2012 Meeting Minutes
Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes December 4, 2012, 7:00 P.M.
The Lake Emma Township Board meeting was called to order by Jeff Adolphson, Board Chairperson. Other board members present were Supervisors Roberta Doyle and Brian Behrens, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Deputy Clerk Marianne Potratz. Twelve other local residents were also present.
Roberta moved to dispense with the reading of the November board meeting minutes. A copy had been received by the board members previously and was made available to the other residents attending. The minutes were also available on the Lake Emma Township website. Jeff seconded the motion, and it carried.
Mavis gave the treasurer’s report as of November 30, 2012, showing a total of all accounts of $296,812.05. General Revenue = $102,962.93, and Road and Bridge = $193,849.12. The State Bank Money Market Account = $63,856.08; State Bank CD $121,796.31. Citizens National Bank Money Market = $6,120.66; Citizens National Bank CD = $52,932.01; Citizens National Bank checking account = $217.31. Funds available = $70,194.05.
Vouchers # 3188 - 3203 were presented for approval of payment. Brian moved to approve both the treasurer’s report and voucher payments; seconded by Roberta, the motion carried.
Old Business:
Terry Long of Long Construction reported they are in a transition period from summer to winter work. They did have one plowing event so far this season. Jeff reported that he and Brian had completed a field review of the township signs, and Jeff will be finishing the inventory of signs. Most signs are in compliance with recommended reflectivity, and the supports and posts not already replaced with proper heights and lighter materials will be taken care of as the signs are replaced.
An updated road plan is being completed by Widseth Smith & Nolting, and Curt Meyer will be meeting with Jeff later this week to go over the document, which will be presented to the Board for their approval at the January meeting.
The new cemetery survey, in which the legal descriptions have been corrected, has been completed. A quit-claim deed with this information has been completed by Thomason, Swanson, and Zahn Law Office, and will be recorded with Hubbard County.
There were no concerns from the floor.
New Business:
Dan Kittelson, President of Hubbard County’s Coalition of Lake Associations, along with other members from that board, thanked the Lake Emma Township Board for their leadership in the formation and participation in the Healthy Lakes Partnership Program. A framed certificate of appreciation recognizing Lake Emma’s leadership was presented to the Board, along with compliments on their involvement and giving of resources to the program. They pointed out that some other townships are following the lead of Lake Emma in contributing funds, along with some towns. Ken Grob said that this past year about 7200 boat inspections were completed with funds from the Healthy Lakes Partnership Program. Sara Smith from the Enterprise was present and took pictures for the newspaper to commemorate the recognition of the Lake Emma Township Board. Brian Behrens also thanked the COLA board and members for all of their hard work and many hours of time committed to endeavors to keep our area lakes healthy.
The Resolution on compensation and meeting per diems for the board was presented by the Deputy Clerk, read and approved by the board, with no changes from current amounts. Jeff moved it be adopted, it was seconded by Brian, and the motion carried. It was signed by the Chair and the Deputy Clerk.
Discussion took place regarding the need for the carpet to be cleaned, as well as some other cleaning needs, such as the light fixtures, etc., at the township hall. Jeff moved to contact Service Master to have the necessary work done. Motion seconded by Brian, and it carried. Jeff said he would make the contact and arrangements.
An advertisement from S&N Sealcoating and Crack Sealing from Perham was viewed by the board. No action was taken.
Roberta moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:25. Seconded by Jeff, the motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes- Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Chair Jeff Adolphson called the October meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board to order at 7:04 PM. The pledge of allegiance was given at the Board of Canvass. Other Board members present were Supervisors Brian Behrens and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Six residents were also present.
Roberta moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the October Board meeting. A copy has been received by the board members previously, and was available to other residents attending. The minutes are also on the Lake Emma Township website. Brian seconded the motion and it carried.
Mavis gave the treasurer’s report as of October 31, 2012 – Total of All Accounts = $336,950.26; General Revenue = $106,907,14; Road & Bridge = $230,043.12; State Bank Money Market = $63,848.21; State Bank CD = $121,291.87; Citizens National Bank Money Market = $47,034.72; Citizens National Bank CD of $51,759.22; Citizens National Bank CD of $52,798.93 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $217.31; Funds available is $111,100.24. Payment of vouchers #3165 to 3187 was presented for approval. Roberta made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report and voucher payment, seconded by Brian and motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long of Long Construction reported they completed shouldering along Hector and Harmony. Fall grading has been done on all gravel roads, and will continue if weather requires.
Jeff reported on moving forward with our sign inventory. The estimate for replacing all signs would be approximately $32,000 if all signs were replaced at once. The plan is to replace signs as needed according to replacement guidelines. Jeff and Brian will work on getting the inventory completed before the end of the year.
There were no concerns from the floor.
New Business:
Resolutions for an On-Sale Liquor license for Zhateau Zorbaz and A 3.2 Malt Liquor License for Bayside Resort were approved on a motion by Brian Behrens, seconded by Roberta Doyle.
Jeff moved to temporarily transfer $34,000 from the General Revenue fund to the Road and Bridge to cover expenses. It will be replaced when we received property taxes next month. Brian seconded the motion and it carried.
A Hubbard County Township meeting will be held at the Farden Town Hall on Monday, November 19, 2012. Those wishing to go should meet at 6:45 PM at the Lake Emma Town Hall.
Gentleman from Happy Drive telephoned Jeff regarding posting signs on Happy Drive. Jeff recommended they contact Long Construction who handles the township sign needs and to deal directly with Long Construction.
Jeff presented an example from MAT for a resolution confirming Town Board compensation and meeting per diam. We will table to December meeting.
State Annual Meeting – November 15 – 17 at River’s Edge Convention Center, St Cloud.
Correspondence, etc:
Hub Co Environmental Services: Lot Viewal – Thursday, Nov 15 – 9:10 AM Michael & Kathleen Markman, 24554 Harris Dr Hearing date: November 19, 9 AM
The January Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 8, 2013.
Jeff moved to adjourn at 8:15 PM, seconded by Roberta. Motion carried.
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Lake Emma Canvass Board of Canvass November 14, 2012
The Board of Canvass for Lake Emma Township convened at 6:30 PM at the Lake Emma Town Hall. Board members present were Supervisors Jeff Adolphson, Brian Behrens and Roberta Doyle, clerk Nancy Bogaard and treasurer Mavis Trenholm. The purpose of the meeting was to review the results of the Township Election held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. Chair Jeff Adolphson opened the meeting at 6:30 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Election judges were: head judges Nancy Bogaard and Marianne Potratz, and judges Cecil Cordahl, Chris Rausch, Kim Adolphson, Maggi Yerkes, Terry Hokeness, Joan Smith, Anthony Yerkes, Linda Schissel, Mavis Trenholm, Karen Nelson and Joan Aeling.
Five hundred sixty-five (565) voters came to the polls for the election and there were one hundred thirty-two (132) absentee ballots received for a total of 697 ballots cast. There were 36 same day registrations.
Results of the election for township offices are as follows: Newly elected Supervisor A was Tony Platz with 554 votes and there were 5 write in votes. Irene Weis was elected as Supervisor B with 531 votes and there were 10 write in votes. Lynne Erickson was elected to the Clerk position with 525 votes and there were 5 write in votes. All races were unopposed.
Brian Behrens moved to accept the results of the election. Roberta Doyle seconded the motion, which carried.
Jeff moved to appoint Brian Behrens as interim chair effective January 1, 2013. Roberta seconded and motion carried. The incoming board can confirm or reject the appointment after they take office. Deputy clerk and deputy treasurer will be selected by the clerk and treasurer after they take office.
Jeff moved at 6:55 PM to adjourn the meeting. Roberta seconded the motion, which passed.
We, the undersigned Board of Canvass for the township of Lake Emma do hereby certify the election results, as stated above as the official results of the November 6, 2012 Township of Lake Emma Election.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes- Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Chair Jeff Adolphson called the October meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board to order at 7:00 PM with the pledge of allegiance. Other Board members present were Supervisors Brian Behrens and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Four residents were also present.
Roberta moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the September Board meeting. A copy has been received by the board members previously, and was available to other residents attending. The minutes are also on the Lake Emma Township website. Brian seconded the motion and it carried.
Mavis gave the treasurer’s report as of September 30, 2012 – Total of All Accounts = $544,474.51; General Revenue = $106,802.12; Road & Bridge = $437,672.39; State Bank Money Market = $63,839.55; State Bank CD = $121,291.87; Citizens National Bank Money Market = $254,567.63; Citizens National Bank CD of $51,759.22; Citizens National Bank CD of $52,798.93 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $217.31; Funds available is $318,624.49. Payment of vouchers #3158 to 3164 was presented for approval. Roberta made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report and voucher payment, seconded by Brian and motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Justin Long of Long Construction reported they are shouldering along Green Pines Road following the new pavement. The fall mowing is complete.
Curt Meyer from WSN was present and reported a good mix for the blacktop for Green Pines Road. Quanities were very close. Brian moved to approve payment to Anderson Brothers tonight, but to hold the payment until the IC-134s are received and the final pay estimate is received and signed off on. Roberta seconded the motion and it carried.
The Board inspected a fence recently installed along Garnet Drive that was a safety issue concern of the neighbors while on their Fall Road tour last week. The fence does meet legal requirements. The Board’s decision was to monitor the conditions this winter before any action is taken.
There were no concerns from the floor.
New Business:
The Board inspected the township road map and agreed with the noted roads totaling 33.34 miles. Roberta moved to sign the map and return it to the County Highway Dept. Brian seconded and motion carried.
At the request of the Board, Curt Meyer from Widseth Smith Nolting reported the procedure for updating the road inventory that was done in 2006. Cost would be $3200. The sign inventory required by the Federal government could also be done which would cost approximately $8500. Brian moved to approve updating the road inventory plan, Roberta seconded and the motion carried. The board will contact other townships to see how they have handled the required sign inventory before making a decision.
The November Board meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at 7:00 PM. The Board of Canvass will be held the same evening, beginning at 6:30 PM.
Nancy & Roberta reported on the District 11 Annual meeting held last month in Walker. An increase of 10 cents per township resident in MAT dues has been proposed.
State Annual Meeting – November 15 – 17 at River’s Edge Convention Center, St Cloud.
The November meeting of the Town Board will be rescheduled due to the General Election.
Correspondence, etc:
Hub Co Environmental Services: Lot Viewal – Thursday, Oct 11 Gerald & Joyce Hoeschen, 18574 Hideaway Dr. – 8:45 AM Jacquelyn Lewis, 20274 Gladwin Dr. – 1:45 PM Michael & Kathleen Markman, 24554 Harris Dr -2:10 PM Hearing date: October 15, 9 AM
Couri & Ruppe Township Legal Seminar – Sat, Oct. 6th – 9 AM to 4 PM – Walker Community Center
Roberta moved to adjourn at 8:25 PM, seconded by Brian. Motion carried.
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Fall Road Tour – Thursday, September 27, 2012
The Fall Road Tour was held on Thursday, September 27, 2012, leaving the town hall at 3:15 PM. Present were Supervisors Jeff Adolphson, Roberta Doyle and Brian Behrens, Clerk Nancy Bogaard, Road maintenance contractor Terry Long, and Benji Hofstad of WSN. The roads were inspection with the following notations.
Half Moon Road – Base One application will be freshened when sufficient rain is received. A request for an additional fence on the closed portion of Half Moon because of four wheeler traffic was discussed. The Board’s recommendation is for the property owners to post private property signs.
Hartman Drive and Intrepid Drive– Complaints had been received about the washboard condition of the roads. Both have Base One applications. Long Construction applied water and re-compacted the surface which greatly improved the road.
270th Street – Base One application two years ago. Should probably be reapplied next year.
Holly Road – Base One application. Some portions were refreshed this summer.
Green Pines Road – Anderson Brothers resurfaced Green Pines in September and it has been striped. It had been 20 years since it was first blacktopped. Long Construction constructed ditches along the road to improve snow removal.
Garnet Drive – Residents had presented a concern about a new fence at 16020 Garnet that could contribute to snow build up and ice on the road. The Board’s decision is to monitor the situation and conditions this winter. There are several sections of the road that have no place for the snow to go because of the trees and banks and that will be a road maintenance project in the near future similar to what was done on Green Pines Road.
Gumby Bear Road and Gulukee Road– New gravel was added to both roads. Residents along the road are encouraged to remove the trees in the road right-a-way if they want them. The entire ditch right-a-way will be mowed in future.
Harmony Road – Plan to add gravel this fall. Need to cut some of the brush along the road back to improve snow removal.
Hector Road – plan to add gravel yet this fall.
We returned to the town hall at 4:45 PM
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes- Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Chair Jeff Adolphson called the September meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board to order at 7:45 PM, following the Continuation of the Annual meeting. Other Board members present were Supervisors Brian Behrens and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Seven residents were also present. The pledge of allegiance was recited at the Continuation so was not given now.
Roberta moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the August 7, 2012 Board meeting. A copy has been received by the board members previously, and was available to other residents attending. The minutes are also on the Lake Emma Township website. Brian seconded the motion and it carried.
Mavis gave the treasurer’s report as of August 31, 2012 – Total of All Accounts = $584,737.55; General Revenue = $111,087.37; Road & Bridge = $473,650.18; State Bank Money Market = $63,832.20; State Bank CD = $121,291.87; Citizens National Bank Money Market = $294,837.02; Citizens National Bank CD of $51,759.22; Citizens National Bank CD of $52,799.93 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $217.31; Funds available is $358,886.53. Payment of vouchers #3143-3157 was presented for approval. Roberta made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, seconded by Brian and motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Justin Long of Long Construction reported that the repair work on Green Pines Road has been completed and Anderson Brothers Construction plan to start paving tomorrow. WSN will be inspecting the paving of Green Pine Road. The ditch mowing has begun and will continue this month. The Base One roads have also been graded and will be maintained annually.
Concern about a fence recently installed along Garnet Drive was brought to the board by Ken Grob on behalf of his neighbors. There has been concern about it being a safety issue causing additional icing conditions and possible sight visibility of driveways. Ken explained that the fence does meet legal requirements, but requested the township board talk to the owners about moving the fence. The board will inspect the placement of the fence on their fall road tour which was set for Thursday, September 27th at 3:00 PM.
Larry Hetrick from Happy Drive was present at the meeting inquiring about placing speed limit signs by the Happy Drive Association, who maintains the road. Jeff explained that standard speed limit signs cannot be placed without a usage and condition assessment being done. Suggestions speed limit signs could be posted.
New Business:
Curt Meyer of WSN was present and will be working with the board to update the Township Road Inventory that was compiled in 2006. We would like to include the road sign inventory for the Township maintained roads. We would also like a sign evaluation completed that will determine what signs may be eliminated and recommend any changes or additions. The Township would like to phase in a simple replacement schedule for anything needed over a three to four year span. That way our Maintenance Contractor may order and install the replacement signs incrementally.
Paul Bunyan Telephone has supplied us with information of where they are digging in our township.
The board gave approval to train additional Election judges
The District Annual Meeting will be on Wednesday, September 12 at the Walker Community Center 6 PM. The Board will meet at the town hall at 5 PM to carpool.
Hubbard County Township Association – Monday, Sept. 17th – Mantrap Township. The Board will meet at the town hall at 7 PM to carpool.
State Annual Meeting – November 15 – 17 at River’s Edge Convention Center, St Cloud
The regular meeting of the Town Board will be rescheduled because of the General Election. The date will be set at the October meeting.
Correspondence, etc:
Hub Co Environmental Services: Lee & Debra Behr-Helgen, 19573 Grandview Drive. Lot Viewal – Friday, Sept. 14th – 11:55 AM; Hearing Date – Monday, Sept 17th – 9 AM
Couri & Ruppe Township Legal Seminar – Sat, Oct. 6th – 9 AM to 4 PM – Walker Community Center
Brian moved to adjourn at 8:59 PM, seconded by Roberta. Motion carried.
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Continuation of the Annual Meeting Lake Emma Township Tuesday, September 04, 2012
The Continuation of the Annual meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM. Moderator Tony Platz welcomed eleven residents who then recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Tony requested additional information available since the March Annual meeting which would help determine the amount of the Road and Bridge levy for 2013. Jeff Adolphson explained that the State no longer requires a minimum tax levy to receive the State gas tax. Jeff also explained the minimum maintenance of the roads that have Base One application, which we have limited the past two years, but will include the minimum maintenance as routine in the future. Any future paving projects would have to be petitioned by the property owners and they would be responsible for the cost through assessments.
Dan Kittilson moved to set the Road and Bridge levy at $190,000. Jeff seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
The Healthy Lakes Grant program has been set at $10,000 in the past years. Bob Berdahl gave us statistics regarding the value of lake properties in Lake Emma Township. The public landing inspection program has been increased and plans are to increase the amount of hours covered in 2013. The question is, shall the township increase the amount in the Healthy Lakes Grant program? There was discussion that by increasing the township portion available, property owners who do not have lake shore, would also benefit because if lakeshore values were to go down, other property taxes would go up. Bob Berdahl moved to increase the grant monies to $14,000 for 2013. Larry Hetrick seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Dan Kittilson moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 PM.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes- Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Chair Jeff Adolphson called the July meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board to order at 7:06 PM. Other Board members present were Supervisors Brian Behrens and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Five residents were also present. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Roberta moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the July 3, 2012 Board meeting. A copy has been received by the board members previously, and was available to other residents attending. The minutes are also on the Lake Emma Township website. Brian seconded the motion and it carried.
Mavis gave the treasurer’s report as of July 31 2012 – Total of All Accounts = $607,494.53; General Revenue = $111,260.18; Road & Bridge = $496,234.35; State Bank Money Market = $63,824.07; State Bank CD = $120,789.52; Citizens National Bank Money Market = $318,368.36; Citizens National Bank CD of $51,629.09; Citizens National Bank CD of $52,666.18 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $217.31; Funds available is $382,409.74. Payment of vouchers #3137 to 3142 were presented for payment. Brian made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, seconded by Roberta and motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Justin Long of Long Construction reported working on ditches along Green Pines Road which is just about completed. The sinkhole on the north end of Green Pines will be dug up and repaired. Justin reported that there is also a spot near the south end that is repeatedly cracking which should be repaired before resurfacing and approval was given. Jeff also suggested that some of our longer Base One application roads receive additional Base One each year, and return to blading the shorter road segments.
Bids for resurfacing Green Pines Road will be opened on Thursday, August 23rd. Specifications have been sent to Mark’s Sand & Gravel in Fergus Falls, Anderson Brothers in Brainerd, Central Specialties in Alexandria, Knife River Materials in Bemidi, and Tri City Paving in Little Falls.
Jeff spoke to Greg Hensel about spraying for weed control along township roads. It will be done this fall.
Concerns from the floor.
Fred Whiteside, a resident on Hartman Drive, reported a washboard surface, and that they have not seen a grader on the road all summer. Long Construction stated they graded it twice this spring. Hartman Drive does have Base One applied which requires sufficient rain to grade.
New Business:
Filing period for Township Offices – July 31 to August 13, 2012 – Two Supervisor positions and Clerk position open.
Nancy provided the list of Election Judges for the board’s approval. Board members signed their approval. Brian moved to pay election judges $10 an hour including training, plus mileage. Roberta seconded and the motion carried.
Discussion was held on topics from the July County Township meeting
Continuation of Annual Meeting will be held at 7 PM on September 4, 2012 for the purpose of setting the 2013 levy for Road and Bridge, and to discuss the possibility of increasing the Healthy Lakes Grant. The regular Board meeting will follow immediately after the conclusion of the continuation of the Annual meeting.
District Annual Meeting will be on Wednesday, September 12 at the Walker Community Center beginning at 6 PM.
State Annual Meeting will be November 15–17 at River’s Edge Convention Center, St Cloud.
The legal description on the Quick Claim deed for the cemetery property is still not settled.
Jeff also received information regarding a fence along Garnet Road which the neighbors were objecting to. Research shows the fence is on private property and trees are between the fence and the road.
There was also a request for a fence blocking access to the former Half Moon Road which has been closed. The area does have Private Property signs, but it is necessary to allow access to those property owners.
Brian moved to adjourn at 8:18 PM, seconded by Roberta. Motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes- Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Chair Jeff Adolphson called the July meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board to order at 7:05 PM. Other Board members present were Supervisors Brian Behrens and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Six residents were also present. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Roberta moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the June 5, 2012 Board meeting. A copy has been received by the board members previously, and was available to other residents attending. The minutes are also on the Lake Emma Township website. Brian seconded the motion and it carried.
Mavis gave the treasurer’s report as of June 30, 2012 – Total of All Accounts = $627,417.06 General Revenue = $111,473.37; Road & Bridge = $515,943.69; State Bank Money Market = $63,815.68; State Bank CD = $120,789.52; Citizens National Bank Money Market = $338,299.28; Citizens National Bank CD of $51,629.09; Citizens National Bank CD of $52,666.18 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $217.31; Funds available is $402,332.27. Payment of vouchers #3131-3136 were presented for payment. Brian made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, seconded by Roberta and motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long of Long Construction reported that the first mowing has been completed on township roads. Gravel was applied to Holly Road refreshing the Base One surface. Storm damage from last night was surveyed and trees cleaned up. Dennis & Judy Strange phoned with a dust complaint on 270th W because of allergies, requesting calcium chloride be applied. The road has received a Base One application which is more durable than calcium chloride and less harmful to the environment and vehicles. Hopefully last night’s rain should help with the situation. Rob Hallstrom was present questioning the survey ribbons along Glider Drive. Hubbard County Land and Timber has surveyed to see if there was enough timber to warrant harvesting and decided against it. There was discussion at the road tour that some tree removal and ditch preparation to allow for better snow removal. Mr. Hallstrom feels that the narrow, curving road is what the people living there want. Eric Billing requested a permit to install a driveway on Glory Trail. Nancy will respond to his email explaining that no permit is needed, but a culvert may be necessary to prevent flooding.
There were no concerns from the floor.
New Business:
The engineering plans provided by Widseth Smith Nolting for improvements on Green Pine Road were evaluated and discussed. Roberta moved to let bids for the project, Brian seconded, and motion carried. Jeff will talk to WSN about concerns the board has before letting bids.
Filing period for Township Offices – July 31 to August 13, 2012 – Two Supervisor positions and Clerk position open.
Hubbard County Township Meeting will be held on Monday, July 16 in the basement of the courthouse, hosted by Todd Township
Summer Short Course discussion was held on topics of Annual meetings, elections, the township accounting system, and the duties of all the township officers.
Correspondence, etc:
STS Thank you
State Demographic Center provided the annual population and household estimates for Lake Emma Township as of April 1, 2011. The Lake Emma Township population was estimated at 980, and the household estimate at 445.
Halbasch thank you for road work was received.
Anderson Brothers Aggregate price list was received.
Hub Co Envir Serv – Lot Viewal – Friday July 13 11:25 AM, Christopher Roberts, 21161 Hector Rd. Public Hearing, Monday, July 16, 2012, Courthouse at 9:00 AM concerning an after the fact platform setback variance.
The Blue Lake Association will be using the town hall for their annual meeting on Saturday, July 7th.
Brian moved to adjourn at 8:17 PM, seconded by Roberta. Motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes- Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Chair Jeff Adolphson called the June meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board to order on this date at 7:02 PM. Other Board members present were Supervisors Brian Behrens and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm and Deputy Clerk Marianne Potratz. Three local residents were also present. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Roberta moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the May 1, 2012 Board meeting. A copy had been received by the board members previously and was available to other residents attending. The minutes are also on the Lake Emma Township website. Brian seconded the motion, and it carried.
Mavis gave the treasurer’s report as of May 31, 2012 – Total of All Accounts $480,266.80; General Revenue = $81,465.12; Road & Bridge = $398,801.68; State Bank Money Market = $63,808.08; State Bank CD = $120,789.52; Citizens National Bank Money Market = $191,155.62; Citizens National Bank CD of $51,629.09; Citizens National Bank CD of $52,666.18 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $218.31; Funds available is $255,182.01. Payment of vouchers #3113-3130, with one voided. Brian moved to approve the treasurer’s report, it was seconded by Roberta, and the motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long of Long Construction reported they are into the normal summer grading schedule. Graveling of some roads has been completed per schedule. They're moving forward on other roads and, after discussion, Jeff moved to go ahead with graveling on two portions of roads that had inadvertently been left out of the road tour minutes. Roberta seconded, and the motion passed. Terry said they will begin the first roadside cuttings soon with a seven-foot sickle mower. Greg Hensel will be doing weed spraying as soon as possible, including a stretch of spotted knapweed on 270th and Holly.
Widseth Smith & Nolting submitted an estimate of $5,945 for engineering services for the proposed resurfacing of Green Pines Road. Brian said that several areas of this road are dipped and hold water for periods after rain. This was the first road paved by the township, in 1993. Long Construction will do the cutting down of some of the banks and establishing ditches for drainage on both Green Pines Road and Garnet Drive. Should the township board decide to proceed with the reconstruction/resurfacing of this road, bids will need to be let soon for the project so the work could be completed by the end of the summer. Roberta moved to accept the bid from Widseth Smith & Nolting for the Engineering services. Jeff will contact them and ask them to be present the at the July meeting. Discussion took place regarding updating the township road plan, and Jeff will ask Widseth Smith Nolting to also bring to the July meeting an estimate of the costs for such an update.
There were no concerns from the floor.
New Business:
Filing for Township Offices will take place from July 31 to August 13, 2012, with the township clerk. The fee remains at $2.00. Two Supervisor positions and the Clerk's position are open.
The Clerk will be filing the exemption form for property taxes for the township. The property for the cemetery was acquired on September 29, 1900
Brian reported on a number of issues discussed at the Hubbard County Township May meeting. Townships now may legally donate to First Responders. David Olsonawski talked about changing road signs and posts. New regulations require 3# or lighter posts per foot by 2013, but signs can be changed to the new requirements as needed. John Carlson discussed performance bonds. Legislation was introduced requiring changing township assessors every five years but failed to pass. There are no current changes in septic system rules. Kathy Grell talked about the federal legislation changes that have made Paul Bunyan Broadband Internet Service possibly unavailable in parts of the county as had been planned, since they cannot recover their investment costs fast enough to make a profit.
Correspondence, etc:
Membership Cards for the Minnesota Association of Townships were distributed to all members of the Board.
MasTec requested permission to dig for Century Link on Hermit Lane, which was approved.
County Attorney Donovan Dearstyne sent a memo to Jeff, township chair, regarding the fact that his office represents Hubbard County and Hubbard County Departments, and he wants it made clear that his office is not to be used to "leverage to require Townships to make contributions/donations to any programs."
Adjournment of Meeting - Roberta moved to adjourn at 8:10 PM, seconded by Brian. Motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes- Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Chair Jeff Adolphson called the May meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board to order at 7:05 PM. Other Board members present were Supervisors Brian Behrens and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Six residents were also present. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Roberta moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the April 3, 2012 Board meeting. A copy has been received by the board members previously, and was available to other residents attending. The minutes are also on the Lake Emma Township website. Brian seconded the motion and it carried.
Mavis gave the treasurer’s report as of April 30, 2012 – Total of All Accounts $503,097.58; General Revenue = $93,655.67; Road & Bridge = $409,441.91; State Bank Money Market = $63,767.46; State Bank CD = $120,300.08; Citizens National Bank Money Market = $214,789.79; Citizens National Bank CD of $51,504.22; Citizens National Bank CD of $52,537.72 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31; Funds available is $278,755.56. Payment of vouchers #3106-3112. Brian made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, seconded by Roberta and motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long of Long Construction reported crack sealing on all township roads has been completed, and some sign repair done. Grading for summer will be starting now as needed.
The Healthy Lakes Grants were awarded for Aquatic Invasive Species, specifically boat inspection for zebra mussels, through the SWCD to Little Sand Lake Area Association, Big Sand Lake Association and Potato Lake Association. The inspectors will be hired by SWCD and they will also provide the training. Inspectors must be at least 18 years old. Roberta moved to adopt a resolution donating $10,000 Hubbard County SWCD with the funds provided through the Healthy Lakes Grant Program. Brian seconded the motion and it carried.
There were no concerns from the floor.
New Business:
Report on Spring Short Course was given by Roberta and Brian. Classes on Open Meetings and Road Maintenance were attended.
Spring Road Tour was held on April 24th. Most roads are in good condition. Projects for this summer will include cutting down some of the banks and establishing ditches for drainage on Green Pines Road and Garnet Drive. Resurfacing of Green Pines Road is also being considered, perhaps at the end of the summer. It was originally blacktopped in 1993 and is developing wheel ruts from traffic causing hydroplaning. Jeff will contact Widseth Smith & Nolting about preparing a plan for this project to present at our June meeting.
Brian presented the contract with Sentencing to Service for mowing the cemetery and town hall lawn.
Correspondence, etc:
Hub Co Envir Serv – Public Hearing, Tues, May 8, 2012, Courthouse at 9:30 AM concerning a Conditional use permit for a resort on Upper Bottle Lake.
Two notifications were received from MasTec for proposed buried cable. Nancy will notify them that utility permits are needed. The two requests were not for township roads, but private roads.
Roberta moved to adjourn at 8:15 PM, seconded by Brian. Motion carried.
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Spring Road Tour – Lake Emma Township - Tuesday, April 24, 2012
The Spring Road Tour left from the town hall at 2:35 PM. Present were supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, Clerk Nancy Bogaard and Terry Long from Long Construction. All township roads were inspected with the indicated conditions noted.
Inward Loop was resurfaced last year. The cemetery sign has been repaired and reinstalled by the Sentencing to Service crew.
280th Street, a minimum maintenance road, remains in good condition. Long Construction will grade the road to prevent the grass from creeping in.
270th Street has Base One applied between Co Rd 4 and Holly Road which appears to be in good condition. Base One was also applied to 270th east of Co Rd 4 last year. The turnaround at the east end of 270th was a much needed improvement.
Holly Road also is Base One enhanced. There are no water problems on the west end of Pickerel Lake this year.
Half Moon Drive West remains stable.
Harris Drive received new gravel last year and is in good condition.
Garnet Drive and Green Pines Road – The banks should be removed in some areas, providing a slight ditch to improve drainage to eliminate cracking in the pavement edges. This would also require removal of some trees. Garnet and Green Pines are the oldest paved roads in Lake Emma Township. Cost to resurface Garnet and Green Pines would be about $350,000. The ditching work should be done first. The driving ruts in the south end of Green Pines are quite evident during heavy rains. There is a slight dip near the north end of Green Pines.
Gasparilla Drive, Loop and Trail – Gasparilla Drive has a noticeable dip that could be repaired at the same time as the one on Green Pine.
230th Street has new gravel applied last summer and is in very good condition.
Greysen Drive is in good condition.
Gumby Bear Road and Gulukee Lane are greasy when wet so additional gravel should be applied.
Grouse Road has a bump at the water crossing which is possibly caused by the freeze/thaw cycle.
Glacier Drive is holding up well.
Glider Drive needs to have some trees removed and ditched established which would help with snow removal and visibility. It is also due for new gravel in the near future.
Get A Round Road and Ginger Road – The turnaround at the end of the township portion of Ginger could be re-established.
Hector Road and Harmony Road could both use additional gravel.
Granite Drive and Glory Trail will need gravel in the next few years.
Greenwood Loop had new gravel applied last year and the turnaround improved.
250th Street east of County 7 and Haywood Drive both had new gravel last year.
Hunter Road and Hope Drive are in good condition.
195th Avenue and 250th Street are holding up well.
Hartman Drive has Base One and is in better condition since pressing the rock into the surface this spring. Harbor Trail is good.
Intrepid Drive was one of the first roads to receive the Base One and it has remained in good condition.
Indigo Drive does not need any work.
We returned to the town hall at 5:30 PM.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes- Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Chair Jeff Adolphson called the April meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board to order at 7:10 PM. Other Board members present were Supervisors Brian Behrens and Roberta Doyle, Deputy Treasurer Terry Hokeness and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Three residents were also present. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Roberta moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the March 6, 2012 Board meeting. A copy has been received by the board members previously, and was available to other residents attending. The minutes are also on the Lake Emma Township website. Brian seconded the motion and it carried.
Terry gave the treasurer’s report as of March 31, 2012 – Total of All Accounts $549,126.13 General Revenue = $119,004.24; Road & Bridge = $430,121.89; State Bank Money Market = $63,726.87; State Bank CD = $120,300.08; Citizens National Bank Money Market = $260,858.93; Citizens National Bank CD of $51,504.22; Citizens National Bank CD of $52,537.72 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31; Funds available is $312,561.46. Payment for Vouchers #3099-3105 was presented for payment. Brian made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, seconded by Roberta and motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long reported that they will complete the crack sealing on township roads, have done some grading and some tree trimming. Plans are to go over the Base One roads to press the rocks into the surface. The Spring road tour was set for Tuesday, April 24th at 2:30 PM leaving from the town hall.
Ken Grob presented the Healthy Lakes Grant applications. All grants being allowed are for AIS inspection through the SWCD, and the money must be paid by May 1, 2012. The inspectors will be hired by SWCD and they will also provide the training. Inspectors must be at least 18 years old. The contracts will be signed at the May 1st meeting.
There were no concerns from the floor.
New Business:
The Fire Contract with the City of Park Rapids for the upcoming year was signed in the amount of $24,665. Land owners having a fire call will be billed $500 for the first hour and $300 each additional hour by the city.
Report on Hubbard County Township Meeting HF1587/SF1790 – Requirement that townships change assessors every 5 years Voter ID will be on the ballot in November.
Township Supervisor Noxious Weed training will be held on 7 PM, Thursday, April 26th in the Courthouse basement. Board members were encouraged to attend.
Board of Appeal & Equalization – Monday, April 9th – 9 AM – Residents are encouraged to make appointments with the Assessor’s office.
The Spring Short Course will be held on Wednesday, April 4, 2012 at Northern Lights, Walker. Roberta, Brian and Nancy will attend.
Correspondence, etc:
Anderson Brothers Forum – Nisswa Legion Thursday, April 12 at 5:30 PM
MN Roadway Maintenance Training & Demo Day – April 10, 2012
Roberta moved to adjourn at 8:25 PM, seconded by Brian. Motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township Annual Meeting - Tuesday, March 13, 2012
The Lake Emma Township Annual meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by the Clerk Nancy Bogaard. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited with twenty-four township residents present.
Nominations for moderator were opened. Brian Behrens nominated Tony Platz, seconded by Jennifer Therkilsen. There were no other nominations and Tony was unanimously elected as moderator. Respect for our former moderator, Karl Dyre was expressed by Tony.
The annual meeting 2011 minutes were read by the Clerk. Roberta Doyle moved to accept the minutes as read. Cliff Sawyer seconded the motion and it carried.
Roberta Doyle moved to have a synopsis of the treasurer’s report for 2011 given in place of a reading of all the receipts and disbursements. The motion was seconded by Linda Schissel and the motion carried. The General Revenue fund 2011 had a budget of $95,000. Receipts for the year were $93,514.78. Disbursements were $89,462.68 ending the year with $141,083.20. The Road and Bridge fund had a 2011 budget of $255,000. Receipts for Road and Bridge were $291,156.08 and disbursements were $227,166.81 ending the year with $417,145.12. Total funds at the end of 2011 were $558,228.32. Comments by Steve Lindeman and Dick Bogaard suggested that we should have any roads we want blacktopped or other major reconstruction projects done now, spending the money we have in reserve before prices go any higher. Jennifer Therkilsen moved to accept the treasurer’s report as presented, Ron Jacobson seconded it and the motion carried.
Supervisor Brian Behrens reported on 2011 road maintenance and improvements. The township has 33.55 miles of road, 11.2 miles of which are paved. Inward Loop was resurfaced with bituminous paving last summer by Tri-City Paving at a cost of $43,284.44. Grading projects were completed on 270th Street East, Greenwood Trail, Holly Road and Hunter Road. Roads receiving new gravel were 270th Street West, Harris Drive, 230th Street and Haywood Drive. Shouldering was completed on Grouse Road and Inward Loop. Roads receiving Base One applications were Holly Road, Intepid Road, Hartman Drive and Half Moon Road East. New pavement markings were applied to all the paved roadways on the edge lines and centerline. A two year maintenance contract was awarded to Long Construction for snowplowing, grading, graveling, crack sealing and minor improvements. The required sign replacement and inventory policy was adopted by the Town Board. Old township route markers have been removed and signs will be replaced as need in compliance with the new Federal laws. The estimated township pavement resurfacing need in the next 3 to 5 years is $825,000 to keep those roadways in serviceable condition for the residents.
Cathy Selseth, sexton for the Lake Emma Cemetery, reported we had 4 burials and one plot sale in 2011. Cost for a lot at the cemetery is $150 for residents ad $300 for non-residents. The cemetery was surveyed to locate lot markers. The fence was fixed and the sign has been removed for repair and painting by Sentence to Serve. Sentence to Serve also mowed the grass and will continue to do so.
The Healthy Lakes & Rivers project report was given by Bob Berdahl. $10,000 was budgeted for 2011 for grants for improvement projects within the township of which $5400 was paid for four projects. 1) Watercraft Inspection through COLA. 2) Shoreline Improvement Project to the Big Sand Lake Assoc. 3) AIS Casual Observer Program to the Little Sand Lake Association, and 4) Shoreline Guide Distribution to Big Sand Lake Association. $10,000 was budgeted for 2012 grants and four applications were received. Grants applicants need to provide a match of 50 cents (of cash or in-kind labor) for each one dollar received. The applications will be reviewed by a Citizens committee and presented for approval at the April Board meeting. A slide presentation was given showing the devastation caused by zebra mussels on lakes. Even though the water becomes clearer, the food chain is disturbed and fishing declines. Beaches cannot be enjoyed because of razor sharp zebra mussels. Bob requested that the Healthy Lakes grant program be increased to $14,000 depending on DNR funding and Hubbard County funding. Some suggestions for preventing the spread of zebra mussels were given such as closing some of the public landings so there would be fewer landings to have inspectors, or gating landings limiting the hours lakes can be accessed to when an inspector is present. Most inspectors come out of Bemidji. Education for prevention of all aquatic invasive species is necessary, of our congressmen and our commissioners, as well as fishermen and residents. Bob Berdahl made a motion to continue the 2013 Healthy Lakes grant continue at a minimum of $10,000 at present, giving the board the ability to raise the grant allotment to $14,000 at a continuation of the annual meeting in September and it was seconded by Jennifer Therkilsen. Residents present voted to approve the motion.
Setting the tax levy for Lake Emma Township was discussed. Dick Bogaard moved to set the Road and Bridge levy at $190,000. Mike Cohrs seconded. After considering the expenses the township had in previous years and the recommendation of the town board, Dick amended his motion to have a minimum of $190,000 to be adjusted to cover needed work. Seconded by Steve Lindeman. Roberta Doyle made a motion to keep the General Revenue tax levy at $95,000, seconded by Ron Jacobson. The motion was carried.
Jennifer Therkilsen moved to continue using the Park Rapids Enterprise for publishing public notices. The motion was seconded by Joan Aeling and carried.
Thirteen area organizations presented requests for contributions from the township. The Board had capped total combined donations at $8000 or 7% of the General Revenue Fund budget, whichever is less for 2013 which would be a maximum of $6500. Tonight’s monetary amounts approved are expressions of the township residents desires, but the final decision will be made by the township board. The following motions carried as suggested donations.
On a motion by Cliff Sawyer, seconded by Richard Smith, $400 for Headwaters Animal Shelter;
Motion by Joan Aeling, seconded by Linda Schissel, $100 to Headwaters Center for Lifelong Learning;
Motion by Linda Schissel, seconded by Wayne Swanson, $2000 to Hubbard First Responders;
Motion by Linda Schissel, seconded by Richard Smith, $1500 to Kinship;
Motion by Wayne Swanson, seconded by Ron Jacobson, $400 to the Lakes Area Dive Team;
Motion by Dan Kittilson, seconded by Cliff Sawyer, $600 to Living at Home;
Motion by Linda Schissel, seconded by Jennifer Therkilsen, $1500 to the Park Rapids Area Library;
Motion by Ron Jacobson, seconded by Bob Berdahl, $150 to Sexual Assault Program.
The Board of Appeal and Equalization will be held at the town hall on Monday, April 9, 2012 beginning at 9:00 AM.
Dick Bogaard moved, seconded by Larry Bexell, for the continuation of the Annual meeting for the purpose of setting the Road and Bridge tax levy and for the possible increase of the Healthy Lakes Grant, to Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at the monthly Town Board meeting held at the Town Hall.
The next Annual meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 at 7:00 PM.
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Chair Jeff Adolphson called the March meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board to order at 7:10 PM. Other Board members present were Supervisors Brian Behrens and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Six residents were also present. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Roberta moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the February 6, 2012 Board meeting. A copy has been received by the board members previously, and was available to other residents attending. The minutes are also on the Lake Emma Township website. Brian seconded the motion and it carried. , Mavis gave the treasurer’s report as of February 29, 2012 – Total of All Accounts = $556,621.62; General Revenue = $123,337.41; Road & Bridge = $433,284.21; State Bank Money Market = $63,687.61; State Bank CD = $120,300.08; Citizens National Bank Money Market = $268,393.68; Citizens National Bank CD of $51,504.22; Citizens National Bank CD of $52,537.72 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31; Funds available is $332,279.60. Payment of vouchers #3077-3091 was presented for payment. Brian made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, seconded by Roberta and motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Justin Long reported some snow removal and sanding as well as some tree trimming and removal. They plan to grade some of gravel roads this week (weather permitting) to remove some of the slush build up.
We received quotes for Roadside Mowing & Brushing Contracts from Long Construction of $68 per hour and from Ray’s Mowing for $80 per hour. The contract was awarded to the low bid of Long Construction on motion by Roberta, seconded by Brian, carried.
A discussion was held again this month regarding the limitations for donations or contributions. Jeff reminded us that the amounts approved at the Annual meeting are recommendations only and it is up to the discretion of the Board as to the final amounts given. Jeff moved to limit township contributions to $8000 or 7% of the General Revenue budget for the year. Roberta seconded the motion and it carried.
There were no concerns from the floor.
New Business:
Four (4) Healthy Lakes Grant applications were received. Bob Berdahl, from the Citizens Committee presented a breakdown of the history of the Healthy Lakes program. Brian made a motion to extend the grant application deadline to March 23, 2012 because DNR grants will have been made by then. Jeff seconded and the motion carried. Grants will still be awarded at the April 3, 2012 Board meeting. A tax levy for Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) was proposed for Lake Emma Township residents. An alternative option would be to budget as part of the General budget. If money was allocated, the plan could possibly be administered through Soil and Water Conservation and COLA. This will be presented to the residents at the Annual meeting next Tuesday.
The Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 13, 2012. Mavis will pick up cookies and bottled water.
A County Township Meeting will be held on Monday, March 19 at Henrietta Township Hall.
The Board of Appeal & Equalization will be held on Monday, April 9th beginning at 9 AM.
The Spring Short Course will be on Wednesday, April 4, 2012 at Northern Lights in Walker
A Clean Lakes & Rivers Workshop will be held on Thursday, March 22 -5:30 PM at Faith Baptist Church.
Correspondence, etc:
Roberta moved to adjourn at 9:30 PM, seconded by Jeff. Motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township - Board of Audit - Monday, February 06, 2012
The 2012 Board of Audit of Lake Emma Township was called to order by Chair Jeff Adolphson at 6:05 PM. The purpose of this meeting is to audit and settle all charges against the township for 2011. Other Board members present were Supervisor Brian Behrens, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. One other township resident was present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. The receipt ledger was received and reviewed by the Board members and all questions were answered. The disbursement ledger was distributed and reviewed. An error was discovered in the account number for snow plowing, and that was corrected. Jeff moved to authorize Mavis to investigate with the local banks for the best interest rate for CDs, and to move one of the CD to another bank to avoid going over our $300K limit. Brian seconded the motion and the motion carried. Discussion was held regarding the levy for 2013. The suggested levy to the Annual meeting will be to retain the $95,000 for General Revenue and reduced the Road and Bridge levy to $245,000. Discussion was also held regarding the next road that will require resurfacing. Green Pines Road and Garnet Drive are both approaching 20 years. Grouse Road was originally surfaced a couple years later. Brian moved to approve the Audit report as presented, Jeff seconded and the motion carried. Jeff moved to adjourn, Brian seconded, motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes- Monday, February 6, 2012
Chair Jeff Adolphson called the February meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board to order at 7:10 PM. Other Board members present were Supervisor Brian Behrens, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Two residents were also present. The pledge of allegiance was recited earlier at the Board of Audit.
Brian moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the January 3, 2012 Board meeting. A copy has been received by the board members previously, and was available to other residents attending. The minutes are also on the Lake Emma Township website. Jeff seconded the motion and it carried. , Mavis gave the treasurer’s report as of January 31, 2012 – Total of All Accounts = $536,465.26; General Revenue = $122,242.19; Road & Bridge = $414,223.07; State Bank Money Market = $63,649.68; State Bank CD = $119,801.84; Citizens National Bank Money Market = $249,113.29; Citizens National Bank CD of $51,336.01; Citizens National Bank CD of $52,366.13 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31; Funds available is $312,961.28. Payment of vouchers #3072-3076 were approved for payment. Brian moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Jeff seconded and motion carried.
Old Business: Road Report – Terry Long of Long Construction reported they have scraped ice on some of the blacktop roads. Some of the gravel roads have accumulated snow on the edge which will be removed whenever we get more snow. Some tree trimming and brushing will be done as time allows. The beavers have cut some trees around Stocking Lake.
Terry submitted an estimate for upgrading Get A Round Drive to qualify for acceptance for a township road. Jeff will forward the information to the interested parties.
We received correspondence from Swanson Law office regarding a correction necessary following the recent survey. Jeff moved to cover the legal costs of processing the quit claim deed. Brian seconded and motion carried.
Donations and contributions were discussed as we tried to decipher the rules and regulations received from the State Auditor’s office. Townships are restricted as to what organizations we can donate to. Is the particular contribution statutorily authorized? Is the contribution for a public purpose and in the town’s interest? Is the town board able to satisfy all of the conditions, requirements, and procedures associated with the contribution? Contracts may be entered into for some organizations.
There were no concerns from the floor.
New Business:
Sales Tax exemption certificate was given to Long Construction for use in purchases for the township.
The Lake Emma Board of Appeal & Equalization will be held on Monday, April 9th beginning at 9 AM.
Correspondence, etc:
Bridget Chard & Associates – fire contract meeting – 7 PM, Thurs, Feb 16, Courthouse, Room B2. Brian will plan to attend.
A letter was received from Land Stewardship Project regarding SF270 and HF389. No action was taken.
Thank You Cards for the township’s donations were received from Park Rapids Area Library and the Headwaters Animal Shelter.
Information received at the Hubbard County Township meeting was shared. Two noxious weeds are getting closer; Giant Hog weed is in Wisconsin and Wild Parsnip is in Cass and Wadena Counties.
Jeff moved to adjourn at 8:37 PM, seconded by Brian. Motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes- Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Chair Jeff Adolphson called the January meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board to order at 7:04 PM. Other Board members present were Supervisor Brian Behrens, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Five residents were also present. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Brian moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the December 6, 2011 Board meeting. A copy has been received by the board members previously, and was available to other residents attending. The minutes are also on the Lake Emma Township website. Jeff seconded the motion and it carried. , Mavis gave the treasurer’s report as of December 31, 2011 – Total of All Accounts = $558,228.32; General Revenue = $141,083.20; Road & Bridge = $417,145.12; State Bank Money Market = $63,607.86; State Bank CD = $119,801.84; Citizens National Bank Money Market = $270,918.17; Citizens National Bank CD of $51,336.01; Citizens National Bank CD of $52,366.13 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31; Funds available is $334,724.34. Payment of vouchers #3056-3071 were presented for payment. Brian moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Jeff seconded and motion carried.
Old Business: Road Report – Terry Long of Long Construction reported they did a little snow plowing at the end of December. They also removed some trees in the road right-away along Green Pines Road.
Terry also expressed an interest in doing the roadside mowing for the township roads in the upcoming year. He thought it would be easier to coordinate the mowing with the grading on the gravel road if they were also doing the mowing. Jeff requested that Terry submit a bid. We will also request a bid from Ray Ball.
Ken Grob presented a request for payment for the Hubbard County COLA Healthy Lakes grant for their watercraft inspection project. Brian moved to approve the grant funding of $1000. It was seconded by Jeff and motion carried. Ken also presented a Resolution in Support of Establishing a Hubbard County AIS Task Force, which will be requesting funds from townships in the future.
Jeff and Brian visited with the Swanson Law Office regarding the cemetery survey recording and gave them the boundaries described in the survey.
The Sign Reflectivity inventory is about half completed. Jeff is doing the inventory. A few signs can be eliminated, but the majority will have to be replaced if they do not meet the new reflectivity standards including night vision. Sign supports may have to be replaced changing to 3# posts. Kelsey Adolphson will be volunteering to help as part of a student government program in school. Jeff moved to adopt the Lake Emma Township Road Sign Inventory, Retro-Reflectivity Compliance Evaluation, and Replacement Policy as presented. Brian seconded and the motion carried.
There were no concerns from the floor.
New Business:
A Utility Permit application will be available on our website ( Nancy will notify MasTec that they will need to complete the application instead of just notification of where they are digging.
Harris & Terry Hokeness of Bayside Resort were present to request a Resolution for a 3.2 Malt Liquor License. Jeff moved to grant the request, seconded by Brian and the motion carried.
Terry Long will give us an estimate for bring Get Around Drive into compliance of the township ordinance for a township road per a resident’s request.
A discussion was held regarding what are donations and what are contracts. We have received the insurance certificate from the Hubbard 1st Response and Rescue. Additional discussion will be held at the February meeting.
Correspondence, etc: Hubbard County Township meeting – Monday, January 23 – Straight River Township
The Board of Audit was set for Tuesday, February 7, 2012, prior to the regular meeting.
Jeff moved to adjourn at 9:22 PM, seconded by Brian. Motion carried.