2010 Meeting Minutes
Lake Emma Township Minutes - Thursday, December 9, 2010
The regular monthly meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board was called to order by Chairperson Rod Westrum at 7:00 PM at the township hall. Board members present were Supervisor Rod Westrum, Supervisor Roberta Doyle, Supervisor Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Deputy Clerk Marianne Potratz. Terry Long, Jim Potratz, Frank Trenholm, Brian Halbasch, and Christine Rausch were also present.
The Board Chairman Rod Westrum welcomed everyone, then invited all to pledge allegiance to our flag. The Clerk’s report for November was accepted as printed by motion of Jeff and second of Roberta. The motion passed, along with the addendum to the Board of Canvass minutes.
The Treasurer gave her report, showing a balance on hand of $339,360.21 in all accounts on November 30, 2010. General Revenue had a balance of $101,115.85, and Road & Bridge had $238,244.36, with $119,639.58 currently available. The State Bank Money Market showed a balance of $62,771.85, the State Bank CD a balance of $117,766.98, Citizens National Bank Money Market a balance of $56,669.42, and the CD at Citizens National Bank a balance of $50,409.94. The Citizens National Bank checking account had a balance of $198.31. Roberta moved to accept the Treasurer’s report, and Jeff seconded the motion, which passed.
Payment of vouchers #2876 through #2906 was authorized.
Treasurer Mavis Trenholm advised the Board that she has received the tax settlement from Hubbard County since the end of last month, and it is in the amount of $164,052.37. After looking at the 2011 budget and discussion, Jeff moved to assign $95,000 of these monies to the General revenue Fund and the balance of $69,052.37 to the Road and Bridge Fund. Seconded by Rod, the motion was carried. At next month’s meeting, a decision will be made as to what amount will be put into the Road and Bridge Reserve Funds, in the form of a Certificate of Deposit.
Old Business:
Road Report: Terry Long said that they have been plowing the township roads in earnest recently, and they also have been doing some tree trimming. Some dead trees which are leaning toward the roads will need to be cut, which they will try to accomplish soon. They have had some problems with plowing some of the roads and turnarounds for the buses to the satisfaction of some of the residents. It was decided that, if necessary, Terry may need to do a second plowing with a pickup on some of the smaller roads and turnarounds. The Board encouraged Terry to do this is he found it to be necessary.
New Business:
Brian Halbasch requested that the township formally take over maintenance of the road and turnaround on which his property is located. These roads are just off Grouse Road and include Gumby Bear Road and Gelukee Lane, located in the Stoney Acres Plat. Discussion ensued about the township’s responsibility to maintain roads such as these that have been dedicated to public use, held in trust for townships, and have been brought up to township standards. These roads are about .4 of a mile in length, and Terry agreed that they were up to township standards. Jeff moved that Lake Emma Twp. Should accept responsibility immediately for the maintenance of these roads by resolution, Roberta seconded the motion, and a resolution was drawn up to this effect and signed by the chair and clerk.
Jeff brought up the matter of road striping, and after discussion, he moved that Lake Emma Township enter into a contract with Hubbard County for this purpose. Seconded by Rod, the motion passed.
A presentation was given by Jeff regarding the compiling of a road sign inventory for the township, a requirement by the federal government to be completed by January of 2012. Jeff drove through and inventoried Hartman, Harbor, and part of Intrepid Roads to demonstrate how this could be done. The Board encouraged him to pursue this endeavor for the township.
The Dept. of Natural Resources Division of Parks and Trails has notified the Board that they are starting to take grant applications, some of which may be of interest to the township. Jeff handed out information regarding what is to be available.
It was decided to wait until January to elect a Chair and Vice Chair for the Board.
This is Rod Westrum’s last meeting as a supervisor, since he decided to retire from the Board. He thanked the other board members, as well as the residents of Lake Emma Township, for working closely together to accomplish many good things. The Board thanked Rod for his many years of good service to the township.
The next regular meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board will be on January 4, 2011.
Roberts moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 PM. Seconded by Rod, the motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes - Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Deputy Chair Roberta Doyle called the meeting to Order at 7:00 PM. Other board members present were supervisor Jeff Adolphson, treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and clerk Nancy Bogaard. Eight residents were also present. Since we had recited the flag pledge at the Board of Canvass earlier this evening, we did not repeat it now.
The reading of the clerk’s minutes from the October 5, 2010 board meeting was dispensed with on motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff, and the motion carried.
Mavis gave the treasurer’s report as of October 31, 2010 – Total of All Accounts = $363,339.09; General Revenue = $102,459.85 + Road & Bridge = $260,879.24 with $144,135.64 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $62,697.64; State Bank C.D. of $117,249.80; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $81,239.69; Citizens National Bank CD of $50,409.94; Citizens National Bank CD of $51,543.71 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Payment for vouchers #2869-2875 was presented. Roberta moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Jeff seconded and motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long, of Long Construction, reported lots of trees down due to high winds in the area and several days of rain. They completed shouldering on Indigo, Intrepid, Green Pines, Grouse and Hunter. Garnet still needs to be done, but may have to wait until next spring.
Lindow Surveying presented the completed surveys for work done this fall. We have completed center-line surveys on all township roads.
There were no concerns from the floor.
New Business:
Terry Hokeness of Bayside Resort renewal of their beer license. Jeff moved to pass a resolution to do so, and Roberta seconded. Motion carried.
Ken Grob of COLA reported on the Watercraft Inspection program which grew from boat inspection in Lake Emma Township to four other townships this summer. 545 boats were inspected on lakes in Lake Emma Township this season.
Little Sand Lake Area Association presented this Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) monitoring program for which they were granted a Healthy Lakes grant of $1350 from Lake Emma Township. Twelve residents (including some from Potato and Mantrap) have been trained for early detection of invasive plants. It is hoped that other lake associations might benefit from the program they have put together.
Board of Canvass Report – Lake Emma Township had 545 voters turnout in the General Election yesterday, representing slightly over 80% of registered voters. For Lake Emma Township, Mavis Trenholm was re-elected treasurer and Brian Behrens was elected Supervisor C.
The December Board meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday, December 9, 2010.
Correspondence, etc:
2011 MBA Scholarship Program is available to employees or children of employees of government or school districts, or elected officials.
Roberta made a motion to adjourn at 7:45 PM, Jeff seconded.
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Lake Emma Township Board of Canvass - November 3, 2010
The Board of Canvass for Lake Emma Township convened at 6:30 PM at the Lake Emma Town Hall with Supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle present. The purpose of the meeting was to review the results of the Township Election held on Tuesday, November 2, 2010. Clerk Nancy Bogaard and treasurer Mavis Trenholm were also present. Supervisor Rod Westrum was absent. Deputy Chair Roberta Doyle opened the meeting at 6:30 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Election judges were: head judges Nancy Bogaard and Terry Hokeness, and judges Karen Kok, David Bezenek, Cecil Cordahl, Chris Rausch, Kim Adolphson, Kelsey Adolphson, Ruth Larsen, Maggi Yerkes, Nicole Vik, Gerry Axmark and Joan Aeling. Five hundred forty-five votes were processed, with the following results: Incumbent Treasurer Mavis Trenholm was re-elected to a 4-year term with 425 votes. There was also one write in vote for Ron Jacobson. Brian Behrens was newly elected to the 4-year Supervisor C position with 442 votes, and Rod Lof receiving one write-in vote.
Roberta Doyle moved to accept the results of the election. Jeff Adolphson seconded the motion, which carried.
Nancy Bogaard will check with Marianne Potratz for the deputy clerk position and Mavis Trenholm will check with Terry Hokeness for her deputy treasurer.
Jeff moved at 6:45 PM to adjourn the meeting. Roberta seconded the motion, which passed.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Chair Rod Westrum called the meeting to Order at 7:07 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Other board members present were supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and clerk Nancy Bogaard. Six residents were also present.
The reading of the clerk’s minutes of the September 7, 2010 board meeting was dispensed with on motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff, and the motion carried.
Mavis gave the treasurer’s report as of September 30, 2010 – Total of All Accounts = $409,379.69; General Revenue = $102,437.76 + Road & Bridge = $306,941.93 with $190,176.24 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $62,630.46; State Bank C.D. of $117,249.80; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $123,792.57; Citizens National Bank CD of $50,409.94; Citizens National Bank CD of $51,543.71 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $3753.21. Bills to be paid: Vouchers #2863 – 2868. Jeff moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Roberta seconded and motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long reported work on the north end of Holly Road which is a minimum maintenance road. Some grading was done on the Base One roads following sufficient rain. Plans are to add gravel to Grayson, and improve the ditches on Garnet if weather permits. We will check the roadside mowing on Holly Road during the tour on Friday.
Jeff contacted MAT legal for an opinion on discontinuing maintenance of an existing township road, Harbor Trail, because of a hardship of getting equipment turned around. The response was that we are obligated to continue maintenance unless the road is vacated. We will look at the situation on the road tour Friday. Glendale Road will also be inspected on the tour.
A public meeting regarding the Great River Energy proposed 115 kV transmission line was held last week. Additional information is available on line. (A link is available on the Lake Emma Township website.) Comments may be emailed to with PUC Docket No. ET2/TL-10-86 in the email subject line, no later than 4:30 PPM on Monday, October 11. The Board voted to submit a resolution to put a hold on the installation of the transmission line at this time, on motion by Rod, seconded by Jeff.
Concerns from the Floor:
Mike Longazo was present questioning the ownership of the former Warmbolt Road. There is a dispute as to who has the right to walk on the road. The road has been vacated and the township did not have any record of ever having ownership of the road. The board’s suggestion is to check the description on their deed, and have the property surveyed, and visit with their neighbors.
New Business:
Rob Swanson of Zhateau Zorbaz was present to have his liquor license renewed. Roberta moved to pass a resolution to do so, and Jeff seconded. Motion carried.
The EAW Assessment of Little Sand Investors was discussed. Rod has spoken with the owners and asked them to keep the Board informed of their progress in developing a PUD. Rod will also give the information to the Little Sand Lake Association.
Board of Canvass will meet at 6:30 PM at the town hall on Wednesday, November 3 on motion by Jeff, seconded by Roberta, and the motion carried. The regular November Board meeting will follow.
Correspondence, etc:
Township road mileage was discussed. There have been no changes in the past year. This information will be given to the Hubbard County Engineer.
Hub Co Environmental Services – Schneeman Cabin – Lot viewal Thursday, Oct 14 at 11:30 AM; Hearing Monday, Oct 18 at 9:00 AM.
Fall Road Tour will be on Friday, Oct 8 at 3:00 PM, leaving from the town hall.
The November Board meeting (because of Election Day) is rescheduled to Wednesday, Nov 3, 2010.
Jeff reported on the District 11 annual meeting held in September.
Roberta made a motion to adjourn at 8:50 PM, Jeff seconded.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Chair Rod Westrum called the meeting to Order at 7 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Other board members present were supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and clerk Nancy Bogaard. Six residents were also present.
The reading of the clerk’s minutes of the August 3, 2010 board meeting was dispensed with on motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff, and the motion carried.
Mavis gave the treasurer’s report as of August 31, 2010 – Total of All Accounts = 441,286.68; General Revenue = $109,338.62 + Road & Bridge = $331,948.06 with $222,598.14 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $62,556.94; State Bank C.D. of $116,734.89; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $159,842.89; Citizens National Bank CD of $50,409.94; Citizens National Bank CD of $51,543.71 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Bills to be paid: Vouchers #2840 – 2862. Jeff moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Roberta seconded and motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long of Long Construction reported grade repair on Indigo where pavement was sinking. The paving is yet to be done. Base One application on Hartman, Harbor, Half Moon roads was sweetened. The turnaround on Hartman Drive was discussed because it is small and there is only a 20 foot rightaway. Terry stated that we may have to forego maintenance of the road because of the danger of having the large equipment on the road without an adequate turnaround. Jeff suggested we contact MAT for their opinion of what should be done, and then speak with the residents on our fall road tour. The berm on Half Moon West has been removed with additional post and reflective signs placed to discourage four wheelers. Roadside mowing on township roads will be started next week. Jeff made a motion to have Greg Hensel do fall weed spraying beginning this week, or as weather permits. Rod seconded and the motion carried.
Melodee Monicken notified the Board that she is willing to spread grass seed in the Holly Road ditches if the township would pay for the seed. Jeff made the motion to pay for the seed, up to two hundred dollars, Roberta seconded and the motion carried.
New Business:
Kathie Cole, Tracy Day & Duane Milkie, residents on Glendale Road were present to explore the possibility of the township taking over the maintenance as a township road. The residents understand that they would need to bring the road up to the township standards if necessary. Jeff suggested that we look at the road on our fall road tour to determine what would need to be done and if there is room for a turnaround. Jeff reviewed Minnesota road statues concerning town roads.
Dave Lepper contacted the Board to determine whether he can put a gate across their road, Hawk Drive. Since it is not a township road, the Lake Emma Township board does not have any interest in Hawk Drive, and did not issue an opinion.
Additional election judges were approved for the General Election.
Friday, October 8, 2010 was set for the Fall Road Tour leaving the town hall at 3 PM.
Reschedule November Board meeting was rescheduled to Wednesday, November 3rd, due to Election Day on November 2nd.
District 11 Annual Meeting – Chase on the Lake, Walker – Wednesday, September 22 – 6 PM. Board members will meet at the town hall at 5:30 PM to carpool.
Rod moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 PM. Motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Chair Rod Westrum called the meeting to Order at 7 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Other board members present were supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and clerk Nancy Bogaard. Three residents were also present.
The reading of the clerk’s minutes of the July 6, 2010 board meeting was dispensed with on motion by Roberta, seconded by Rod, and the motion carried.
Mavis gave the treasurer’s report as of July 31, 2010 – Total of All Accounts = $473,827.92; General Revenue = $109,149.15 + Road & Bridge = $364,678.77 with $255,421.19 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $62,451.54; State Bank C.D. of $116,734.89; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $192,771.34; Citizens National Bank CD of $50,409.94; Citizens National Bank CD of $51,261.90 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Bills to be paid: Vouchers #2837- 2839. Jeff moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Rod seconded and motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long of Long Construction reported they have completed 270th Street with new gravel. Intrepid Drive also received new gravel on the Base One section. Half Moon, Hartman and Harbor will be considered to receive an additional Base One application. There were sufficient washouts due to heavy rains on Glacier and Glider which have been repaired. The fence to prevent the beaver from building between Stocking and Lower Bottle has been cut again and had to be replaced. Residents are encouraged to watch for vandals and report any suspicious activity to the town board.
Pickerel Lake (Happy Drive) Easement has been purchased from the State of Minnesota DNR and has been filed. A final financial report has not been received from Thomason Law Office.
Jeff moved to extend the time frame for the center-line survey to December 1, 2010. Roberta seconded and the motion carried.
Concerns from the Floor:
Karl Kahler, a summer resident on Half Moon Road West, presented a request to have the berm removed that had been placed to close Half Moon Road because it is on his property. He also stated that the turnaround is partially on his land, and he needs a statement from the Town Board indicating such. The township does have a prescriptive easement of 66’ (33’ each way from center line survey) for the turnaround. Terry will remove the berm and add black dirt and grass seed.
New Business:
One quote was received for pavement marking for Grouse Road, Intrepid Road and Inward Loop, from AAA Striping Service. It was decided to wait until next year to have the roads striped.
Correspondence, etc:
State Demographic Center released estimated population and household figures from April 1, 2009 for Lake Emma Township. Population is 954. Households are 420.
Hubbard County Environmental Services notified the township of a Lot Viewal (Thurs, Aug 12) & Hearing (Mon, Aug 16) for Schneeman Cabin LLC located between Lower Bottle and Lake Emma.
A workshop on Crow Wing River Watershed will be held on Wednesday, August 25th in Brainerd. Information can be obtained by contacting Karen Terry,, or online at
Rod moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM. Jeff seconded and motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township Minutes - Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The regular monthly meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board was called to order by Chair Rod Westrum at 7:00 P.M. at the township hall. Other Board members present were Supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Eighteen township residents were also present. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
On motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff, the reading of the Clerk’s minutes from the June meeting was dispensed with and the written minutes were accepted as printed. Motion carried.
The treasurer’s report was given by Mavis as of June 30, 2010 – Total of All Accounts = $323,473.05; General Revenue = $62,374.26 + Road & Bridge = $261,098.79 with $105,272.84 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $62,349.05; State Bank C.D. of $116,734.89; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $42,725.48; Citizens National Bank CD of $50,203.42; Citizens National Bank CD of $51,261.90 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Payments of vouchers #2831- 2836 were approved. Roberta moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Jeff seconded, and motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long reported they have completed Base One on Holly Road and will continue on 270th Street tomorrow. They also had to do grading on gravel roads following the rain last week. The roads with Base One surfacing held up very well with the heavy rain. Terry notified Qwest that we had lowered Holly Road so they could lower their phone line if they wanted to while we had the road open. He did not hear from them, but now the area is marked for digging. Terry plans to remove the gravel and Base One, and then replace it after the phone line has been dug in. It was decided that Jeff would put together a form that will be available on our website, for all companies that wish to dig, that they can print out and complete and send to us. Because of the increase in fiber optics being placed along township roads, we feel that we have to be made aware of all lines being placed. A request for a Dead End sign on Get A Round Drive will be looked into. Rod will handle this request and get back to Terry.
Pickerel Lake (Happy Drive) Easement application is coming to a close. Attorney Mark Thomason will send the check to the State of Minnesota and get the easement recorded, hopefully within this month. Jeff made a motion to acquire and pay for Easement No 133-026-0306 from the DNR in the amount of $8335.75 and continue to recoup money for expenses incurred. Roberta seconded and the motion carried.
Great River Energy “Potato Lake 115 KV Transmission Line” report is out. It appears that the line will be built and we have very little to say about where and when.
A Healthy Lakes Grant project has been completed by Blue Lake Association. The Advisory Committee has inspected the project and has approved it for the grant money and a check for $2000 will be issued tonight.
Jeff has obtained a quote for installation of an automatic door opener from Bel Taine Glass for $2351.25. Other businesses contacted were not interested in doing the work. Rod made a motion to have the door opener installed if the project can be completed before the grant deadline of August 1st. Roberta seconded. In discussion with Bel Taine Glass, they informed us that an electrician would also be needed and a post installed for the button. Because the deadline is so close, Rod withdrew his motion and the project will not be done at this time.
Concerns from the Floor:
Residents from Half Moon Road were present and discussed the pros and cons of having the road closed. A Curve sign on west Half Moon should be removed.
New Business:
Jeff had requested quotes for pavement marking, but has not receive any by today. He did get information that paint is hard to get. He will continue to contact other contractors to get prices before our next meeting.
The list of Election judges as presented was approved on motion by Rod, seconded by Roberta. Each judge must attend 2 hours of training prior to serving and be 18 years of age by November 4th (General Election).
Correspondence, etc:
A request for information on Gelukee Lane (Off Gumby Bear Rd) was received. No residents from that development were present at tonight’s meeting and no action was taken. Rod will contact him to discuss the road, which is not a township road.
State Demographic Center population and household information for 2009 was given to the board.
Hubbard County Environmental Services – Lot Viewal & Hearings July 14th; - Convert to PUD – July 13th
The Blue Lake Association requested permission to use the town hall for their annual meeting on Saturday, July 10, 2010 and permission was granted.
Mavis reported that the township has a CD scheduled for renewal this month. On motion by Jeff, seconded by Roberta, Mavis was authorized to renew and reinvest the money where we can get the best interest rate.
Roberta moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 P.M. Seconded by Jeff, the motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township Minutes - Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The regular monthly meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board was called to order by Chair Rod Westrum at 7:00 P.M. at the township hall. Other Board members present were Supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Twelve township residents were also present. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The reading of the Clerk’s minutes from the May meeting was dispensed with and the written minutes were accepted as printed on motion by Roberta, seconded by Rod. Motion carried.
Mavis gave the treasurer’s report as of May 31, 2010 – Total of All Accounts = $354,480.14; General Revenue = $81,214.59 + Road & Bridge = $273,265.56 with $136,.279.93 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $62,236.51; State Bank C.D. of $116,734.89; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $73,845.11; Citizens National Bank CD of $50,203.42; Citizens National Bank CD of $51,261.90 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Payment vouchers of #2811 through 2830 were approved. Jeff moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Roberta seconded it, and the motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long reported they are busy with summer maintenance grading which included tree removal after a wind storm moved through. They have also begun projects identified on the road tour beginning with Base One application on Holly Road, hopefully next week.
Melodee Monicken representing the Blue Lake Association, reported the progress on their Healthy Lakes Grant project is nearly complete. Upon completion total bills must be presented to the township and the advisory committee will inspect the project before the grant money is paid out.
The minutes from the Road Tour were approved on motion by Jeff, seconded by Rod. Jeff is working on getting the quotes for pavement markings.
Attorney Mark Thomason reported on the Pickerel Lake (Happy Drive) easement. The fact that there is Trust Fund lands included in the easement area limits the easement be granted to a municipality, Lake Emma Township, in this instance. Several residents had questions answered by Mark. All property owners have received a letter showing their share to pay to complete the project and the money needs to be received before the township can pay the DNR. Jeff spoke with the DNR today and they are anxious to close this project, hopefully by the first of July. They also told him that because the deed will be made to the township, the easement could become the responsibility of the township to maintain. This could require the removal of the trees so the easement would meet the township road minimum requirements. Mark will notify the board about June 20th regarding the amount of money that has come in.
The placement of the Great River Energy “Potato Lake 115 KV Transmission Line” was discussed, i.e. County Road 18, County Road 40, or County Road 4 and township 280th Street west. A link to the project is provided on the Lake Emma Township website
Concerns from the Floor:
Residents inquired of any knowledge the town board might have regarding availability of high speed internet in Lake Emma Township. There is a plan which would divide the coverage area between Paul Bunyan Telephone and ACS Communications, but the timetable is not known.
Chris Rausch of the Pickerel Lake Association asked if there are any restrictions on rental of private property. Commissioner Don Carlson was present and stated that the county ordinance prohibits the practice. Suggestions were made to speak to the property owners, and then if necessary, contact the Environmental services and/or County Attorney.
New Business: Summer Short Course will be in Walker on June 30. Rod, Roberta, Mavis & Nancy will attend.
Roberta moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 P.M. Seconded by Rod, the motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township - Spring Road Tour - May 14, 2010
Board members in attendance were Chair Rod Westrum, Supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Terry Long of Long Construction and Joe Hines of Hines Brushing also participated.
We left the town hall at 2:40 PM heading west on Half Moon Road E. Terry suggested a second layer of Base One be applied this summer, based on the standards for using Base One.
Inward Loop should be striped. Sentence to Serve has already mowed the cemetery and the lawn at the town hall.
280th Street – Wintered well after the reconstruction work done last year.
270th Street east of Co Rd 4 – scheduled to have Base One applied this summer. Some new gravel will have to be applied along with the Base One since it has been two years since gravel was added to the road. We have received a request for a Dead End sign at the beginning of 270th Street heading east from Co Rd 4.
270th Street west of Co Rd 4 – Base One was applied as far as Holly Rd last year and it is holding up well. 270th west of Holly does not need any work other than normal maintenance.
Holly Road from 270th north is good to the minimum maintenance portion. To improve the minimum maintenance portion, we will clear the roadside of brush so it can be mowed and add gravel and do grading to improve the roadbed.
Holly Road had Base One applied from 270th Street to south of Pickerel Lake. The remainder of Holly to Co Rd 40 will receive additional gravel and Base One this summer. The road will be reshaped to improve the sight distance for traffic entering onto Holly Road.
Harris Drive is holding up but could use additional gravel this fall or next year.
Green Pines Road has one small sinkhole but we will not repair it this summer.
Garnet Drive has several areas that have no drainage which is causing the pavement to breakup along the shoulders. Terry will do bank and ditch work on small sections where there would need no tree removal, to improve the drainage.
Gasparilla Drive has one sinkhole but we will not fix it his year. It was also decided that we would not stripe the road at this time.
240th Street will need only normal maintenance.
Greysen Road needs gravel this summer.
We toured Gumby Bear Road. Residents living there had appeared at a township meeting last winter requesting that it be designated as a township road. It appears to have been built to meet township road specifications.
Grouse Road will need to be striped this year. We had a request for Pedestrian signs along Pine Cone Lodge, which Terry will place east and west of the Lodge.
Greenwood Trail will need gravel on the south half.
Glory Trail and Granite Drive need to have a few trees trimmed.
Harmony Road and Hector Road are good. Hector may need additional gravel.
Ginger Road is okay.
Get A Round Road was reconstructed last year in a joint project with Mantrap Township. No additional work is needed this year.
Glider Road, 1.2 miles, will be rebuilt within two years. Hubbard County will be notified and asked to take out trees along the road as they are cutting trees in the area.
Glacier Drive had new gravel two years ago and is holding up well.
250th Street, east of Co Rd 7 will get new gravel this year.
Haywood Drive is in good condition.
Hunter Drive has a few spots that will require shouldering this summer.
Hope Drive will need to have some dead trees removed.
195th Street and 250th east of Co Rd 4 are both in good condition.
Hartman Drive was improved with Base One in 2008. Terry will blade and pack it this spring. The turnaround at the end of Hartman also needs to be rounded out more.
Harbor Trail is okay.
Intrepid Road from Intrepid Trail east received Base One last year and will be bladed and packed this summer. Intrepid Road west of Intrepid Trial was improved with Base One in 2007. Two inches of gravel and application of Base One will be done again this year. The paved portion of Intrepid will be striped.
Indigo Drive has a section will has been gradually sinking. There was discussion to remove the pavement from that section and build it up to get it above the water which stands on both sides, reinforce it with geo-grid, and have it resurfaced.
1. Base One on Holly Road, from Pickerel Lake to Co Rd 40
2. Gravel for other roads that will have Base One applied
270th Street east of Co Rd 4
Intrepid Road from Co Rd 4 to Intrepid Trail (2nd application)
3. Reconstruct that portion of Indigo that is sinking.
4. Gravel other roads
Greysen Drive
Greenwood Trail
250th Street, east of Co Rd 7
Other business brought before the Board:
Lake Emma township has received a grant of $3000 to wire and install automatic door control switches. Jeff made a motion that we obtain quotes for the installation of automatic door opener at the town hall. Rod seconded the motion and it carried.
We received three bids to complete centerline surveying on township roads. The bids were: Arrow Engineering - $7600-$7900; Benson & Associates Land Surveying - $10,512.50; and Lindow Surveying & Mapping - $5288. Rod made a motion to accept the low bid of Lindow Surveying & Mapping. Roberta seconded it and the motion carried.
A letter to residents on Happy Drive from Mark Thomason was read and approved with the change of indicating to each resident the amount their portion will be to pay.
We arrived back at the town hall at 6:05 PM and the meeting was adjourned.
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Lake Emma Township Minutes - Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The regular monthly meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board was called to order by Chair Rod Westrum at 7:10 P.M. at the township hall. Other Board members present were Supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Four other residents were also present. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The reading of the Clerk’s minutes from the April meeting was dispensed with and the written minutes were accepted as printed on motion by Jeff, seconded by Roberta. Motion carried.
Mavis gave the treasurer’s report as of April 30, 2010 – Total of All Accounts = $365,334.02; General Revenue = $82,328.78 + Road & Bridge = $283,005.24 with $147,724.73 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $62,141.17; State Bank C.D. of $116,143.97; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $85,385.25; Citizens National Bank CD of $50,203.42; Citizens National Bank CD of $51,261.90 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Payment vouchers of #2806-2810 were approved. Roberta moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Jeff seconded it, and the motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long of Long Construction reported crack sealing is complete and they have been working on grading since the rain, including reworking the roads with Base One. The new Grouse Road overlay needs pavement markings and quotes will need to be obtained. A curve sign on Harbor Road has been broken off over the winter and possibly could be repositioned in a better location.
Pickerel Lake (Happy Drive) Easement. - Attorney Mark Thomason was present. An email from Cindy Buttleman of the DNR was read, stating the new amount that will have to be paid to the State is $8335.75. Added to the expenses, the total amount is close to $20,000. Jeff made a motion to have Mr. Thomason contact the property owners with our decision to proceed with obtaining the easement, and inform them of the funding they will need to provide for that easement with the township providing equal financial responsibility. Roberta seconded the motion and it carried. It was agreed that this easement must be finalized by our June meeting.
Jeff has been appointed to the Task Advisory committee for Great River Energy, and attended a meeting today discussing alternative routes. There will a public information meeting held on Tuesday, May 18 at 6:30 PM in the Park Rapids High School Commons regarding the Route permit application for the Potato Lake 115 kV Transmission line and substation. Proposed routes include along County Road 18, or north along County Road 4, then along the north township line west to US Hwy 71.
Dan Kittilson, resident advisory member of the Healthy Lakes program were present and submitted contracts signed with the recipients of the grant program. 1) Hubbard County Cola – Watercraft inspection program providing 500 hours of inspection on Lake Emma Township lakes. Grant request of $1500. 2) Blue Lake Association – Restore vacated roadbed with trees and shrub seedlings, and treat for Spotted Knapweed. Grant request of $2000. 3) Little Sand Lake Area Association – Establish and train for a proactive and consistent aquatic invasive species monitoring program. Grant request of $1350.
An e-mail from Greg Hensel notified us of a miscalculation in the cost of spraying for noxious weed which will raise the cost to the township from $100 to $170 for a mile of road on both sides. We will have him go ahead and will contact him after the spring road tour with the roads to be sprayed.
A contract with Hubbard 1st Respond and Rescue Inc was received and signed. A discussion was held concerning contributions and contracts for services.
New Business:
A request for use of the town hall was received from resident Irene Weis. Weekly meetings on Wednesday mornings are held. A contract was given to Irene for their consideration.
The Board of Appeal and Equalization for Lake Emma Township will be on Friday, May 7 at 9 am.
The Hubbard Township Association meeting will be held at Lake Emma Township hall on Monday, May 17, 2010 at 7:30 PM.
The Hubbard County Environmental Services will hold a public hearing for variance applications for lot viewals (May 13) and hearings (May 17 at 9 AM) for three properties including Keith Batton at 24347 Hickory Trail, Jack & Elizabeth Parisian at 20836 Glacier Drive, and Allen Sjodin at 26562 Indigo Drive, all in Park Rapids.
Roberta moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 P.M. Seconded by Rod, the motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township Minutes - Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The regular monthly meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board was called to order by Deputy Chair Roberta Doyle at 7:00 P.M. at the township hall. Other Board members present were Supervisor Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Four other residents were also present. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Reading of the Clerk’s minutes from the March meeting was dispensed with and the written minutes were accepted on motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff.
Mavis gave the treasurer report, showing a balance on hand as of March 31, 2010– Total of All Accounts = $403,821.89; General Revenue = $112,597.26 + Road & Bridge = $291,224.63 with $186,368.26 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $62,039.19; State Bank C.D. of $116143.97; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $124,130.76; Citizens National Bank CD of $50,131.09; Citizens National Bank CD of $51,178.57 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Payment vouchers of #2798- 2805 were approved. Roberta moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Jeff seconded it, and the motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long reported they have done some spring grading on the gravel roads and they seem to be in good shape. Cracking sealing has begun. The beaver that plugged the culvert on Intrepid hasn’t rebuilt. Someone had cut the fencing that was placed to keep the beaver from building a dam. The possibility of installing an additional smaller culvert was discussed. Jeff reported that now we have to do some winter maintenance on Minimum Maintenance roads. One suggestion was to designate the part of Holly Road as a Rural Residential Road and the township would not maintain it any longer and we would not have the liability. 280th Street would remain Minimum Maintenance and some snowplowing would have to be done. The date for the Spring Road Tour was set for Friday, May 7th at 3:00 PM leaving from the town hall.
Pickerel Lake (Happy Drive) Easement. Jeff read his email to the DNR last month, requesting consideration for reducing the cost of purchase the property for an easement for residents on Happy Drive. The DNR response was that they could reduce the width of the easement from 66’ to 33’ which would result in the purchase of 3.79 acres instead of 13.02 acres. They will not support any State Park road funds. Jeff made a motion to continue to pursue the easement, with a plan to hold a public meeting in June, and to table any further decision until our May meeting. Roberta seconded the motion and it carried.
Ken Grob, Dan Kittilson, and Chris Rausch, resident advisory members of the Healthy Lakes program were present and presented the three applications that were received.
1) Hubbard County Cola – Watercraft inspection program providing 500 hours of inspection on Lake Emma Township lakes. Grant request of $1500.
2) Blue Lake Association – Restore vacated roadbed with trees and shrub seedlings, and treat for Spotted Knapweed. Grant request of $2000.
3) Little Sand Lake Area Association – Establish and train for a proactive and consistent aquatic invasive species monitoring program. Grant request of $1350.
The committee also presented a copy of the Volunteer Time/Expense sheet which will record the In Kind match of the organization. Contracts will be signed between the Township and the Organization. Jeff moved to grant the three requests in the amounts requested. Roberta seconded and motion carried. Grants will be given upon completion of the project. The committee will get the contracts signed by the organizations and return them at the next meeting.
There were no concerns from the floor.
New Business:
Mavis attended the Noxious Weed training. Gravel pits should be certified that their gravel is free from noxious weeds.
Spring Short Course Report – Dental, Disability, and Long term care policies are available for board members. Road regulations and maintenance were discussed at the Supervisor session. Bills before the State legislation were presented. New changes in CTAS were covered in the Clerk & Treasurer session.
Donations/Contributions were discussed at length. Jeff read from the Minnesota statues the requirements pertaining to contributions. We will send letters out to all the organizations who will be given money to inform them that we need a Certificate of Liability from them and possibly a contract will have to be signed.
Roberta made a motion that we purchase 12 additional folding chairs from the DAC. Jeff seconded the motion and will check out availability. Motion carried.
Jeff identified roads that still need to have center line surveys completed. Harris Drive, Inward Loop, north part of Holly Road, 280th Street, Hope Drive, Hunter Road, Grayson Drive, Harmony Road, Hector Road, Get A Round Road, Ginger Road, Glory Trail, and Glacier Drive. Jeff moved to entertain quotes from Arro Surveying and Benson Land Surveying on the above roads. Roberta seconded and the motion carried.
Board of Appeal and Equalization – Friday, May 7 at 9 AM.
Roberta moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 P.M. Seconded by Jeff, the motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township Annual Meeting - Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The Annual meeting of Lake Emma Township was called to order at 7:05 PM by Clerk Nancy Bogaard. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited with fourteen township residents present.
Nominations for Moderator were opened. Roberta Doyle nominated Karl Dyre. There were no other nominations and Karl was unanimously elected as moderator.
The minutes from the annual meeting 2009 were read by the Clerk. Jeff moved to accept the minutes as read. The motion was seconded by Roberta, and the motion carried.
The clerk also presented the Treasurer’s report for 2009. Jeff moved to have a synopsis given in place of a reading of all the receipts and disbursements. Ruth Larsen seconded and the motion carried. In the General Revenue fund with a 2009 budget of $95,000, we had receipts of $96,244.l90 and disbursements of $82,829.16 ending the year with $132,235.42. The Road and Bridge fund had a 2009 budget of $275,000. Receipts for Road and Bridge were $296,240.21 and disbursements were $300,624.20 ending the year with $283,265.73. Jeff moved to accept the treasurer’s report as presented, Ruth seconded it and the motion carried.
Jeff Adolphson, a Supervisor of the Town Board, gave a detailed report of road maintenance and improvements made in 2009. The township has 32 miles of road, 10.5 miles of which are paved. Grouse Road was repaired and resurfaced from County Road 7 to the public access. This project was tied to the replacement of the bridge at Zhateau Zorbaz. Major improvements on Get A Round Road were made in partnership with Mantrap Township. Base One, an environmentally inert product, was applied to Holly Road from County 40 to 270th Street, and to the remainder of Intrepid Road. Though more expensive than applying calcium chloride, Base One is proving to last longer and provide a better road. Culverts had to be replaced on Harris Drive and 270th Street due to spring flooding. New gravel was applied to 270th Street, and to 280th Street after reconstructive work. 280th Street is a minimum maintenance road and was impassable by car prior to these improvements. Shoulder work was done on Hunter and Grouse roads.
Jeff explained that though we exceeded our budget for Road and Bridge this year, we have been building reserves to cover major expenses such as the surfacing of Grouse Road, and our funds are healthy going forward. The township is also working on identifying and replacing any highway signs that do not meet reflectivity code, which must be completed by 2012.
Dan Kittilson reported on the Health Lakes & Rivers project. $5000 was budgeted for 2010 for grants for improvement projects within the township. Three applications from organizations have been received by the township for the grant monies. All grants need to provide a match of 50 cents (of cash or in-kind labor) for each one dollar received. The applications will be reviewed by a Citizens committee and presented for approval at the April Board meeting. The committee requested an increase to $10,000 for the grant budget for 2011.
A discussion was held regarding the tax levies for 2011. Jeff made a motion to keep the budget at the same levels for 2010, which is $95,000 for General Revenue and $275,000 for Road and Bridge. As part of the motion, the General Revenue fund will include the $10,000 for the Healthy Lakes project. Roberta seconded the motion and it carried.
Jennifer Therkilsen moved to use the Park Rapids Enterprise for publishing public notices. Seconded by Ruth Larsen, the motion carried.
The next election for Township officers will be held on Tuesday, November 2, 2010. Positions open are 1 Supervisor and Treasurer. Filing period will be from August 24 to September 7th. Persons interested in being an election judge were encouraged to sign up.
Hubbard County Sentencing to Serve/Community Service has notified us that their State funding is in danger of being eliminated due to the deficit in the State budget. They have been mowing the Lake Emma Township cemetery and the town hall for several years and requested we contact our senators and representatives regarding continued funding.
Area organizations presented requests for contributions to their group. The Board had voted to cap total combined donations at $8000 or 7% of the General Revenue Fund budget, whichever is less. On a motion by Jennifer, seconded by Bob Berdahl, the following donations were approved. Headwaters Animal Shelter - $400; Hubbard First Responders - $2000; Kinship - $1500; Lakes Area Dive Team - $400; Living at Home - $600; Park Rapids Area Library - $1500; and Shell Prairie Agriculture Association - $250. Jim Bodsgard made a motion that the Board look at and raise the cap for donations. Jennifer seconded and the motion was approved.
The Board of Appeal and Equalization will be held at the town hall on Friday, May 7, 2010 beginning at 9:00 AM.
The next Annual meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at 7:00 PM.
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Lake Emma Township Minutes - Wednesday, March 2, 2010
The regular monthly meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board was called to order by Deputy Chair Roberta Doyle at 7:10 P.M. at the township hall. Other Board members present were Supervisor Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Three other residents were also present. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Reading of the Clerk’s minutes from the February meeting was dispensed with and the written minutes were accepted on motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff.
The Treasurer gave her report, showing a balance on hand as of February 28, 2010 of $409,706.47; General Revenue = $113,964.28 + Road & Bridge = $295,742.21 with $192,486.58 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $61,927.41; State Bank C.D. of $116,041.62; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $130,361.06; Citizens National Bank CD of $50,063.28; Citizens National Bank CD of $51.114.99 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Payment vouchers of #2783- 2797 were approved. Roberta moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Jeff seconded it, and the motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report: Justin Long of Long Construction reported they have been winging back the snow banks along the town ship roads. They have ordered crack sealer and will start crack sealing the roads as soon as the weather permits.
Mark Thomason sent a letter to the DNR stating that Lake Emma Township would be interested in reducing the proposed easement from 66’ to 33’ on Happy Drive. He has not received an answer as of today. It was the decision of the board to table any further action until we receive the letter.
HAVA Funds are available for automatic door openers and installation at polling places. The application has been completed and is due March 19th. Jeff moved to pass a resolution to file for the grant program. Roberta seconded, and the motion carried.
Jeff reported that we now have a First Aid kit at the Town Hall. He also obtained price quotes for a defibrillator for the Town Hall. Roberta made a motion to purchase a defibrillator from Locators & Supplies Inc at a price of $1695.00. Jeff seconded and the motion carried.
New Business:
David Olsonawski has requested an estimate for our calcium chloride needs for this year. Jeff will prepare a map of where we will be applying calcium chloride and give it to the highway department.
We received a letter from City of Park Rapids regarding next year’s fire contract fees. The fire contract pricing formulas has been modified and our contract fees will be lowered from $30,018 to $24,487.81 for 2011.
Hubbard County Sentencing to Serve notified us that their state funding will be eliminated under the proposed budget for fiscal years 2010-2013. They would like us to contact the governor, state representatives and county commissioners to voice our concerns and support. The board suggested that their letter be read at the Annual meeting.
The Forest Riders Snowmobile Club requested permission to use 280th Street, a minimum maintenance road, as part of their trail system. Jeff moved to sign the contract, Roberta seconded it and the motion carried.
The Township has received 3 Grant applications for the Healthy Lakes Program. Applicants were Little Sand Lake Association, Blue Lake Association, and Hubbard COLA. The applications were given to the committee and they will report to the Board at the April meeting.
There were no concerns from the floor.
Correspondence, etc:
Hubbard 1st Response & Rescue notified us they have found discrepancies in their financial and banking records. They have implemented safe-guard procedures for prevent future discrepancies.
Spring Short Course will be held in Walker on March 31, 2010. We will meet at the town hall at 7.45 PM to car pool.
The Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 7 PM. Mavis will pick up refreshments.
The Board of Appeal and Equalization will be held on Friday, May 7 at 9 AM.
Noxious Weed Training – Tuesday, March 30 at 7 PM in courthouse basement. Jeff will plan to attend.
Roberta moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 P.M. Seconded by Jeff, the motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township Minutes - Wednesday, February 3, 2010
The regular monthly meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board was called to order by Deputy Chair Roberta Doyle at 7:05 P.M. at the township hall. Other Board members present were Supervisor Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Three other residents were also present. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Reading of the Clerk’s minutes from the January meeting was dispensed with and the written minutes were accepted on motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff.
The Treasurer gave her report, showing a balance on hand of $394,689.24 in all accounts at the end of January. Breakdown of the amount is as follows: General Revenue = $114,143.72 + Road & Bridge = $280,545.52, with $177,996.79 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $61,832.34; State Bank C.D. of $115,871.35; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $115,966.14; Citizens National Bank CD of $50,821.10; Citizens National Bank CD of $50,000; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Payment of vouchers #2774- 2782.
Old Business:
Road Report: Justin Long of Long Construction reported that they have been snow plowing the township roads. The tree trimming on Green Pines Drive was completed and additional trimming will be done as the weather allows. A sign was hit on Hartman Drive and Jeff asked Justin to replace it, but possibly move it up the road.
A letter from the DNR to Attorney Mark Thomason denied any chance of getting State Park Road funding for the easement on Happy Drive. The letter stated that if we choose to not continue with the application, we would forfeit our application fee and it would cost $2000 to apply at a later date due to fee increase. The letter did suggest that the proposed easement could be decreased from 66’ to 33’ as a way to moderate the expense. Jeff made a motion to proceed with obtaining the easement for Happy Drive residents. We will request a legal opinion from Mark Thomason regarding the change in the width of the easement.
In correspondence received from Great River Energy, they revealed a possible alternative route for part of the transmission line that is being placed to supply the Potato Lake Substation. The portion in Lake Emma Township will not be affected by this change in the route.
New Business:
Joan Tweedale was present to request a Dead End sign on 270th Street East because there have been two bad accidents this winter. She also stated that the sign marking 270th Street were also missing. We will plan to install a sign in the spring, possibly one when turning off County Road 4, and a second one near Iris Drive. Joan commended the Board for applying Base One to 270th Street.
The Noxious Weed Control report was discussed and completed. Noxious weeds are inspected on both of our road tours, in May and in October. A representative of the Board will attend the Noxious weed training on Tuesday, March 30th.
We received a statement from City of Park Rapids for our Fire contract for 2010. The fee for Lake Emma Township remains the same as last year at $30,018.19.
HAVA funds are available through the Secretary of State’s office for automatic door openers to polling places. The decision was made to file an application.
The Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 7 PM.
The Board of Appeal and Equalization will be held on Friday, May 7 at 9 AM.
Roberta moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 P.M. Seconded by Jeff, the motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township - Board of Audit - Saturday, January 16, 2010
Chair Rod Westrum called the Board of Audit meeting to order at 9 AM at the Town Hall. Other board members present were Supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. There were no other township residents present. The purpose of this meeting is to audit and settle all charges against the township and is required by law to be done annually.
Printouts were distributed to all members itemizing all receipts and disbursements by date, from/to vendor, and amounts. The board verified all receipts and disbursements and found no discrepancies. Total receipts for 2009 were $392,485.11. Total disbursements for 2009 were $383,453.36 which was $23,453.36 over budget. Revenue exceeded expenditures by $9031.75. The Board will recommend that the budget amounts for 2011 remain the same, i.e. $95,000 for General Revenue and $275,000 for Road and Bridge.
Discussion was held and the decision made to set up separate Funds for the Road and Bridge reserve. Separate Funds will also be established for special roads projects that are petitioned by township residents. A separate Fund will also be set up for our Healthy Lakes project under the General Fund.
In other action, the board authorized Mavis to write a check to Kathy Selseth for the honorarium of $300 at the February meeting on motion of Jeff, seconded by Roberta. Motion carried.
The township has a Citizens National Bank CD maturing next month, and the board authorized Mavis to request interest quotes from the area banks for reinvestment purposes.
The board thanked Mavis and Nancy for preparing the reports for the Audit meeting.
Roberta moved to adjourn at 11:20 AM, Jeff seconded.
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Lake Emma Township Minutes - Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The regular monthly meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board was called to order by Chairperson Rod Westrum at 7:05 P.M. at the township hall. Board members present were Supervisor Rod Westrum, Supervisor Roberta Doyle, Supervisor Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Nine other residents were also present.
The pledge of allegiance was recited. The Clerk’s report for December was read by Nancy and accepted by motion of Jeff and second of Rod, and the motion was passed.
The Treasurer gave her report, showing a balance on hand of $415,501.15 in all accounts at the end of December. General Revenue had a balance of $132,235.42, and Road & Bridge had $283,265.73 with $249,562.32 currently available. The State Bank Money Market showed a balance of $61,734.24; State Bank C.D. of $115,329.46; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $187,629.83; Citizens National Bank CD of $50,609.31 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Payment of Vouchers #2761-2773 were approved to be paid. Jeff moved to accept the Treasurer’s report, and Roberta seconded the motion, which passed.
Old Business:
Road Report: Terry Long reported that winter maintenance on roads has begun. The tree removal will be done this winter as the weather allows. A car that had been parked on Hartman has been moved allowing for snow removal.
Advisory Team members Dan Kittilson, Bob Berdahl, Ken Grob and Chris Rausch reported on the Healthy Lakes Partnership Grant Program. There will be an article in the Park Rapids Enterprise on the boat inspection that took place on the Lake Emma Township lakes. Lake Emma Township has budgeted $5000 that is available to organizations such as lake associations and conservation groups within Lake Emma Township for lake and stream protection or lakeshore restoration projects. The amount requested must be matched 100:50, or 50 cents for every dollar contributed by the Township. The match amount can be volunteer labor, in-kind services, donated materials and/or cash. Information about the Grant Program and applications will be available on the Lake Emma Township website at ( A press release will be in the Park Rapids Enterprise to promote the Grant Program. The Advisory Team will draft a Legal Agreement for approval by the Board. The Board thanked the Advisory Team for all the quality work them have done in putting the program together.
Three residents from Gumby Road were present to request that the township take over the maintenance of their road. The Board told them to submit a petition of at least eight signatures requesting that Gumby Road be designated as a township road. The Board will look at the road on the Spring Road Tour in May.
Happy Drive easements problem on Pickerel Lake are still pending. Mark Thomason received a call from Mike Carroll of the DNR stating that our request for assistance in obtaining State of Minnesota Park funds to pay for the easement has been denied. We have not received any written notice, even though two letters have been sent requesting a written response. We will address this topic at our February Board meeting.
A decision on Center Line surveys will be determined on the Spring Road Tour.
New Business:
The February Board meeting will be rescheduled for Wednesday, February 3, 2010 due to the conflict with Political Caucus.
The Board of Audit was set for Saturday, January 16, 2010 at 9:00 AM at the townhall.
The Annual Meeting will be Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 7:00 PM. Jeff made a motion that the cap on donations not exceed $7100 and that all presenters for doncations be limited to 5 minutes. Rod seconded the motion and it carried.
The Hubbard County Township meeting will be held in Helga Township on Monday, January 25, 2010. Jeff will plan to drive, and will leave the town hall at 6:30.
Jeff is working with MAT and explained that the sign retroreflectivity program has to be completed.
Obsolete signs should be removed if no longer needed. A sign inventory will be taken prior to the actual inspection.
Jeff moved to transfer $50,000 to a designated Road and Bridge bank certificate of deposit. Rod seconded the motion and the motion carried. Mavis will check for rates with the local banks and deposit in the best.
We received Season Greetings from WSN.
Hubbard County Environmental Services notified the township of a Lot Viewal and hearing, for Mark & Linda Hesse –Viewal - Thur, Jan 14-9:45 am; Hearing - Tue, Jan 19- 9 AM.
The next regular meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board will be on February 3, 2010.
Jeff moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 P.M. Seconded by Roberta, the motion carried.