. Construction would impact the Ongstadt driveway. The Township will need an easement from Richard Smith to go outside of the Township’s ROW.
Hubbard County Township Assn. Meeting Review: Three Board members not present at the September 21 meeting were updated on the following topics: MN Deer Hunter’s Assn. is looking to buy acreage from Potlatch to protect and restore wildlife habitat, Corey Aukes encouraged support for an additional officer. Enbridge is in court trying to reduce their property tax amount. By-laws were on the Agenda for revision but were not acted upon at the meeting.
Irene advised that she plans to attend workshops at the November MAT Annual Conference in Alexandria.
Concerns from the Floor: There were no Concerns from the floor.
Reminders and Correspondence: Next Hubbard County Township Assn Meeting – November 16, Farden Town Hall.
Tony requested a change of the December meeting date to December 8, when he will be back from Florida. This item will be placed on the November agenda.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.
Lake Emma Township Fall Road Tour – September 23, 2015
Supervisors Brian Behrens, Tony Platz, Irene Weis, Clerk Lynne Erickson, Treasurer Linda Ballou, Curt Meyer, WSN, and Terry Long, Long Construction, met at 3:30 PM at the Town Hall to begin the Fall Road Tour. The purpose of the Tour is to evaluate maintenance needs of Township roads.
Half Moon East: Reviewed the position of the turn-around, and determine where a relocated turn-around should be constructed. Richard Smith and Karen Ongstadt have had input into the new location. Richard Smith may be asked for a small easement to offset a turnaround to one side of the 66 ‘ ROW at a possible new location. With an easement, no trees should be disturbed. The current turn-around is located beyond the termination of the road.
Curt commented that he looked at Haakon and stated that it looked good. The DNR has not re-done the landing.
Half Moon West: Turn-around is not at the end of the vacated road. It was noted that Mr. Harmon has his sewer project completed. Property owners are requesting the turn-around be relocated. Curt Meyer has contacted the DNR, to negotiate a wider entrance to the public landing at the end of Half Moon West or adding a second entrance, which would create an area for our maintenance equipment to maneuver. Curt has not been able to reach the contact person at the DNR relative to our situation.
Green Pines Road: Reviewed the area at Vagabond Village that occasionally has an issue with the neighbor when his guests park on both sides of the road. The Board has received a request for “No Parking” signs to ease the problems.
Garnet: Curt Meyer observed that it has longitudinal cracks, indicating that the mat is weakening. There are no areas that need to be cut out and patched, just needs an overlay. The overlay should be done in 2016 or 2017.
Terry pointed out some dead trees that we might want removed this winter.
Gasparilla Drive/Loop/Trail: Estimated to be 12-13 years since construction. Gasparilla would require complete reconstruction to remain a paved road. Curt advised to reclaim and let it sit for 1-3 years, and then decide whether to leave as gravel or reconstruct. The teeth of the reclaimer would reach down and take some class 5 and mix with the asphalt. There is one residence on Gasparilla Loop and one residence on Gasparilla Trail. Best pricing will occur if we can coordinate with another reclaim project in the area.
Glacier: Observed the areas that were washed out by recent heavy rains. Needs to have some brushing done to improve site distances around curves. The brush should be ok to cut as long as it’s not over 6” diameter.
Glider: Also needs some brushing to improve site distances. Terry commented that there were ditches at one time that were not maintained, allowing the trees to grow up at the edge of the road.
We did not travel Hunter but Terry commented that Hunter had some washing on the shoulders. Repair was done after some of the more severe washouts.
Harmony: Terry pointed out a potential issue with a small culvert on Harmony that could be affected by a 30” County culvert down the line.
195th: Looked at the ditches and the template of the road. Needs brushing in a few spots.
Hartman: Pretty good shape. Won’t have issues with brush creeping in.
Intrepid: Terry pointed out some dead trees that need to be removed. Curt stated that the blacktop appears to be in pretty good condition. We may be able to delay the overlay.
Indigo: There is no rutting. There is a little bit of exposed aggregate but not a lot of longitudinal cracks. Overlay is probably 5 years out.
The Fall Road Tour concluded at 5:30 PM.
Lake Emma Town Board Minutes – September 1, 2015
Call to Order: The Regular Meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairperson, Brian Behrens with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 PM. Township officers present were: Supervisors Behrens, Irene Weis and Tony Platz; Clerk Lynne Erickson, and Treasurer Linda Ballou. Also present: Terry Long, Justin Long, and Mike Harmon.
Addition or Correction to Agenda: None.
Clerk’s Report: Minutes are distributed in advance for review and are also available on the website. Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to approve the August 4, 2015, Regular Meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Linda Ballou presented the Treasurer’s financial report for August 31, 2015: Total of all accounts- $509,090.66, which includes General Fund Revenues of - $105,103.29, and Road and Bridge Fund Revenues of - $ 403,987.37. Northview Bank Accounts: CD - $125,111.39 and Money Market - $64,049.61. Citizen’s National Bank Accounts: Money Market - $212,866.80, CD - $53,811.96, CD - $52,751.17, Checking - $500.00. Funds available - $277,416.41. Checks written – #3527-#3531 for payroll expenses of $3,578.28, and #3532-#3540 for other expenses of $15,831.40. Treasurer Ballou inquired whether the Board wished to invest available funds into a short-term CD.
Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to invest $75,000 into a 6 month CD at Citizen's National Bank Motion carried.
Motion by Brian seconded by Tony to approve the Treasurer's report as of August 31, 2015. Motion carried.
Road Report: Terry Long reported that they are doing normal summer maintenance. Spot graveling and mowing were completed on 280th. The second mowing of ditches will begin soon. They will continue with grading as the weather allows. Brian and Tony commented that it appeared some spraying had been done on Green Pines. Long Construction was not responsible for the spraying.
Brian stated he received a complaint of gravel filling a culvert on Hector. Terry asked if these small maintenance issues can be taken care of when noticed or do they have to come before the Board. Board members agreed that Long Construction should correct these issues when noticed.
The repair of the Big Sand erosion issue on Grouse seems to be holding up well.
Date for Fall Road Tour: The date for the Fall Road Tour was set for Wednesday, September 23, at 3:00 PM. The Road Tour will depart from the Town Hall. Brian will let Curt Meyer from WSN know the date.
WSN – Curt Meyer: Curt was ill and could not attend tonight's meeting.
Half Moon Drive East and West: Mike Harmon was present to ask the Board to move the turnaround on Half Moon West. Brian presented a large aerial photo of Half Moon East and West, so discussion could be visual. Curt Meyer is in agreement with surveyor Lindow, that the turnaround is not located at the end of the vacated road. Mr. Harmon identified his property line on the photo. He is having the septic system expanded this fall. It's a tiny lot and Thelen said they need the space from the vacated road ROW for the drainfield expansion. Another issue is the manhole which has been under water at times during spring runoff. Construction of a garage with living quarters is scheduled to begin soon. Brian suggested that we have WSN help correct the turnaround issue. Terry said we should have them stake the appropriate place to construct the new turnaround on both ends, and don't abandon the vacated portions until a new turnaround is in place. Long Construction’s fall schedule will include the construction of the turnaround. Mr. Harmon was assured that the Board will act quickly so his septic system project can proceed.
Happy Drive: Irene reported on her email response from Sara at Thomason Swanson and Zahn. Sara suggested consulting an attorney from the MN Association of Townships because of the uniqueness of the Happy Drive easement. The Board agreed that the road should be declared a cartway and will request direction on finalizing this matter. Irene will consult with the Association of Townships legal staff.
Concerns from the Floor: There were no concerns from the floor.
Mat District 11 Meeting: No Board Members attended the meeting.
Correspondence and Reminders:
Next Hubbard County Township Assn. Meeting: Monday, Sept 21– Badoura Twp. – 7:30 PM
MN Fall Maintenance Expo – October 7-8, St. Cloud.
Adjournment: Motion by Tony to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:02 PM.
Lake Emma Town Board Minutes – August 4, 2015
Call to Order: The Regular Meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairperson, Brian Behrens with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:15 P.M. Township officers present were: Supervisors Behrens, Irene Weis and Tony Platz; Clerk Lynne Erickson, and Treasurer Linda Ballou. Also present: Terry Long, Mike Vold, Von Vold, Steve Drange, Scott Ballou, MaJeana Hallstrom, Diane Vinge, Barbara Balas.
Addition or Correction to Agenda: Chairperson Behrens added: Road Projects--Curt Meyer, WSN, to be discussed after Long Construction Road Report.
Clerk’s Report: Minutes are distributed in advance for review and are also available on the website. Motion by Brian seconded by Tony to approve the July 7, 2015, Regular Meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Linda Ballou presented the Treasurer’s financial report for the period ending July 31, 2015: Total of all accounts- $534,665.31, which includes General Fund Revenues of - $104,718.22, and Road and Bridge Fund Revenues of - $429,947.09 . Northview (State) Bank Accounts: CD - $124,906.75 and Money Market - $64,038.73. Citizen’s National Bank Accounts: Money Market - $238,791.10, CD - $53,743.96, CD - $52,684.77, Checking - $500.00. Funds available - $303,329.83 Checks written – #3524-#3526 for expenses of $26,386.50 (includes bank debit for a $4.00 deposit book). The Itasca-Mantrap monthly bill and the Northview Bank Statements are being returned by the Post Office, when addressed to the PO Box of Treasurer, Linda Ballou. The Postmaster suggested the Township have its own individual PO Box. Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to authorize rental of a PO Box in Park Rapids. Motion carried.
Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to accept the Treasurer's report as presented. Motion carried.
Road Report: Terry Long reported they are doing normal summer maintenance. The Ginger and Get-Around graveling projects have been completed. There has been tree removal due to high winds. 280Th, a minimum maintenance road, needs graveling in a few spots, which will be done when mowing. The south end of Holly is washboarding.
Curt Meyer, WSN: Curt presented cost estimates for CIP projects. Garnet and Intrepid are the two projects next in line. It doesn't make sense to do the projects this summer as costs are high. WSN is seeing asphalt bids at $65 to $85/ton. Curt used the $85 figure on the estimates. The estimates also show a 10% contingency–for budgeting purposes. The numbers presented are the worst case scenario. When paved roads start to go, they go fast, so it's better to do the overlay on Garnet and Intrepid soon rather than risk having to do total reconstruction.
Gasparilla will probably be a total reconstruction or a reclaim, not an overlay. As it is right now, it's not an unsafe road to drive, so we can leave it for a couple of years. The base is bad, but more crack sealer would keep water out of the cracks and extend the life.
Project costs will also depend upon whether other large construction projects are scheduled locally.
Glider Drive: Residents approached the Board in response to the Spring Road Tour review, and the possible removal of trees. As the minutes of the Road Tour stated, Glider is narrow and trees encroach upon the driving width. A recommendation was made to begin cutting back the trees on the tax-forfeited lands, which border the roadway.
Brian assured residents that there is no current plan to begin tree removal on Glider. Road safety, sun exposure, site lines, snow storage area, are all aspects the Board must consider. Residents want to be part of the plan if any trees are to be eliminated. Terry replied that as the roads come up for maintenance, that's the time to remove some trees and dig some ditches. If road crews can't get the snow pushed back, they have to bring in more equipment. Glider is probably due for gravel soon and that is the time for some shaping and grading. Irene stated that before we do anything, we would create a plan. Snow storage issues are all the way through, not just on the tax forfeited areas.
Board members and residents identified the tax forfeited lands on a map, so everyone was familiar with the areas. Tony said we should do a walk through with the residents on the Fall Road Tour to examine aspects of the road. Residents are afraid that speed will increase if the road is widened. To do any tree removal on the tax forfeited land, we will have to work with the County also.
Happy Drive: No word from Sara at Thomason Law Office.
Half Moon East and Half Moon West: Brian stated that he reviewed the Order of Vacation. According to Kevin Lindow, the surveyor, the 213 feet shown on an aerial photo of Half Moon East is where the road should have ended. Instead, the Township has continued to maintain it beyond that point, to the turn around. There are two questions for the Board to consider: Does the Board want to move the turn-around and if so, what location would be agreeable to everyone. Karen Ongstadt, one of the property affected if the turn-around is moved, originally wanted it moved to the east of the driveway to her garage, making her property more private. This may not be where she still wants it. If moving the turnaround will create a buildable lake lot, the Township would also benefit by an increase in tax revenue. Terry stated that it makes no difference to Long Construction where the turnaround is located. The Board will continue working with the property owners to determine satisfactory location. Brian noted that we have not had any verification of the surveyor's presentation from the Township's perspective. Irene will ask Sara if the law office has any information on the vacation. Brian will talk to Widseth and Kevin Lindow..
Mark Harmon, Half Moon West, contacted Brian. He is requesting, since the vacation of the road is now obvious, to put in a more aesthetically pleasing fence – so no one parks on his septic system. The Board's main concern is that he doesn't put his fence in a manner that will interfere with the turnaround. The turnaround is the end of the road.
There was a brief discussion of the Township Association meeting in Arago Township.
Correspondence and Reminders: 1) District 11 meeting on Wed., Aug. 26, WalkerCommunity Center,2) Next Township Assn. meeting is Sept 21, Badoura Township, 3) Payroll information to be submitted by Aug. 24th.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.
Lake Emma Town Board Minutes – July 7, 2015
Call to Order: The Regular Meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairperson, Brian Behrens with the Pledge of Allegiance. Township officers present were: Supervisors Behrens, Irene Weis and Tony Platz; Clerk Lynne Erickson, and Treasurer Linda Ballou. Also present: Terry Long, Mike Vold, Steve Drange, Paul Nelson, Lynda Meyer and Deputy Dan Kruchowski (arriving at 8:00).
Addition or Correction to Agenda: Clerk Erickson advised that Curt Meyer, from Widseth, Smith and Nolting, will not be attending this meeting. Agenda Item #5 was deleted.
Clerk’s Report: Minutes are distributed in advance for review and are also available on the website. Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to approve the June 2, 2015, Regular Meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Linda Ballou presented the Treasurer’s financial report for the period ending June 30, 2015: Total of all accounts- $382,278.89, which includes General Fund Revenues of - $70,981.10, and Road and Bridge Fund Revenues of - $311,297.79 . Northview (State) Bank Accounts: CD - $124,906.75 and Money Market - $64,027.85. Citizen’s National Bank Accounts: Money Market - $86,415.56, CD - $53,743.96, CD - $52,684.70, Checking - $500.00. Funds available - $150,943.41 Checks written – #3519-#3523 for expenses of $40,013.55. It was noted that first-half tax revenues of $190,013.81 were received and deposited in July. With approval of the June 2 minutes, the safe deposit box will be accessible by the Treasurer. Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to approve the Treasurer’s report as of June 30, 2015. Motion carried.
Road Report: Other than the normal blading, Intrepid and Harbor projects were completed, with Base 1 on Intrepid. The next projects would be Ginger and Get-Around. Brian asked about mowing, and the grass and gravel left on the Green Pines roadway. Tony asked about Holly, Terry replied that it’s holding up pretty good. There is some washboarding, but pretty good overall. Brian stated he received a call on Harbor Trail. Discussion followed regarding a couple of issues on Harbor. Irene showed photos and reported that the erosion on Big Sand has been addressed by Long Construction. Foot traffic has diminished slightly and hopefully, established grass will reduce the erosion.
Richard Smith re: Turn-Around on Half Moon Drive: Mr. Smith recently purchased property abutting Half Moon Drive and had it surveyed. According to the Surveyor's map, the turn-around is in the wrong place and impacts the lakeshore. The reason Mr. Smith appeared before the Board is that he has had inquiries about purchasing of some of the lakeshore property. He is willing to trade other property to relocate the turnaround and get the matter resolved. According to Terry Long, the turn-around was created by widening the road just before the vacated portion. This issue will be examined by Board members, who will review the paperwork from the time the road was vacated.
Tree Removal for a Safety issue: Brian presented a followup on research from Minnesota Assn. of Townships regarding the removal of trees when there is a safety issue. The Township has more leeway when removing trees from platted lands than unplatted lands.
Happy Drive Cartway Progress—Follow-up on whether the Township’s has an obligation to do maintenance on Happy Drive: Irene met with Sarah at the Thomason Law Office regarding the status of the road when it was established. Sarah reviewed the original file, but found no answers in the file. There has been no additional follow-up, as the Law firm was in the process of moving their offices. Irene reviewed the email from MAT regarding a cartway, which stated that the road can be claimed a cartway, and would require minimal maintenance. It is recorded as a R-O-W easement. The residents, at the time it was established, did not want the roadway built to township road standards. When the DNR sold the lots, they did not do the proper paperwork, leaving the matter up to the Township to provide access to the lots.
Big Sand Erosion issue—Irene updated the erosion issue on Big Sand, and the heaving culvert on Grouse – neither repair needs a permit from the County. Once the new grass is established, the water is going to be diverted. Regrouting the riprap probably wouldn't help. Irene asked Brian, from Hubbard County Environment Dept., to inspect the two areas. Regarding the Grouse Road culvert issue, Terry said they need to subcut underneath the culvert and put some granular, rock or sand below to prevent freeze/thaw cycle. There may be other permits needed, other than County.
Resignation of Deputy Treasurer—Nancy Bogaard resigned by email effective immediately. Linda Ballou appointed Lynda Meyer to the position of Deputy Treasurer.
Concerns from the Floor-- Garnet residents spoke to the speed issue. Mike Vold stated that a 15 MPH speed limit is the way to prevent accidents. They are concerned about tree removal and the beauty of the road.
Paul Nelson asked how to get “no parking” signs on both sides of the road across from and in front of his Green Pines home. When the cars are parked on both sides of the road for long periods (holiday weekends, etc), the driving width of the road and the sight distance are impacted. There is a safety issue, but there is little the Sheriff's Dept. can do about the situation. It was explained that there is a procedure to follow before signs can be installed. When the signs are installed, the County can enforce and tow for infractions. Brian will call the Sheriff and identify the procedure to follow for installing the signs.
Correspondence and Reminders: The next Township Assn. meeting will be held in Arago Township, on Monday, July 20, 2015.
Tony stated that a presenter at the Summer Short Course encouraged Townships to have all documents located at the Town Hall, not in officer’s homes.
Irene will be purchasing a printer to replace the Town Hall printer.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Lake Emma Town Board Minutes – June 2, 2015
Call to Order: The Regular Meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairperson, Brian Behrens with the Pledge of Allegiance. Township officers present were: Supervisors Behrens, Irene Weis and Tony Platz; Clerk Lynne Erickson, and Treasurer Linda Ballou. Also present: Terry Long and Justin Long.
Addition or Correction to Agenda: Treasurer Ballou advised the Board that Citizen’s National Bank would not accept the official Election Results (Canvass) as verification of her position as Treasurer. At present, only Nancy Bogaard has authorized access to the Township’s Safe Deposit Box at the bank. The Bank is requesting a motion stating the names of officials authorized to access to the Safe Deposit Box. Because this was not a scheduled Agenda item, the matter was considered at this time.
Motion by Brian seconded by Tony to authorize Brian Behrens, Tony Platz, Irene Weis, Linda Ballou and Lynne Erickson to sign the bank authorization card for access to the Safe Deposit Box. Motion carried.
Clerk’s Report: Minutes are distributed in advance for review and are also available on the website. Motion by Brian seconded by Tony to approve the May 5, 2015, Regular Meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to approve the May 21, 2015, Spring Road Tour minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Linda Ballou presented the Treasurer’s report for May 31, 2015: Total of all accounts- $412,864.92, which includes General Fund Revenues of - $73,427.40, and Road and Bridge Fund Revenues of - $ 339, 437.52. State Bank Accounts: CD - $124,898.02 and Money Market - $64,018.20. Citizen’s National Bank Accounts: Money Market - $117,019.97, CD - $53,743.96, CD - $52,684.77, Checking - $500.00. Funds available - $181,538.17. Checks written – #3505-#3518 for expenses of $30,630.46. It was noted earlier in the meeting, that the June Long Construction check was inadvertently missed on the claims. The check was drafted during the meeting. Motion by Tony seconded by Brian to approve the Treasurer’s report as of May 31, 2015 as adjusted for the Long Construction disbursement. Motion carried.
Road Report: Terry Long reported that they are doing normal summer maintenance. Tony received a call on Holly and another call was received on Intrepid regarding the condition of those roads. In both cases, the complainants called back thanking the crews for their response. The worst of the Base 1 roads are now packed back in. Irene brought forward an issue on Big Sand at the landing culvert/bridge over the canal. Erosion exists on the channel side-the west side toward Lake Ida. There is a stone and cement structure to control the erosion, but it is failing. Irene called the County Engineer, and the DNR to find where the responsibility lies for addressing the erosion. She will call the County Zoning to determine if we can we do anything that close to the water. Terry suggested putting topsoil in, seeding it, and straw mulch over it. There is lots of foot traffic right there and the grouted riprap currently does not channel the runoff as it was intended.
Terry’s report included a listing of priority road work as observed on the Spring Road Tour, and the approximate cost of the graveling improvements:
Harbor - 550 yds gravel/$8750, approximate.
Get-Around - 700 yds gravel/$10,670, approximate. Get-Around and Ginger should be done together.
Ginger - 450 yds gravel/$7,520, approximate.
Glider - $18,000-$20,000, approximate. Middle section reshaping only, or gravel the whole thing. Just the middle section would be equivalent to the Intrepid project.
First ½ mile Intrepid - 900 yds gravel/$14,950. Approximate. Base 1 is not included in the cost, but would be approximately $1700. Recommend doing Intrepid first—Easier to do Base 1 early in the spring.
Spot graveling on 280th
Board members agreed that these improvements should begin: Intrepid, Harbor, Get-Around, Ginger and the repair on Big Sand erosion issue, if the County approves. Irene will make contact with the appropriate agencies regarding the erosion issue and the culvert that is heaving across Grouse Road, and report to Brian, who will then call Curt Meyer.
Ken Grob: Irene reported that the tree on the Rindal property, near Ken’s driveway cannot be removed without permission. Irene stated that the 6 inch rule still applies even if it is a safety issue. Terry Long, however, believes that the rule does not apply to dedicated R-O-W, which this is. More research will be done on this issue. Brian will call MAT to determine if a safety issue would alter the 6” rule and whether the platted ROW makes a difference to our authority in such matters.
Happy Drive: Irene reported on her email from Kyle Hartnett, MAT attorney, that the portion of Happy Drive at issue, because of a request for a culvert, should be considered a cartway and that the Township does not have an obligation to install a culvert. A sewer pipe has been installed by the residents for drainage. The township has some ownership in the road because it invested money in the road.
Motion by Tony seconded by Brian to start the legal process of changing Happy Drive to a cartway. Motion carried. Irene will work on this.
Concerns from the Floor: There were no concerns from the floor.
Minnesota State Demographer: The 2014 population and household estimates were presented. The April 1, 2014 population estimate is 976, compared with the prior year’s estimate of 981. The April 1, 2014 household estimate is 443, compared with the prior year’s estimate of 445.
Town Hall printer: The printer has been a problem for the past couple of years. At this time, the Clerk and Treasurer would like to meet at the Town Hall to prepare for the monthly meetings, but a dependable printer is needed. Irene Weis volunteered, with the Board’s consent, to purchase a new printer for the Town Hall.
Correspondence and Reminders:
Next Hubbard County Township Assn. Meeting: Monday, July 20 – Arago Twp. – 7:30 PM
Couri & Ruppe, PLLP – Advertisement/Proposal for Services/Legal Seminars
Summer Short Courses – Wednesday, June 24 Walker
Motion by Tony to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:05.
SPRING ROAD TOUR – Thursday, May 21, 3:30 PM
The Spring Road Tour left from the Town Hall at 3:30 PM. Present were supervisors Brian Behrens, Tony Platz, and Irene Weis, Clerk, Lynne Erickson and Treasurer, Linda Ballou, and Terry Long, Long Construction. The following roads were inspected, with conditions and recommendations noted.
Happy Drive – Residents have installed a sewer pipe, instead of a culvert, in an effort to control drainage. Drainage issues were brought to the Board in 2014. The Township cannot perform any maintenance until the ownership of the road is clarified. Irene has been researching the history of this former DNR road.
Intrepid Road –From County Road 4 to Intrepid Trail was upgraded in 2010 with gravel and Base 1. Intrepid is a high traffic road and therefore, needs repairs sooner than other roads. Terry recommends that we add 3” of gravel and Base 1 from County Road 4 to Intrepid Trail. A crack in the roadside near the Stocking/Lower Bottle culvert was reviewed.
Harbor—Hasn’t been graveled since it was rebuilt in 2008. It’s in good shape but due for graveling.
Hartman—Hartman is holding up very well.
280th—This is a minimum maintenance road which is graded a few times a year, mowed and the rockier spots filled in. Part of 280th is private. Connects to Holly. Terry suggested putting some gravel down but not the entire road.
Holly—The regularly maintained part of Holly has some washouts. It was upgraded 3-4 years ago and had additional gravel last year. Holly, on the west end of Pickeral is in pretty good condition after the work last year. This is the 2nd most traveled road after Intrepid.
270th— Has Base 1 all the way back.
Garnet—Garnet hasn’t changed much since last year. It has been probably 25 years since construction, but is in much better shape than Gasparilla. It is nearing time for an overlay before it deteriorates too much.
Gasparilla—Gasparilla Trail is the worst part. Gasparilla Loop needed lots of crackfill, too. This road is probably 15 years old. Chip sealing may extend the life up to 10 years or repaving could extend it up to 15 years. Gasparilla has structural issues.
Hunter—The culvert washes out in one area. Terry recommends cutting a few trees, create ditches below the road level, and slope the bank. Terry volunteered to speak to the landowner to see if he would be agreeable to the work.
Haywood Drive—Has very little traffic, but needs gravel. A resident uses the turnaround for a burn pile causing problems for maintenance.
250th—A small portion is in Mantrap township, which is maintained by Lake Emma Township, per a cooperative agreement. No concerns on this road.
Get Around—Not a Base 1. The last upgrade was 2008 and needs to be re-graveled. Ginger should be done at the same time up to the turnaround--.2 of a mile. A portion of Get-Around is included in a Maintenance Agreement with Mantrap Township.
Ginger— It needs to be graveled.
Glider Drive—Much of the abutting land is tax-forfeited. It is a hazardous road as trees are edging up to the road. There is a fair amount of traffic and site distances are an issue. Terry recommends beginning on the tax forfeited part, by taking the trees and creating a 12-15’ recovery zone on the outside of the shoulders for snow storage. Then gravel.
Glacier— The road is in good condition.
Grouse—A culvert has heaved and created a bump across the entire road, likely due to the freeze/thaw cycle. There is not much fill above it. Terry recommended excavating below the depth of the culvert and fill with rock. Then raise the elevation of the road. There is a driveway that would be negatively impacted by raising the elevation.
The Spring Road Tour ended at the Town Hall at approximately 5:30 PM.
Call to Order: The Regular Meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairperson, Brian Behrens with the Pledge of Allegiance. Township officers present were: Supervisors Behrens, Irene Weis and Tony Platz, Clerk Lynne Erickson and Treasurer Linda Ballou. Also present: Bob Berdahl, Terry Long and Justin Long.
Addition or Correction to Agenda: (#6) Clerk Erickson advised that Curt Meyer would not be attending the meeting. (#7) Irene Weis added that she has a sample “Rustic Road” (designation) Resolution as part of the Happy Drive matter.
Clerk’s Report: Since a quorum of Supervisors was unavailable for the April 7, 2015 meeting, there are no minutes to approve for that date. The March 3, 2015 minutes are scheduled for approval. Minutes are distributed in advance for review and are available on the website. Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to approve the March 3, 2015 Regular Meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Linda Ballou presented the Treasurer’s reports for March 31, 2015 and April 30, 2015. March 31: Total of all accounts- $498,145.60, including General Fund Revenues of - $113,386.13 and Road and Bridge Fund Revenues of - $384,759.47. State Bank Accounts: CD - $124,639.69 and Money Market - $64,007.85. Citizen’s National Bank Accounts: Money Market - $202,275.03, CD - $53,678.52, CD - $52,620.62, Checking - $923.89. Funds available - $267,206.77. Checks written – 3490, 3493-3499 for expenses of $48,736.32. Motion by Brian seconded by Tony to approve the Treasurer’s report as of March 31, 2015. Motion carried.
April 30: Total of all accounts- $452,175.91, including General Fund Revenues of - $183,427.42 and Road and Bridge Fund Revenues of - $268,748.49. State Bank Accounts: CD - $124,639.69 and Money Market - $64,013.11. Citizen’s National Bank Accounts: Money Market - $156,723.97, CD - $53,678.52, CD - $52,620.62, Checking - $500.00. Funds available - $221,237.08. Checks written – 3500-3504 for expenses of $39,749.33. Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to approve the Treasurer’s report as of April 30, 2015. Motion carried.
Treasurer Ballou notified the Board that the 24-month State Bank CD matures on May 23, 2015. With potential increases in rates and the need to access funds for road improvements in 2016, a change in term was discussed. Also, it was noted that we now have checks for the State Bank Money Market. Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to reinvest the State Bank CD for a one year term. Motion carried. It was suggested that the Clerk and Chairman inventory the Safe Deposit Box at Citizen’s Bank and to advise banks to hold CD documents.
Road Report: Terry Long reported that the crackfilling is complete and that the amount of crackfiller he ordered for Lake Emma Township was very accurate. They have graded several times, unplugged the culvert on Intrepid between Stocking and Lower Bottle. Gasparilla showing more cracks than expected, possibly due to little snow cover.
Happy Drive: Larry Hetrick’s recent request for the Town Board to address drainage issues on Happy Drive, has created uncertainty regarding the maintenance of the road. Irene Weis reported on her research. She spoke with Mark Carlstrom, DNR and obtained a copy of the recorded Right-of Way Easement from the Hubbard County Recorder. Happy Drive is a 33-foot Right-of-way Easement transferred by the DNR to Lake Emma Township in 2011 to grant access to the parties along the road, which would allow the parties to obtain mortgages necessary to repair tornado damage. Since Happy Drive was not constructed to township standards at the request of the parties, Lake Emma Township has not maintained Happy Drive. Irene is reviewing the file to determine what if any agreement was made at the time regarding ongoing maintenance. She suggested that given the circumstances, a Rustic Road designation might be appropriate. This designation requires little on-going maintenance and reduces the township’s liability. Mark Carlstrom, DNR has offered to supply a culvert. Irene will contact MAT for their input on the Rustic Road Designation. She also will contact Thomason, Swanson, Zahn for a review of their file with respect to the township’s duty for maintenance.
Healthy Lakes Grants: Bob Berdahl presented a report showing the plan for 2015 area lake inspections as compared to 2014. The number of hours invested in the program will increase by approximately 50 %. A state grant will cover half of the cost, with local grants funding the rest. Lake Emma grant requests totaled $13,100, but approved funding from Lake Emma Township is $10,000. The Healthy Lakes Grant Committee approved grant awards as follows: Blue Lake-$1000, ESBottle-$1000, Big Sand-$3500, Little Sand-$1500, Potato-$3000. All contracts were received except Blue Lake, which will be submitted very soon. Motion by Irene seconded by Tony that the Lake Emma Healthy Lake Partnership Grant of $10,000 be divided among the 5 Lake Emma Lake Associations per the committee recommendation. Motion carried. The $10,000 check to the SWCD will be held until the contract from Blue Lake is received. Bob also stated that it is encouraged for more lakes to be involved, especially for early detection.
Concerns from the Floor: There were no concerns.
Spring Road Tour Date: Date was set for the road tour on Thursday, May 21 at 3:30 PM. Meet at theTown Hall. Terry Long cited some specific issues to be observed on the Road Tour.
Spring Short Course Discussion: Clerk Erickson had concerns about the division of duties of the Clerk and Treasurer. According to Holly Klankowski, presenter at the Spring Short Course, the Clerk’s responsibility is to prepare claims & disburse funds and the Treasurer is to receipt funds. At the present time, the Lake Emma Clerk and Treasurer are working together on the disbursements. Both Clerk and Treasurer are learning the procedures in the new CTAS software. Checks and balances are in place as the Clerk and Treasurer are coordinating on receipts and disbursements, and thereby cross-training also.
Plant Pest/Noxious Weed Seminar: Irene Weis attended. No new information was presented.
Henrietta Township Survey – Proposed Long Lake to Mantrap Transmission Upgrade: The Board was interested in the purpose of the survey and why Henrietta Township is sending the survey. Brian clarified that Henrietta Township is helping Great River Energy with the permitting process. The new line will bring a better energy supply to this area. Board members had no input for the survey. The survey form will be answered “No Comment” and send in.
Correspondence and Reminders:
Board of Appeal and Equalization, Thursday, May 7 – 9 AM
Hubbard County Township Assn. meeting at Helga Township, Monday May 18 -7:30 PM. Meet at the Town Hall-6:40.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.
The April 7, 2015 Regular Meeting of the Lake Emma Board of Supervisors was canceled due to lack of quorum.
Lake Emma Township Annual Meeting Minutes - March 10, 2015
The Lake Emma Township Annual Meeting was called to order by Clerk, Lynne Erickson at 7 PM, with the Pledge of Allegiance. Fifteen township residents were in attendance.
Nominations for moderator were opened. Motion by Tony Platz seconded by Wayne Swanson to nominate Jeff Adolphson. There were no other nominations. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Moderator Adolphson asked for any changes to the agenda. No changes were brought forward.
Minutes of the March 11, 2014 Annual Meeting were read by the Clerk. Motion by Dan Kittleson seconded by Wayne Swanson to approve the minutes as read. Motion carried.
A summary Board of Audit report was presented by the Clerk. Beginning balance of all accounts on 1-1-2014 was 469,998.54 and the ending total of all accounts on 12-31-2014 was $506,409.71. Activity for the General Fund, including Money Markets, Checking and CD’s was: beginning balance of $138,814.84, income and interest $98,200.31 and disbursements of $101,034.56 creating an ending balance of $135,980.59. Activity for the Road and Bridge Fund including Money Markets, Checking and CD’s was: beginning balance of $329,183.70, income and Interest $279,535.36, and disbursements of $238,289.94 creating an ending balance of $370,429.12. Motion by Jennifer Therkilsen seconded by Dan Kittilson to approve the Board of Audit report as presented. Motion carried.
Brian Behrens presented the Road Report. The township has 32.84 miles of roads, of which approximately11 miles are paved. The general maintenance was done. 195th to 250th was re- graveled . Part of Intrepid was graveled and Base 1 added, and Holly, from 270th to the other side of the lake was re-graveled and Base 1 added.
Lake Emma Township participated in a joint venture with Arago Township in 2014. Haakon Drive to the Potato Lake access was paved, and Lake Emma Township shared the cost of engineering. They secured grants to do the rest of it. This portion of Haakon and a portion of Garnet are on the boundary of both townships, with Arago Township maintaining Haakin Drive, and Lake Emma Township maintaining the end of Garnet Drive. Agreements were drawn up to 1) identify the joint cost share components of the Haakon Drive project, and 2) the future maintenance responsibility of each Township for the two shared roads.
Garnet and the paved portion of Intrepid and Indigo are scheduled to be resurfaced within the next 3 years. Gasparilla will be monitored for premature deterioration.
Motion by Wayne Swanson, seconded by Tony Platz to approve the road report. Motion carried.
The Township Board voted to spend not less than $10,000 on 2016 Healthy Lakes Grants. Dan Kittilson reviewed the Healthy Lakes Grant Program. Three reports were presented showing data relating to the 2014 inspection season, the 2015 proposed plan, how the inspections will be funded and a history of the Healthy Lakes Partnership Grant Program 2009—2015. Lake Emma Township grant contribution for payable 2015 is $10,000. Inspection hours will increase in 2015 thanks to State Grant funding.
Dan stated that Lake Emma Township has been very supportive throughout the existence of the Healthy Lakes Grant Program. Tony Platz expressed how fortunate Lake Emma Township is to have the leadership and expertise of Dan Kittilson, Bob Berdahl and Ken Grob to organize and oversee the Healthy Lakes Partnership Grant Program.
General Levy needs were reviewed by Brian Behrens. Since 2008, the General Fund levy has remained at $95,000. The Township Board, at its March 3, 2015 meeting voted to recommend keeping the General Fund levy at $95,000. The fire contract, Healthy Lakes Grants , Assessor, Cemetery, Township Officials wages, and contributions are the majority of General Fund expenditures. The reserve in the General Fund has been reduced each year for the past several years. Fire contract cost has increased about $4,000 from pay 2014 to pay 2015. Motion by Wayne Swanson seconded by Jennifer Therkilsen to set the payable 2016 General Fund Levy at $95,000. Motion carried.
From 2008 to 2011, the Road and Bridge Levy was set at $ 275,000. In 2012, it went to $255,000, 2013, to $190,000 and in 2014 and 2015, it was set at $250,000.
Three re-paving projects are recommended to be completed in the next three years at a cost of approximately $438,000. The life span of these paved roads is approximately 20 years, and they are reaching that life expectency. The cost of resurfacing Garnet is estimated at $230,000. The paved portion of Intrepid is estimated at $69,000, and the Indigo estimate is $139,000. In preparation for the cost of these improvements, the Township Board voted at its March 3, 2015 meeting to recommend a 2016 Road and Bridge levy of $300,000. Although a reserve currently exists in the Road and Bridge Fund, it is inadequate to fund the projects, and the Township would like to maintain a 1-year emergency reserve. Motion by Wayne Swanson seconded by Dan Kittilson to set the Road and Bridge Levy at $300,000. Motion carried.
Ten organizations requested financial support from Lake Emma Township. Each presenter was allowed 5 minutes to address their request. At its March 3, 2015 meeting, the Board voted to limit financial assistance to a maximum of 7% or $6,650 of the General Fund Budget. The final decision of monetary awards will be made by the Town Board. The following actions occurred with respect to each request:
• The Lakes Area Dive Team: Steve Blanchard, presenter. Motion by Steve Blanchard seconded by Dan Kittilson, $400 to The Dive Team. Motion carried.
• Hubbard 1st Response and Rescue: Curt Eischens, presenter. Motion by Irene Weis seconded by Scott Ballou, $2000 to Hubbard 1st Response and Rescue. Motion carried.
• Park Rapids Area Library: No presenter. Motion by Irene Weis seconded by Dorothy Platz, $1500 to Park Rapids Area Library. Motion carried.
• Headwaters Center for Lifelong Learning: Dorothy Platz, presenter. Motion by Tony Platz seconded by Wayne Swanson, $200 to Headwaters Center for Lifelong Learning. Motion carried.
• Living at Home of the Park Rapids Area: In the absence of a presenter, Tony Platz and Wayne Swanson reviewed aspects of the organization. Motion by Wayne Swanson seconded by Dorothy Platz, $600 to Living at Home of the Park Rapids Area. Motion carried.
• Headwaters Animal Shelter: No presenter. Motion by Irene Weis seconded by Dan Kittilson $200 to Headwaters Animal Shelter. Motion carried.
• Support Within Reach, Sexual Violence Resource Center: No presenter. Irene Weis spoke of the organization. Motion by Jennifer Therkilsen seconded by Dorothy Platz, $200 to Support within Reach. Motion carried.
• Hubbard County Historical Society and Museum: No presenter. Motion by Tony Platz seconded by Irene Weis, $100 to Hubbard County Historical Society and Museum. Motion carried.
• Kinship of the Park Rapids Area: Jennifer Therkilsen, presenter. Motion by Wayne Swanson seconded by Tony Platz, $1500 to Kinship of the Park Rapids Area. Motion carried.
Motion by Tony Platz seconded by Steve Blanchard to confirm the tentative support amounts, except reduce Headwaters Animal Shelter funding to $150 to meet the maximum set by the Township Board. Motion carried.
There were no further actions for Lake Emma Township as provided in MS §365.10, Subd. 1-18.
Dan Kittilson asked if the Township would be receptive to a second decontamination station for boats to be located at the Township Hall site. Jeff was fairly certain that an outside hydrant was installed at the well site when the well was put in. Attendees felt the issue should be brought before the Board at a regular meeting.
Motion by Dan Kittilson seconded by Tony Platz to set the next Annual Meeting for Tuesday, March 8, 2016 – 7 PM, Town Hall. Motion carried.
The Board of Appeal and Equalization will be held on Thursday, May 7, 9:00 AM at the Town Hall.
Motion by Wayne Swanson seconded by Jennifer Therkilson to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.
Lake Emma Township Board Minutes
March 3, 2015
Call to Order:
The Regular meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board of Supervisors was
called to order at 7:04 by Chair, Brian Behrens, with the Pledge of
Allegiance. Township officers present were Supervisors Behrens, Irene
Weis and Tony Platz, Clerk, Lynne Erickson, and Treasurer, Linda Ballou.
Also present were Justin Long, Bob Berdahl and Dan Kittilson, Michelle
Lommel from Great River Energy, Larry Hetrick and Sergeant Dan
Addition or Correction to Agenda:
Clerk’s Report:
Board members received the minutes of the February 3, 2015 Regular
meeting, and Board of Audit in advance for review. They are also found
on the Township website. Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to approve
the minutes of the Regular meeting and Board of Audit held on February
3, 2015. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer, Linda Ballou gave the Treasurer’s report as of February 28,
2015. Total of all accounts - $482,789.43. Of that amount, General
Fund balance is $116,287.03 and Road and Bridge Fund balance is
$366,502.40. State Bank Accounts: CD - $124,398.05 and Money Market -
$64,002.24; Citizen’s National Bank Accounts: Money Market -
$187,498.93, CD - $52,620.62, CD – 53,678.52, Checking - $591.07. Funds
Available: $252,092.24. Vouchers for payment: #3472. #3478 - #3489.
Motion by Irene seconded by Tony to approve the Treasurer’s report as
presented. Motion carried.
Road Report:
Justin Long, Long Construction stated that plowing and sanding was the
majority of the monthly activity.
Great River Energy:
Michelle Lommel, Great River Energy Senior Field Representative, was
present to notify Board members of a transmission line upgrade in Lake
Emma Township. Proposed is a rebuild to an existing 34.5 kilovolt line
between Great River Energy’s Long Lake Substation and I-M’s Mantrap
substation. It will be replaced with a new 115 kV and 115/34.5 kV
transmission line. The existing 34.5 kV Mantrap substation will be
converted to 115 kV. Construction of the project is scheduled to begin
Tony questioned efforts of Itasca-Mantrap to conserve energy. Tony
Nelson, Itasca-Mantrap Engineering and Operations Manager responded that
many conservation programs are mandated. I-M will furnish Supervisor
Platz with 5 years of usage history.
WSN Project Bid Results:
Curt Meyers reported via email that changing gas prices are not
currently having an impact on bid prices. Paving costs are similar or
slightly higher than last year. He recommends that Lake Emma Township
proceed with road projects in the 2016 construction season. Curt will
be present at the April meeting.
Concerns from the Floor:
Larry Hetrick was present to address the issue of installing a culvert
on Happy Drive. The matter was brought to the Board earlier and the
area reviewed on the Fall Road Tour. Board members advised that the
road belongs to the property owners, and not the Township. Irene will
check with Hubbard County to confirm the ownership and respond to Mr.
Hetrick. Mr. Hetrick will appear at the April meeting.
Sergeant Dan Kruchowski, was present to respond to any questions from
the Board. Oakley, the canine officer for the Sheriff’s Dept, and the
area Meth problems were discussed.
Healthy Lakes Grant:
Dan Kittilson and Bob Berdahl were present to address the proposed 2016
Healthy Lakes Grant. Discussion centered upon the timing for approval
of the Healthy Lakes Grant amount. Dan also stated that there is State
legislation being considered to repeal County funding for this purpose.
Bob recommended that funding remain at $10,000 for 2016.
by Irene seconded by Tony to fund the Healthy Lakes program at no less
than $10,000 in 2016. Motion carried.
Dan Kittilson will be at the April 7 meeting to present the Lake
Association grant awards and to get the contracts signed.
Deputy Clerk and Deputy Treasurer Appointments
: Board members were advised of the following appointments:
appointment: Deputy Clerk-- Marianne Potratz
appointment: Deputy Treasurer—Nancy Bogaard
Annual Meeting Discussion:
2016 Levy recommendations were considered. With the prospect of road
improvements coming in 2016, the Road and Bridge Fund levy may need to
be increased. Current Road and Bridge revenues alone are not sufficient
to fund road improvements, operations, and maintain a recommended
reserve. The General Fund has no foreseeable increase necessary.
Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to recommend a 2016 Road and Bridge
Fund levy of $300,000 and a General Fund levy of $95,000 for the Annual
Last year’s moderator, Jeff Adolphson, will be contacted to see if he’s
willing to moderate this year’s Annual Meeting.
10 organizations have requested consideration at the Annual meeting for
Township support. Board members agreed that the maximum expenditure for
all funding requests will remain at 7% of the General Fund levy.
Sentencing to Service Contract:
Emma Township contracts with Hubbard County Sentencing to Service
program, managed by Randy Griess, for the mowing of the cemetery and the
Town Hall property. A statement was presented in the amount of
$1,996.00 for the maintenance services in 2014. The Sentencing to
Service program allows sentenced inmates to work in the community. The
community and the detainees both benefit from the program. The board
determined that the cost was comparable to private enterprise.
by Brian seconded by Tony to authorize reimbursement of $1,996.00 to
Sentencing to Service. Motion carried.
Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to contract with Sentencing to Service
for maintenance of Cemetery and Town Hall grounds in 2015. Motion
Correspondence and Reminders:
Next Hubbard County Township Meeting - Hart Lake Township,
March 16, 2015 - 7:30 PM
Annual Meeting - Tuesday, March 10, 2015- 7 PM
Spring Short Course-Apr 1-Walker, On-Site Registration Only,
Board of Appeal & Equalization: Thursday, May 7, 2015 - 9
Thank you from: Headwaters Center for Lifelong Learning,
Meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M.
Lake Emma Township Board Minutes – February 3, 2015
Call to Order: The Regular meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 7:05 by Chair, Brian Behrens. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited at the Board of Audit meeting prior to the Regular Township Meeting. Township officers present were Supervisors Behrens, Irene Weis and Tony Platz; and Clerk, Lynne Erickson. Absent was: Treasurer, Linda Ballou. Also present were Terry Long and Cathy Selseth.
Addition or Correction to Agenda: A cemetery issue was added.
Cemetery: Cathy Selseth, Cemetery Sexton, has received a request from an individual whose parents own a plot at the Lake Emma Cemetery. The parents are deceased and buried in Nebraska. The inquiry concerned whether a family member could now use the plot.
A cemetery plot is property which would be transferred by a Will or Intestate Succession. Lake Emma Township has no control or objection, but requests the name of the new owner for documentation in the Cemetery file.
Clerk’s Report: Board members received the minutes of the January 6, 2015 Regular meeting in advance for review. Minutes are also found on the Township website. Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting of January 6, 2015 as presented. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: In the Treasurer’s absence, the Clerk presented the Treasurer’s report as of January 31, 2015. Total of all accounts - $482,371.21. Of that amount, General Fund balance is $116,268.25 and Road and Bridge Fund balance is $366,102.96. State Bank Accounts: Money Market - $124,373.22 and CD - $63,997.33; Citizen’s National Bank Accounts: Money Market - $187,244.24, CD - $52,554.39, CD – 53,610.96, Checking - $591.07. Funds Available: $251,832.64. Checks for payment: #3473 - #3477, totaling $7,008.07. Board members were advised that the Citizen’s National Bank CD’s are maturing in February. Current interest rate available is .5%, which is the same rate as the maturing CDs. After discussion about extending for a longer period, Board members directed the Treasurer to invest at the highest rate available for a one-year period. The Board was informed that Treasurer, Linda Ballou, is researching the possibility of Money Market checking and will present findings at a future meeting.
Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to approve the Treasurer’s report. Motion carried.
Road Report: Terry Long reported that sanding, and a little brushing on Holly and the west end of Half Moon constituted the majority of their time.
Road Maintenance Contract: Discussion followed on the 2-year contract for services with Long Construction. Board members reviewed various aspects of the contracting process and insurance coverage. Contract requirements for both Lake Emma Township and Long Construction remain the same as in previous maintenance contracts, with the only change being the cost increases for 2015 and 2016.
Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to accept the proposed Long Construction Contract for Services covering the period: January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016, with retroactive reimbursements. Motion carried.
Terry Long advised the Board of a change in billing for crack sealing materials. Hubbard County is changing its method of crack sealing, so Long Construction will no longer be able to obtain the necessary material from the County. In the past, Hubbard County issued a single bill for crack sealing material in the fall of the year. With the change, the material will be billed as acquired.
WSN Bid Outcomes: No information has been received. Tabled until March.
Concerns from the floor: There were none.
Fire Service Contract: The 2015 City of Park Rapids Fire Service Contract was presented for review. Cost has increased approximately 15% to $28,301.82. Board members would like more information regarding the formula for setting the contract rates, and fire service in general. Terry Long, Assistant Fire Chief, will bring these requests back to the Fire Department/City of Park Rapids.
Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to accept the 2015 Fire Service Contract as invoiced. Motion carried.
Correspondence and Reminders:
Next Hubbard County Township Meeting – Hart Lake Township on Monday, March 16, 7:30 PM
Annual Meeting – Tuesday, March 10, 2015 – 7:00 PM
Spring Short Course – April 1-Walker, On-Site Registration Only
Thank-you from Park Rapids Area Library, Kinship of the PR Area, Living at Home
Tony and Irene briefly reviewed information from January 26 Hubbard Township Assn. meeting.
Brian adjourned the meeting at 8:40 PM.
Lake Emma Township - Board of Audit - Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Call to Order: The 2015 Board of Audit of Lake Emma Township was called to order by Chair Brian Behrens at 6:40 PM. The purpose of this meeting is to audit and settle all charges against the township for 2014. Present were Supervisors Brian Behrens, Irene Weis, Tony Platz, and Clerk, Lynne Erickson.
The pledge of allegiance was recited.
2014 Receipts Review: The receipt ledger was distributed and reviewed by Board members. Motion by Tony seconded by Brian to accept the Receipts Ledger as presented. Motion carried.
2014 Disbursements Review: The disbursement ledger was distributed and reviewed by Board members. Election Judge salaries, Town Hall Electric costs, and Healthy Lakes Grant received comment. Motion by Irene seconded by Tony to approve the Disbursements Ledger as presented. Motion carried.
Levy Recommendation: Discussion of 2016 Levy was tabled until the March meeting.
Motion by Tony to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM.
Lake Emma Township Board Minutes – January 6, 2015
Call to Order: The Regular meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 7:00 by Chair, Brian Behrens, with the Pledge of Allegiance. Supervisors present were Behrens, Irene Weis and Tony Platz, e Clerk, Lynne Erickson, and Treasurer, Linda Ballou. Also present were Terry Long, Justin Long, Curt Meyer from WSN, Inc., Bob Berdahl and Dan Kittilson.
Addition or Correction to Agenda: Brian presented the addition of a budget report for discussion.
Clerk’s Report: Board members received the minutes of the December 2, 2014 Regular meeting in advance for review. They are also found on the Township website. Motion by Irene seconded by Tony to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting of December 2, 2014. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer, Linda Ballou gave the Treasurer’s report as of December 31, 2014. Total of all accounts - $506.409.71. Of that amount, General Fund balance is $135,980.59 and Road and Bridge Fund balance is $370,429.12. State Bank Accounts: CD - $124,373.22 and Money Market - $63,992.07; Citizen’s National Bank Accounts: Money Market - $211,288.00, CD - $52,554.39, CD – 53,610.96, Checking - $591.07. Funds Available: $275,871.14. Vouchers for payment: #3440 - #3446, 3461-3471.
Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to approve the Treasurer’s report. Motion carried.
Reorganization: Motion by Irene seconded by Tony to appoint Brian Behrens as Board Chairperson. Motion carried.
Motion by Tony seconded by Brian to appoint Irene Weis as Vice-Chairperson. Motion carried.
Motion by Irene seconded by Tony to approve the following designations, with all voting in favor:
Regular Meeting Dates – 1st Tuesday of each month unless rescheduled due to holiday, 7 PM, Lake Emma Town Hall; Spring/Fall Road Tour dates to be determined.
Official Newspaper – Park Rapids Enterprise
Official Depositories – Citizen’s National Bank and State Bank of Park Rapids
Compensation – per Resolution 14-04, passed October 7, 2014
Road Report: Keeping busy with scraping ice and sanding. They are clearing brush on the West part of Half Moon and Holly Road.
Capital Improvement Plan: Curt Meyer from WSN, Inc. was present to review his observations on the Fall Road Tour. Improvements to Garnet, Intrepid/Indigo, and Hunter are the next projects to be undertaken according to the Capital Improvements Plan. Conservative cost estimates are $230,000 for Garnet, $69,000 for Intrepid and $139,000 for Indigo. There is a 0-3 year window on these projects. Discussion followed on the timing of the projects. Low oil prices, creating cheaper bituminous cost, will affect bids. WSN will receive bids in the next couple of weeks and will let us know if the bids come in high or low, as an indicator of what we might expect if Lake Emma projects are bid this year.
Gasparilla was paved in 2006 but looks 10 years older. This road gets little use compared to other township roads, which could be one reason for more rapid deterioration. As discussed on the Road Tour, reclaiming the asphalt, at $10,000-$15,000, and leaving it as gravel for an indefinite period of time-to be paved later, or leave permanently as gravel are options.
Projects should be grouped for the best prices. Curt will keep the board updated.
Hubbard County Healthy Lakes Plan: Bob Berdahl and Dan Kittilson were present to update the Board on the Plan for 2015. Various aspects of history, and future efforts to protect our lakes were discussed. Budget for Watercraft Inspections will increase in 2015 to approximately $230,000 from $131,130 in 2014. State grant funds of $163,000 and supplemental funds (Lake Assns., Townships, etc) of $66,521 will provide the revenue for the 2015 season. Hubbard County lakes were ranked according to risk of infestations, giving more inspection hours to the lakes with a higher risk.
Lake Emma Township financial participation in the 2015 Healthy Lakes program was not determined at the2014 Annual Meeting. Bob and Dan requested the Board approve an amount so the 2015 plan could reflect the funding. A significant State grant was received for the 2015 program, and the size of the program has been increased accordingly. Irene commended the well-planned and well-run program.
Motion by Irene seconded by Brian to fund the 2015 Healthy Lakes program at $10,000. Motion carried.
Agenda addition-Budget Discussion: In relation to the budget report and financial forecast, Brian asked Terry to provide an estimate of road/maintenance projects to be done this year. Terry will do so, and he explained that the gravel roads in Lake Emma Township that have much more traffic– Holly and Intrepid, for example, will have to be restored sooner than the normal 8-year rotation. It was noted that most of 2014 Road and Bridge reserve funds will be depleted when the invoice for engineering on the Haakon Drive project is paid.
Terry requested to resume operating under a 1 or 2 year contract as prior to 2014. Costs have increased but Long Construction has continued with the same charges as the 2013 contract. A revised contract will be presented for review at the next meeting.
Donation Requests from 2014 Annual Meeting: Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to issue the donations which were approved at the 2014 Annual Meeting, payable in 2015. Motion carried.
Irene informed the Board that she is working on a request from Gary Fredrickson regarding the ROW on Grouse Road.
Motion by Tony seconded by Irene to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:55.