2008 Meeting Minutes
Lake Emma Township Minutes - Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The regular monthly meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board was called to order by Chairperson Rod Westrum at 7:00 P.M. at the township hall. Board members present were Supervisor Rod Westrum, Supervisor Roberta Doyle, Supervisor Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Deputy Clerk Marianne Potratz. Township attorney Mark Thomason, Justin Long, Chris Rausch, and Bernard Herr were also present. The meeting began with Chairman Rod Westrum congratulating both Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle on their recent elections as Supervisors.
The pledge of allegiance was recited. The Clerk’s report for November was accepted as printed by motion of Jeff and second of Roberta. The motion passed.
The Treasurer gave her report, showing a balance on hand of $252,554.80 in all accounts at the end of November. General Revenue had a balance of $80,110.64, and Road & Bridge had $172,444.16, with $89,128.26 currently available. The State Bank Money Market showed a balance of $60,373.90, the State Bank C.D. a balance of $112,100.97, Citizens National Bank Money Market a balance of $28,556.05, and the C.D. at Northwoods Bank a balance of $51,325.57. The Citizens National Bank checking account had a balance of $198.31. Jeff moved to accept the Treasurer’s report, and Roberta seconded the motion. Motion passed. Payment of vouchers #2588 through #2622 was authorized.
Old Business:
Road Report: Justin Long said they are mainly doing regular fall maintenance on the township roads. They hope to do some tree cutting shortly on the minimum maintenance road, the north end of Holly Road, as well as Get Around Drive. The Board advised them to go ahead with that project, but to leave larger trees, especially white pines, if possible.
Jeff recently contacted the State Park Road Account office, and he was told that the grant through Trails and Waterways was not approved for 2008 for the Grouse Road to Zhateau Bridge project, but that it will be reconsidered again in 2009.
The hearing in regard to the Happy Drive - Pickerel Lake Addition petition for establishing a cartway was incorporated into this December Board meeting. Mr. Thomason explained in detail, with the help of a map, what properties this easement encompasses, and what great benefit and how important it is to all property owners along this road to establish this easement. The DNR now has to put a price on the property owned by them and included in the easement. Mr. Thomason recommended a 66’ easement be established. He estimates it might cost the township about $2500, and he has obtained some funds from property owners and expects to receive more such payments from other property owners. Roberta moved to approve the Cartway petition, it was seconded by Rod, and the motion carried. Jeff moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Roberta, the motion passed.
New Business:
Next item on the agenda was the presentation of a petition MSA.164.07 by Bernard Herr, signed by ten voters who live within three miles of the road, requesting that the township vacate Hemlock Trail, found recently to have been a township road. A deed was found in which Mayme Peterson deeded that property to Lake Emma Township in 1964, though the residents have been maintaining it and recently asphalted it. Mark Thomason will draw up the order, which will be served to affected land owners and published as required by law. Mr. Herr was informed that the township must get a waiver from all landowners on the road so all landowners will have access to their properties. At the hearing, residents must provide at least a 33’ easement, platted to 66’ wide. Aero Engineering surveyed the properties, and the property from the end of Hemlock Trail to County Road 7 is wetlands, and this owner also will need an easement. Mr. Herr also asked the Board if they would be willing to pave the 600 – 700’ from the end of Hunter Road to the beginning of Hemlock Trail. The Board was amenable to the idea, as it sounded reasonable, and will consider doing this when it can be tied into another paving project.
A memo was received from the Assessor’s office regarding training for the Board of Appeal. All the Lake Emma Supervisors have already received this training.
Discussion took place regarding further centerline road surveys. It was decided that Jeff will seek quotes from Aero Surveying and Benson and Associates for these surveys to be done on Green Pines Road, Garnet Drive, and 230th Street this next season by motion of Rod, second of Roberta, with the motion carrying. Section corners are also to be tied in with these surveys.
Jeff will get copies of the Long Construction bills to try to separate maintenance from construction or reconstruction of roads, to better be able to plan for the year. Also, Jeff has done some work on preserving the surface of gravel roads, also addressing a reasonable level of maintenance of road surfaces to accommodate the level of traffic and service. He would like to see this information added to the road policy in the township, and the Board was in agreement. He will bring this matter back to a future meeting.
Mastec requested permission to bury cables on township property on Huckleberry Lane, which was given.
University of Minnesota Technical Assistance Program Seminars were considered, but it was decided they were not particularly suited to the Board Members. It was considered that the Board might offer some assistance to Terry Long, if he were interested in attending some of them.
The Board of Audit will meet at the township hall in January, with the date to be decided at the January meeting.
The Board expressed thanks to all the people who served at both the Primary and General Elections. Our township had an exemplary turnout at the General Election, and the judges were extremely busy.
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Lake Emma Township Minutes - Monday, November 3, 2008
The regular monthly meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board was called to order by Vice Chairperson Roberta Doyle at 7:00 P.M. at the township hall. Board members present were Supervisor Roberta Doyle, Supervisor Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Deputy Clerk Marianne Potratz. Terry Long, who is under contract to Lake Emma Township for road maintenance, was also present, as well as township attorney Mark Thomason.
The pledge of allegiance was recited at the beginning of the meeting. The Clerk’s October report was accepted as printed by motion of Jeff and was seconded by Roberta. The motion passed.
The Treasurer gave her report, showing a balance on hand of $266,591.87 in all accounts. General Revenue had a balance of $81,807.47, and Road & Bridge had $183,784.40, with $102,950.94 currently available. The State Bank Money Market showed a balance of $60,235.28, the State Bank C.D. a balance of $111,315.36, Citizens National Bank Money Market had a balance of $42,517.35, and the C.D. at Northwoods Bank had a balance of $51,325.57. The Citizens National Bank checking account had a balance of $198.31. Roberta moved to accept the Treasurer’s report, and Jeff seconded the motion. Motion passed. Payment of vouchers #2584 through #2587 was authorized.
Old Business:
Road Report: Terry Long said he is mainly doing regular maintenance on the township roads. Intrepid has been re-compacted, and the shoulder work on Gasparilla is done. It was decided that the new contract with Mr. Long will be signed at the December meeting.
Jeff contacted the State Park Road Account office and told them the township needs to hear from them regarding the grant submitted for the work on Grouse Road to the Zhateau Bridge, but so far no information has been forthcoming.
The Pickerel Lake petition for a cartway was filed, and the Board signed it. The hearing in regard to this matter will take place at the December 2nd meeting at 7:30 P.M. A check for $500 was included as payment for establishing the cartway. Mr. Thomason advised that a separate file should be started for this matter, as he expects there will be much communication on this matter. Mr. Thomason said that he would send the township a GIS map to assist in identifying and locating township roads.
Rod Lof told Jeff that he was able to secure a second copy of the Lake Emma Township Cemetery records from the recorder’s office, and a C.D. of those records will be made.
New Business:
Tom Miller, surveyor for Arro Surveying, said he has someone interested in looking at a development off Hemlock Trail, at the end of Hunter Road on Lower Bottle Lake, and he thinks there may be a right of way issue. However, until something more concrete is presented to the Board, there really isn’t anything the Board can do.
The Certificate of Deposit at the State Bank needs to be redeemed. Mavis got some information from the local banks, and it appears the proper thing to do would be to leave it at State Bank for six months, with an interest rate of 3.15%, with an APY of 3.20%. Mavis will take care of this matter.
Papers were presented for signature from State Bank, releasing the need for a bond, since the banks are now insured up to $250,000, instead of $100,000.
Two variance appeals from our township will be presented to the County Board on November 13. One was from Margaret Fenton, a second from Christopher Weiland. The Board wanted to go on record as not in support of the PUD Mr. Weiland is requesting for a commercial venture on Little Sand. A letter was received from Larry and Renee Bexell expressing their strong opposition to the granting of this permit.
Mastec requested permission to bury cables on township property, which was given.
More centerline surveys will be authorized, on which roads to be decided at the December meeting.
The Board of Canvass will meet at 6:00 P.M. on Thursday, November 6, 2008, to validate the results of the General Election.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The regular meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board was called to order at 7:00 P.M. with the flag pledge. Board members present were Chair Rod Westrum, Supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Five members of the community were also present.
The Clerk’s Report from the September 2, 2008, board meeting was accepted as printed by motion of Roberta, second of Jeff; motion carried. Mavis gave the Treasurer’s report as of September 30, 2008, showing the following: Total of All Accounts = $310,805.65. General Revenue = $84,251.95 + Road & Bridge = $226,553.70, with $98,164.72 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $60,082.19; State Bank C.D. of $111,315.36; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $37,884.22; Citizens Nation Bank CD $50,000.00; Northwood Bank CD of $51,325.57; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Bills vouchers #2573-2583 were submitted for payment. Roberta moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Jeff seconded the motion, which carried.
Old Business: Road Report – Terry Long reported on road work done during the past month including grading and clearing trees on all township gravel roads. The sink hole on Green Pines Road was excavated and is yet to be blacktopped by Howard’s Driveways. Holly Road and Get Around Road received new gravel. They will be grading all the roads that had calcium chloride added this year and the roads that have Base One applied. Other items on the fall road tour will be addressed if time allows. Rod had received a call that the corner of Hector Road and Gilmore Trail needed to be built up because people were going into the ditch when trying to make the corner onto Hector. Roadsides were not mowed this fall in the Wood Haven development. Joe Hines will be notified to include Gasparilla next year.
We have not received a reply regarding our grant request submitted for repair and overlay of the portion of Grouse Road from the Zhateau bridge to the pubic access. Jeff suggested sending a letter along with a copy of the grant request to the State as a follow up, and also to Mike Carroll. The board agreed and Jeff said he would do it.
Happy Drive Easement – Mark Thomason was present and requested permission to hire a certified appraiser to determine damages for Mark Thielen for the easement across the corner of his property, and to proceed with the Pickerel Lake Addition cartway and application. Roberta made the motion which was seconded by Jeff, and the motion carried. An addenda to the application for the easement was signed by Rod and Nancy, and Mark plans to file the application tomorrow.
Concerns from the Floor: Chris Rausch reported that the cleanup of Pickerel Lake and wetlands on September 20th went well with a lot of debris hauled away. Mike Carroll of the DNR said they will check the lake later in the season after the vegetation goes down for additional debris in the lake.
New Business: Rod Lof has resigned as Cemetery Sexton. Rod was present and gave the board a resume of information pertaining to policy and procedures of the Lake Emma Township Cemetery. The Board thanked Rod for his many years of service as sexton. Jeff made a motion to appoint Catherine Selseth as Cemetery Sexton. Roberta seconded the motion and it carried. Cathy asked about have a second copy of the cemetery records to keep at a different location, and the board gave her permission to pursue it with the county recorder’s office.
Roberta made a motion to approve a resolution granting a 3.2 Malt Liquor License to Norris and Terry Hokeness of Bayside Resort. Jeff seconded and motion carried. Roberta also made a motion to approve a resolution granting a On Sale Liquor License to Robb Swanson of Zhateau Zorbaz. Jeff seconded the motion and it carried.
Road Maintenance Contract Bids were opened. One bid was received, that being from Long Construction. After review of the bid by the Board, Jeff made a motion to accept the Long Construction bid which was seconded by Roberta. The motion carried. The contract is for two years and will be signed at the November meeting.
A request for verification of township roads was received from David Olsonawski of the Hubbard County Highway Department. The only change being made is to shorten Half Moon Road by half a mile due to the vacation of a portion of that road.
The Blue Lake Association has applied for a grant to help restore the shoreland buffer on the vacated roadbed around Blue Lake. On a motion by Jeff, seconded by Roberta, the board voted to support the lake association on their grant application.
The General Election Judge appointment list was signed.
Keith Torma has completed the landscaping around the township hall, with total expenses coming in under the $2000 allotted.
Correspondence, etc: MasTec (Qwest ) telephone cable burial request was authorized for Grouse Road and Gunnar Trail.
The November Board meeting will be rescheduled to Wednesday, November 5, 2008 due to the General Election. The Board of Canvas will be an agenda item for the meeting. **(The November Board meeting was changed to Monday, November 3, 2008 at 7 PM. The Board of Canvass was changed to Thursday, November 6, 2008 at 6 PM.)
Jeff will be attending the Board of Appeal and Equalization training next week, which will complete qualification for all board supervisors to 2012.
Rod attended a Healthy Lakes Forum put on by the Ojibwa Tribe.
Jeff suggested that there is a need to organize our storage area. A time to work on it will be set at a later date.
Adjournment of Meeting: Roberta moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 P.M. Seconded by Jeff, the motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township Road Tour Minutes - Friday, October 3, 2008
The fall road tour meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board was called to order at 2:00 P.M.
at the township hall. Board members present were Chair Rod Westrum, Supervisors Jeff
Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Deputy Clerk Marianne
Potratz. Terry Long, who does Lake Emma Township’s road maintenance, was also present.
The Board discussed which roads would be toured at this meeting. Mavis brought a bill due on
October 6, 2008, for the last payment on the Hunter Road paving project to Citizens National
Bank. Rod moved to pay the bill of $11,050.54 on this date. Seconded by Roberta, the motion
The soft spot near County Road 40 has been dug out on Green Pines Road. The asphalt to be
applied over the repair will be completed yet this fall by Howard’s Driveway.
The Board, along with attorney Mark Thomason, will move forward with the cartway and easement process process necessary for residents of residents of Happy Drive to have legal access to a public road.
The township road ditches have been mowed by Joe Hines.
Base 1 consists of gravel with an additive added to bind it, making for a harder road surface.
This mixture has been applied to a few township roads for the first time this year. Among the
roads to have received Base 1 were Hartman Road, Half Moon Road, Happy Drive, Harbor Trail,
and Intrepid Road.
Half Moon Road was driven, and it was observed that a fence has been added on private property
on the west end, beyond the turnaround, to further discourage trespassing by snowmobiles and ATVs. A fence has also been added on Half Moon Road West on the berm.
Melody Moniken has made application on behalf of the Blue Lake Association to the DNR for a
grant for shoreland restoration. She has requested that the township support her efforts to
obtain the grant.
Hartman Drive and Harbor Trail – Base 1 was applied this year, and good comments have been
received by members of the board from its residents. The intersection with Intrepid Trail is
much improved. The ditch near the culvert on Intrepid needs to be cleaned so water can again
run through the culvert.
On Indigo Drive, an asphalt leveling patch needs to be completed for about 300 feet, just south
of the intersection of Intrepid and Indigo Drive. The board discussed possibly applying Base 1
to Intrepid Road next year, for about a mile and a half on the east end of the road.
Inward Loop needs to have its shoulders repaired. Also, shouldering on Gasparilla Drive needs to be done.
270th Street had calcium chloride applied, as did Holly Road, this year. Terry advised that
possibly a hill on Holly Road could be cut down slightly, to give better vision to the intersection
with the new private road, Blue Lake Lane.
Jeff said the board might consider turning the low maintenance road on the north end of the
township into a rustic road. The township would not be eligible for the road tax benefit from
the State, but there would be less liability to the township.
Graveling on the Town Line Road, 280th Street, will need to be done next spring.
A turnaround will need to be constructed at the end of Garnet Road, to allow maintenance
equipment room to turn around.
Driving by the Township Cemetery on Inward Loop, Rod said he was informed by Rod Lof,
who has been our Cemetery Sexton for many years, would like to be relieved of his duties.
He is willing to train another resident who might be interested in the position.
It was agreed that, all in all, the township roads look good this fall.
Rod moved to adjourn the meeting at 3:30 P.M. Seconded by Jeff, the motion carried
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The regular meeting of the Lake Emma Township Board was called to order at 7:00 P.M. with the flag pledge. Board members present were Chair Rod Westrum, Supervisor Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Deputy Clerk Marianne Potratz. Fifteen members of the community were also present.
The Clerk’s Report from the August 5, 2008, board meeting was accepted as printed by motion of Rod, second of Jeff; motion carried. Mavis gave the Treasurer’s report as of August 31, 2008, showing the following: Total of All Accounts = $366,255.12. General Revenue = $86,803.78 + Road & Bridge = $279,451.34, with $153,614.19 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $59,924.58; State Bank C.D. of $111,315.36; Northwoods Bank C.D. of $51,325.57; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $93,491.30; Citizens National Bank C.D. of $50,000, and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31 Jeff moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Rod seconded the motion, which carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long – Work on Hartman and Harbor roads has been completed, with gravel having been applied. The intersection at Intrepid has also been done. Berms on Half Moon Road have been completed, with black top placed and grass planted, and it is anticipated that rail fencing will be placed across the top and possibly down the sides on the west end, to further discourage snowmobiles and ATVs from trespassing. Richard Moen described what he needs to do in order to be able to access the lake to put in and retrieve his dock, including building a ramp of sorts, about four feet wide, so he can get his tractor down to the lake area. He will then apply three inches of black dirt and re-seed the area to grass. The plan sounded reasonable to the board. The mailboxes have all been relocated to Holly Road.
Patching on Green Pines Road on the dips in the road close to County Road 40 is to be done yet this year by Howard’s Driveways. An unsolicited quote of $2200 was received from Howard’s Driveways to repair and seal cracks in the township hall parking lot, but it was decided to allow Terry to complete this maintenance when he seals cracks on the township paved roads in the spring.
Jeff asked for information regarding the grant request submitted for repair and overlay of the portion of Grouse Road from the Zhateau bridge to the pubic access, but no information has been received to date. However, the county Zhateau Bridge project has been delayed until spring, and since this township project is tied to the county’s, it is not a problem at this time. Jeff noted that the township currently has 11.3 miles of paved roads, approximately 1/3 of the township mileage. Some are nearing the time when they will need to be resurfaced. Funds have been set aside by the township for many years in anticipation of this need, which will be helpful in paying for this expensive operation.
Happy Drive Easement – Mark Thomason sent easement request forms to Jeff, and nothing can be done on the easement question until the application and $500 check have been received by the DNR. Rod moved and Jeff seconded a motion to authorize a 33’ cartway through Mark Thielen’s property, parcel # 160902500, and payment for the easement application. The motion carried. Mr. Thomason should continue with efforts to get the cartway authorized. The state already has a 66’ easement over this property, which is on Sate School Trust Fund land. Gail Bliss volunteered to be the contact for notification by the Board of further developments on this situation. At this time, neither costs nor a time line can be estimated in regard to this project. The DNR will have the appraisals done. Part of the funds will go to Mr. Thielen, the other to the DNR.
Dave Konshok, Hubbard County Emergency Manager, arrived at 8:00 P.M. to update interested Pickerel Lake residents on problems associated with the tornado which affected them. Because the disaster did not qualify for FEMA funds due to the fact that there was not enough public damage, the initial clean-up in connection with the DNR was funded by Hubbard County, at a cost of approximately $12,000 so far, mainly for the dumpsters placed there. Sentence-To-Serve crews were provided by the Sheriff’s Department in connection with the Water Safety Patrol to do what could be done with retrieving things from the lake. Residents expressed concern about things still in the lake, though it was felt that probably not much hazardous material is left there. Dave said that this is a grey area as far as environmental concerns, the rules are relaxed, and the idea seems to be to “do the best you can.” However, residents from the north side of the lake and wetlands near the lake believe more things need to be found and taken from their areas of the lake and pond. It was decided to set Saturday, September 20th, as another clean-up day when volunteers and groups of volunteers will be encouraged to help Pickerel Lake residents. They will need to register at the Lake Emma Township hall beginning at 8:00 A.M., with the work to begin about 9:00. Probably two dumpsters will be placed, one on the north and one on the south side of the lake, for debris. As long as volunteers register, they will be covered under the county umbrella for insurance purposes. Dave will see if the STS crew can again be mobilized from the Sheriff’s Dept., and he will place ads in the newspaper to seek volunteers, as well as contact groups who might mobilize their members for that purpose. However, he was not encouraging about funds for reseeding or replanting, since this is a private vs. public use. But funds may be obtainable from other sources, some of which were discussed, and low-cost plantings are available through Baudora Forest Products in the spring, and possibly the Dept. of Soil and Water Conservation could be helpful.
Concerns from the Floor:
Some questions arose regarding whether or not the Stolteneau Addition was finalized yet. The Delaney building was purchased by Mr. Stolteneau and moved to the addition, and it appears to have been moved from the truck onto a foundation, which apparently was not to be allowed until the Addition was finalized. Rod will be looking into this matter immediately.
New Business:
Rod was approached by residents and members of the Little Sand Lake Association in regard to whether or not it was true an application for a conditional use permit for a PUD on Little Sand Lake, which was to have been in the midst of a residential area, had been submitted to the County. Since none of these residents appeared at the meeting, the board concluded that perhaps this permit had been withdrawn, if indeed it ever had been submitted. Rod will try to get more information on this matter.
Jeff moved to set Friday, October 3, 2008, as the date for the fall road tour, beginning at 2:00 at the township hall. Seconded by Rod, the motion passed.
The District 11 Township Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 24, 2008, at 7:30 PM at the Forty Club in Aitkin. Rod will be unable to attend, but other board members are encouraged to attend if possible.
Road Maintenance Contract sealed bids will be advertised and opened at the October board meeting.
The Election Judge appointment list was signed, and Rod moved, Jeff seconded, to approve the list and leave the pay rate for election judges and head judges at $10 per hour. Motion carried.
Correspondence, etc:
MasTec (Qwest ) telephone cable burial requests were authorized for Grouse Road and Glendale Road.
Rod Westrum will be attending the Hubbard County Environmental Services meeting, as well as the September County Board meeting.
Work by Keith Torma is progressing with landscaping around the township hall.
Payment of vouchers # 2556 – 2572 was authorized by the Board.
Adjournment of Meeting: Rod moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 P.M. Seconded by Jeff, the motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township Special Meeting Re: Happy Drive - Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The meeting was called to order by chair Rod Westrum at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Other Board members present were Supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm and Clerk Nancy Bogaard.
This meeting was called for the purpose of providing and receiving information on the Happy Drive’s easement request.
Mark Thomason, attorney for Lake Emma Township, was present, and after viewing the road, asked those residents present what their goal was. Those property owners on Pickerel Lake Addition have a 66’ access from the DNR. Hubbard County zoning ordinances states that to subdivide the property, they must have a 33’ wide easement from the DNR. But but because it is not tax forfeited land, but is School Trust Fund land, only the township can obtain an easement. Next to County Road 4, into the property, there is a sliver of land that is privately owned for which an easement will also have to be obtained. Mark was instructed to contact Cindy Buttleman out of the Bemidji DNR office who will process the application, have the land appraised, and be our contact. Arro Surveying has already done the center line survey for the property owners.
Mark Carlstrom, DNR Regional Forester, was present and stated they would always allow people to get to their cabins. However, he also stated that only the township can acquire the easement because the land is State School Trust Fund land. Mark stated that property owners could apply for a variance from Hubbard County for an easement. The DNR will grant the township, through the applications process, an easement which would guarantee property owners access to their property. Owners must understand that the easement stops at the out lots, so they must grant each other an easement, which has to be part of the easement procedure.
Rod made a motion to sign a resolution requesting an easement, seconded by Roberta and motion carried 3-0. Mark Carlstrom will send the application to Jeff and to Thomason Law Office, and Thomason will get the property descriptions involved in the easement request. There is an application fee of approximately $500. Jeff made a motion to proceed, Rod seconded it and the motions carried 3-0. Affected property owners were told that they may be responsible for cost of obtaining the easement. The township will pursue State Park Road Funds to help cover the costs of the easement.
In other business, Rod made a motion to spend up to $2000 for landscaping the property at the Town Hall, including black dirt, lawn seed and shrubs. Roberta seconded and the motion passed 3-0. Rod spoke to Keith Torma about doing the project.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM on motion by Jeff, seconded by Rod, and motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, August 5, 2008
The regular meeting of the Lake Emma Township board was called to order at 7:00 PM with the flag pledge. Board members present were Chair Rod Westrum, Supervisor Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Nancy Bogaard, Clerk. 20 members of the community were also present.
The Clerk’s Report from the July 1, 2008 Board meeting were accepted as printed on motion by Jeff, seconded by Rod, motion carried. Mavis gave the Treasurer’s report as of July 31, 2008 – Total of All Accounts = $407,487.39. General Revenue = $88,177.37 + Road & Bridge = $319,310.02, with $246,452.14 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $59,782.09; State Bank C.D. of $110,535.25; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $186,471.74; Northwood Bank CD of $50,500.00; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Payment of Vouchers #2546-2555. Jeff made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Rod seconded it and the motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long – Usual maintenance for summer. They have completed turnarounds on Half Moon Road and applied Base One on the east portion, and gravel on the west portion. Signs have been placed. Additional obstruction such as trees or a fence need to be placed on the berms of the turnarounds to discourage snowmobilers. Harbor and Hartman will have gravel applied next.
Grouse Road –Paving plan – We have not had a response to the Grant request submitted in May for repair and overlay of that portion of Grouse Road from the Zhateau bridge to the public access.
Jeff made a motion to tie our Grouse Road project onto the county’s contract for the Zorbaz Zhateau bridge. Rod seconded, and motion carried.
Half Moon Road Vacation – The road was closed with turnarounds completed on both sides of Blue Lake. The Vacation Order was recorded with the Hubbard County Recorder on July 24, 2008, and all property owners were sent a copy of the Order. Property owners have 40 days to appeal the award of damages.
The CD at the Northwoods Bank is up for renewal, however, the interest rate is lower, from 3.9% to 2.39%. Mavis talked to the bank and they said they would probably match the rate at either of the other banks. We also need to bond for the portion of our money market at Citizens since we are over $100,000.
Mavis has requested a catalog from Quill which has portable dividers available that we would like to have to be used for Elections. We hope to have them in time for the General Election.
There were no concerns from the floor.
New Business:
Tom Miller of Arro Surveying, was present at the meeting because he had provided survey services for properties in the area of Happy Drive, Happy Loop, Hoff Trail, and Hannah Lane. Because the properties do not have road access of at least 33 feet, the county environmental services will not approve any subdivisions or activities, and mortgage lenders will not grant a mortgage for sale of any properties. The people were given legal access by the DNR at the time they purchased the property, but it does not satisfy the county or mortgage lenders. The existing road is on State School Trust Fund land, and only be sold to another government entity, which would mean that the Township would have to purchase the land at the going land rate. Mike Lichter of the DNR was present also. After much discussion, the decision was made to have the residents submit a petition requesting the road be designated as a cartway. A petition was presented before the meeting ended, and a special board meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, August 19, 2008 at 7:00 PM. Mark Thomason, attorney, and Mark Carlstrom and Mike Carroll of the DNR will be urged to attend.
Jeff reported on the Hubbard County Township Association meeting held July 21, 2008. The county will be sending a representative to Washington DC in September. Gas mileage under the IRS is now reimbursing 58 cents a mile. Shane from the Sheriff’s office reported four wheelers are allow on the township roads if riding single file on the right side of the road when there is no ditch or trail. Residents are urged to report violators by calling 218-732-2581. Bob Hanson reported there will be lots of changes in property assessments.
Rod reported that Mavis, Roberta and Rod attended the Short Course in Walker July 31st. Mavis attended election training and Roberta and Rod attended Board of Appeal and Equalization training. A mock board meeting was presented on the annual meeting. Copies were given to supervisors and clerk.
The front lawn at the town hall is very poor. Jeff made a motion to add black dirt to the lawn area and put some shrubs on the east and south sides of the hall. Rod seconded, and motion carried. Rod will contact a landscaper.
Correspondence, etc:
MasTec requested permission to bury cable along 264th Street.
The Office of the State Auditor has the “Best Practices Review: Reducing Energy Costs in Local Government” on their website:
Lot viewal on Big Sand Lake on Thursday, August 14, 2008 at 9:10 AM
Adjournment of meeting motion was made by Jeff at 10:05 PM, seconded by Rod, and motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, July 1, 2008
The regular meeting of the Lake Emma Township board was called to order at 7:00 PM with the flag pledge. Board members present were Chair Rod Westrum, Supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Nancy Bogaard, Clerk. Several members of the community were also present.
The Clerk’s Report from the June 3, 2008 Board meeting were accepted as printed on motion by Roberta, seconded by Rod, motion carried. Mavis gave the Treasurer’s report as of June 30, 2008 – Total of All Accounts = $244,816.42. General Revenue = $55,474.31 + Road & Bridge = $189,342.11, with $83,781.17 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $59,630.16; State Bank C.D. of $110,535.25; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $23,952.70; Northwood Bank CD of $50,500.00; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Payment of Vouchers #2539- 2545. Jeff made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Roberta seconded it and the motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long reported they have installed a culvert on Intrepid Road, and a culvert on Holly Road. Calcium chloride was applied to Holly Road, Intrepid Road and 270th Street. They have also done a lot of tree clean up.
Joan Tweedale has offered to help with the zoning land use, but did not want to be hired by the board due to conflict of interest.
There was damage to the fence at the cemetery, and we will have to find someone to repair it. Rod will try to contact a possible repairman.
Grouse Road –Paving plan - Grant request – no additional information has been received.
Half Moon Road Vacation – Mark Thomason presented a Vacation Order which will be mailed to all affected property owners. Roberta made a motion to vacate the portion of Half Moon Road around the north end of Blue Lake, with no damages to be awarded to abutting property owners and to authorize Chair Rod Westrum and Clerk Nancy Bogaard to sign the Vacation Order on July 15, 2008. Jeff seconded the motion. Notice and a copy of the Vacation Order will be mailed to all property owners on July 16, 2008. A township resolution was adopted and signed regarding the vacation of the road. The road will be closed tomorrow, July 2nd, to all but local traffic and emergency vehicles. Turnarounds will be installed on each side of Blue Lake the week of July 6th.
Concerns from the Floor:
Chris Rausch asked if Holly Road will have Base One applied this year. We are testing the product this year on Intrepid (done last fall), and additional roads will be done depending on the results of that section of Intrepid. There are no plans to Base One Holly Road this year.
New Business:
Summer Short Course - July 31, 2008 at Northern Lights Casino, Walker
Jeff requested that we invest in a couple portable divider to be used for Elections, to screen the voting machine at a cost of approximately $160 each. Mavis will check into availability.
Correspondence, etc:
Office of State Auditor – “2006 Minnesota Town Finances”-
Adjournment of meeting motion was made by Roberta at 8:15 PM, seconded by Rod, and motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The regular meeting of the Lake Emma Township board was called to order at 7:00 PM with the flag pledge. Board members present were Chair Rod Westrum, Supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Nancy Bogaard, Clerk. Several members of the community were also present.
The Clerk’s Report from the May 6, 2008 Board meeting were accepted as printed on motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff, motion carried. Mavis gave the Treasurer’s report as of May 31, 2008 – Total of All Accounts = $271,464.36. General Revenue = $72,487.96 + Road & Bridge = $198,976.40, with $110,429.11 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $59,478.61; State Bank C.D. of $110,535.25; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $50,752.19; Northwood Bank CD of $50,500.00; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Payment of Vouchers #2525- 2538 were approved to be paid on motion by Jeff, seconded by Roberta, Carried.
Old Business: Road Report – Terry Long reported they have been blading gravel roads and have completed the crack sealing. Calcium Chloride by the county has been held up. They will install a culvert at Irving Drive prior to the calcium chloride application. Signs will be installed on Half Moon Road indicating work is being done, and turnarounds completed this month. Howard Gensler requested a “hidden driveway” sign prior to the new access road for the north end of Blue Lake. The Base One section of Intrepid Road was reworked after the rain last week, and it appears to be have a hard surface. Base One on Hartman Drive, Harbor Trail and Half Moon East will also be done as soon as possible. Jeff has received calls requesting that the culvert on the west end of Pickerel Lake be cleared of debris put in by beavers. Terry said there is a crown in the plastic culvert that is currently in place. Terry suggested that a larger, metal culvert be installed closer to the shore, preferably this month.
There is an OHV Damage Account program through the Trails & Water division of the DNR. Applications are available online.
Jeff presented information from the DNR on a program called Roadsides for Wildlife which encourages planting of native grasses in the roadsides. Spraying and mowing are requirements of the program. It was suggested that a portion of Grouse Road be used as a test project.
A grant request has been sent to the State Park Development & Acquisition manager for a half mile section of Grouse Road which would help cover the cost of pavement repair and resurfacing. The township would like to partner with Hubbard County to coordinate the work on Grouse Road with a bridge project on County Road 7.
Half Moon Road Vacation – Terry will scarifying the roadbed several hundred feet from each turnaround, and plant roadside grass. The driveway is completed for the properties located on the north end of Blue Lake and will be called Half Moon Lane. The east portion of Half Moon Road will remain Half Moon Road. The west portion will be renamed Half Moon Road West. Ben Pickett will be removing the blacktop on Half Moon Road this week. The turnarounds on each side of Blue Lake were also scheduled to be completed this month. Spruce trees will be planted at the turnarounds to discourage traffic onto the vacated road.
There were no concerns from the floor.
New Business: Joan Tweedale, Planning consultant on zoning land use ordinances, spoke to those present. A planning commission would need to be established and they would develop a land use plan, which would include lakes, agriculture, and forests. A Board of Adjustment would also be needed, which could be the townboard. Minnesota Statue 505.09 offers an available option, which is to appoint a planning and zoning commission of approximately 5 members. Under this statue, the County board could not approve any plat unless the Township board has approved the plat and the laying of the streets and other public ways.
A downside of a township planning commission is, the commission would be making decisions for or against their neighbors. It was suggested a survey be taken from the township property owners to determine what type of zoning and land use ordinances they are interested. A public forum would also be held to get input from residents and interest in serving on the commission.
The contract with SLL, Inc. for years 2009-2013 for assessing services, was signed at $10.75 per parcel for 2009 with an approximately 3% increase each year to 2013. Rod made the motion to accept the contract, seconded by Jeff, and the motion carried.
Summer Short Course will be held on July 31, 2008 at Northern Lights Casino beginning at 8:30 AM.
Hubbard County Highway Dept. will present their 5 Year Road Plan at Lake George Town Hall on June 10 at 6:30 PM or Hubbard County Courthouse, Park Rapids on June 23 at 6:30PM.
Roberta made a motion to pay off the Northwoods Bank loan on the Town Hall at the July meeting. Jeff seconded the motion, and the motion carried. Pay off on the loan is $15,551.71 today.
Correspondence, etc: Lot Viewal on Lower Bottle – June 12th at 9:25 AM. Rod will plan to attend.
Adjournment of meeting motion was made by Roberta at 9:20 PM, seconded by Rod, and motion carried.
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Spring Road Tour - Friday, May 9, 2008
Present were Chair Rod Westrum, Supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, Treasure Mavis Trenholm, Clerk Nancy Bogaard, Terry Long from Long Construction, and Joe Hines of Hines Brushing.
The 2008 Spring Road Tour convened at 3:45 PM, leaving the town hall going west on Half Moon Road. We looked at the possible location for the turnarounds being constructed in conjunction with the vacation of the road. The driveway for Cohns will go off the turnaround as a private drive. The small trees in the right away prior to the corner should be removed. Smiths have requested removal of the gravel in his area, which could be done once the road is officially closed. Jeff suggested Base One be applied to Half Moon Road from County Road 4 to Blue Lake, and new gravel west from Blue Lake to Holly Road.
We visited Harris Drive which was reconstructed last year by Cumber Construction. No work will be needed this year. Holly Road was re-graveled two years ago. The culvert on the west end of Pickerel Lake appears to be plugged with the swamp to the west much higher than the lake. A drain north to the other swamp might be a possibility. 270th Street west of Holly Road should not need gravel this summer except for the last corner before the turnaround. Holly Road north of 270th Street needs new gravel this summer. 270th Street from Holly to Co Rd 4 was graveled two years ago, and will be receive calcium chloride this spring. The north minimum maintenance of Holly Road, which will need work done in the future, but will not be done this summer. Efforts to improve 280th Street, which is a minimum maintenance road, will be made this summer if work schedule permits.
270th Street east of Co Rd 4 had gravel added two years ago, and may need chloride in ¼ mile again this year. Weed control should be applied ¼ mile in on each township road off of Co Rd 4. Inward Loop needs some work done on the shoulders. The Base One section on Intrepid Road held up very well. Terry questioned how much we want it bladed, feeling that it can be overdone. Some residents have requested it to be smoother. The base is very hard. The rest of Intrepid Road from Intrepid Trail to the blacktop will receive calcium chloride. At Irving Avenue, drainage should be installed before the calcium chloride is added. Hartman Drive and Harbor trail will have Base One installed this summer. Indigo Drive will require shoulder maintenance in one area.
Haywood Drive and 250th Street are in good condition. Harmony Road and Hector Road will not need work. Get Around Road needs gravel on the first part. The rest of the road needs to have drainage built in before gravel is added. Glider Drive surface is good, but needs a lot of work sometime in the future, but residents are against improvements. Glacier Drive had gravel applied last year and is in good condition. Greenwood Loop okay. Granite Drive and Glory Trail okay. Grouse Road is slated for repair on the east end, and possibly the entire road, if grant monies were to become available. Greysen Drive is in good condition.
Green Pines Road has a sink hole to be repaired, but may have to wait until later in the summer. Gasparilla Loop had some shoulder work done last year and may need some more work this year. Garnet Drive has an area that needs to have a ditch put in, and a few trees moved to provide a place for snow. The excess dirt could be used to make a turnaround at the end of Garnet. Need a “stop ahead” sign on Garnet approaching Green Pines Road. Hunter Road has bump over culvert. A sink hole was repaired last fall. Hope Drive had new gravel last year. 195th Avenue and 250th Street are both in good repair.
The tour returned to the town hall at 7:15 PM, at which time we discussed the timetable for vacating the north portion of Half Moon Road. Rod appointed Jeff to meet and work with Long Construction and Howard Gensler to coordinate the completion of the turnarounds and gravel removal, if any. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The regular meeting of the Lake Emma Township board was called to order at 7:00 PM with the flag pledge. Board members present were Chair Rod Westrum, Supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Nancy Bogaard, Clerk.
The Clerk’s Report from the April 1, 2008 Board meeting were accepted as printed on motion by Jeff, seconded by Roberta, motion carried. Mavis gave the Treasurer’s report as of April 30, 2008 – Total of All Accounts = $296,499.62. General Revenue = $73,179.24 + Road & Bridge = $223,320.38, with $136,704.05 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $59,332.31; State Bank C.D. of $109,295.57; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $77,173.43; Northwood Bank CD of $50,500.00; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Payment of Vouchers #2516- 2524 were approved to be paid on motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff, Carried.
Old Business: Road Report – Terry Long reported snow removal and blading during April. Currently they are doing crack sealing. They have also started reconstruction of the corner of Intrepid Trail and Intrepid Road. Base One on Intrepid Road appears to be successful.
The Spring Road Tour will be Friday, May 9, 2008 at 3:30 PM
Grouse Road from the public access to County Road 7 is very severely rutted, and Jeff suggested that we have WSN give us a complete plan for replacing that section of the road. A complete plan is necessary to apply for financial aid or grants. Local Road Improvement Program monies will be allocated to each county for safety projects, which would cover 50% of the cost if available. Another option is to apply for State Park Road Funds, which could provide 100% of the cost. There is also a possibility of tying in the project with Hubbard County. Jeff will coordinate the township efforts for the project.
Terry stated that the culvert on Holly Road on the west end Pickerel Lake so the swamp is higher than the lake. We had received a public complaint through the DNR and the board will inspect the area on their road tour.
Half Moon Road Vacation - Jeff contacted WSN to get copies of the survey for each property owner which will be sent out with the final vacation notice. We will have a special meeting following the road tour on Friday to plan the timetable for the completion of the project. Howard Gensler requested a “Hidden Driveway” sign prior to the new driveway from the north. The driveway for Richard Smith was started Monday and will be completed in 1½ weeks. Gravel from the roadbed may be removed but must be done prior to final vacation of the road. Barb at Environmental Services needs to be contacted about the name of the new road which will provide access to the people on the north end of Blue Lake.
In response to a petition to vacate a cartway, Jeff made a motion to address the possibility of adopting a resolution to extinguish interest in a road based on no maintenance for 25 years, nor has it ever been recorded as a township road. Rod seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Substation Fire Hall – Jeff talked to Fire chief Donn Hoffman, and he said trained volunteers would be the greatest obstacle, especially for daytime fires. Should we wish to pursue a substation, we would need to contact the City Administrator.
Hubbard County Township Meeting at Lake Emma Township hall on Monday, May 19, 2008. Russ Johnsrud of USDA, Natural Resource Conservation Service will speak on feeding deer and ag programs.
Concerns from the Floor: Chris Rausch reported that their petition for an Environmental Impact Study by Open Meadows was denied because it was not large enough.
Chris also asked what had been done regarding zoning for the township. Jeff had brought up zoning at the Annual meeting with little enthusiasm. Rod will contact Joan Tweedale for her availability to be at our June 3rd meeting to discuss what we could do to adopt basic zoning ordinances.
New Business: State Bank Certificate of Deposit is up for renewal. Roberta made a motion that Mavis contact State Bank to see if they will match Citizens National Bank, and renew it for 6 months. Rod seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Correspondence, etc: Lot Viewal on Potato Lake – May 15 at 8:50 AM. Rod will plan to attend.
Rod made a motion that we continue to use Sentence to Serve for maintenance at the Lake Emma Cemetery and Lake Emma town hall. Roberta seconded, and motion carried.
Adjournment of meeting motion was made by Roberta at 8:45 Pm, seconded by Jeff, and motion carried.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, April 1, 2008
The regular meeting of the Lake Emma Township board was called to order at 7:00 PM with the flag pledge. Board members present were Vice Chair Roberta Doyle, Supervisor Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Nancy Bogaard, Clerk.
The Clerk’s Report from the March 4, 2008 Board meeting were accepted as printed on motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff, motion carried. Mavis gave the Treasurer’s report as of March 31, 2008 – Total of All Accounts = $331,036.96. General Revenue = $97,383.36 + Road & Bridge = $233,653.60, with $171,241.39 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $59,186.37; State Bank C.D. of $109,295.57; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $111,856.71; Northwood Bank CD of $50,500.00; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Payment of Vouchers #2508-2515 were also approved. Motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff to accept Treasurer’s report, and motion carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long reported tree removal, scraping ice and snow removal during March. They will continue tree removal and hope to begin grading gravel roads shortly. Jeff reported that Signage money for county roads was underestimated and will probably be used in total by the pilot counties. State grant money that we had planned to apply for use on Grouse Road, will now be distributed to all counties instead of granting for specific projects.
Half Moon Road Vacation – WSN reported that the survey work for the parcels should be completed by the end of the week. Howard Gensler reported that the new road for access for property owners on the north end of Half Moon Road is completed. The driveway for Richard Smith is yet to be completed.
The Spring Road Tour was set for Friday, May 9, 2008 at 3:30 PM.
Darren Leasch, of WSN, was present and gave an estimate of just under $260,000 for an overlay of Grouse Road, and recommended the project be done this summer, 2008. Jeff said we could apply for DNR State, Park, Road aid because the road services the public access on Big Sand Lake. The centerline survey by WSN should be done shortly.
We received a check from Whitesides for the expenses incurred by the township for an easement.
Vacation of cartway, portion of Co Rd 24 upon request by Al Shallbetter was discussed and we can pass a resolution to extinguish interest in a road.
There were no concerns from the floor.
New Business: The possibility of building a substation fire hall in Lake Emma Township was brought up and discussed. Lake Emma Township has a higher property value than the city of Park Rapids. The cost of an equipment building would be approximately $250,000, which would be less than $30 a year per parcel for a period of five years. This amount would be easily offset by lower homeowners fire insurance because of the shorter distance from a fire department. (Contact Lake Emma Township with your comments.)
Hubbard County Township Association meeting at Lake Emma Township – Monday, May 19, 2008 at 7:30 PM. Jeff has contacted DNR to provide a program on roadside vegetation for wildlife, and the SWCD for any programs they have available to townships.
Roberta, Mavis and Nancy will attend the Spring Short Courses tomorrow, April 2, 2008 at Northern Lights Event Center in Walker.
Training for local weed inspectors – Tuesday, April 29th at 7:00 PM in the basement of the courthouse. 2008 cost will be $80.00 per hour plus chemicals. We will submit to Greg Hensel the roads we want sprayed after the Spring road tour.
Board of Appeals and Equalization – May 6, 2008 – 9 AM
Adjournment of meeting motion was made by Roberta at 8:15 Pm, seconded by Jeff, and motion carried.
Lake Emma Township - Annual Meeting Minutes - March 11, 2008
The Annual Meeting for Lake Emma Township was called to at 8:00 p.m. on this date. Eight people were present. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Roberta Doyle nominated Karl Dyre as Moderator. The motion was seconded by Jeff Adolphson, and Karl was unanimously elected moderator.
Clerk, Nancy Bogaard, read the minutes from the 2007 March Annual Meeting and its continuation in September. A correction was made to the receipts for 2006, now showing income of $301,893.89 instead of $276,333.46. Jeff Adolphson moved to accept the minutes as read with the changes, and Roberta Doyle seconded the motion, which carried.
The financial report for 2007 was distributed to all members present. Jim Bodsgard moved to have the financial report read by the Deputy Clerk, instead of the reading of all checks written, and Iva Thielges seconded the motion, which carried. The report shows a balance in all accounts on 12/31/07 of $337,072.81. Total receipts in 2007 were $368,042.48 and disbursements were $307,303.13. After the reading of the report, moderator Karl Dyer asked if the members had any further questions. In the absence of any question, the report was accepted as printed.
Two of the Board Supervisors, Roberta Doyle and Jeff Adolphson, were present, and Jeff gave a road report. The township has thirty-three miles of roads, of which approximately one-third are paved. Two road tours were conducted in 2007, the spring tour on May 10th and the fall tour on September 25th. Harris Drive was reconstructed in 2007 by Cumber Construction. Cumber also donated the right of way on both sides of the road. New gravel was applied to Holly Road around Pickerel Lake, 270th St from Holly Rd to Co Rd 40, 195th Street, and Glacier Drive. A sink hole on Hunter Road received major repair. Pavement markings, both centerline and edges, was completed on all the township paved roads in 2007. Indigo Drive was crack sealed. Calcium chloride was applied on Holly Road, 270th St, and Intrepid Road from Intrepid Trail to Indigo Drive. Base One and new gravel were applied to Intrepid Road from Co Rd 4 to Intrepid Trail. Centerline location survey was completed by Shellack Engineering on Holly Road and 270th Street, and by WSN Engineering on Half Moon Road.
In July the Board voted to vacate the section of Half Moon Road around the north end of Blue Lake. Property and road surveys were completed in fall 2007 and we are waiting for property descriptions and plot drawings. The road will close to the public officially on May 1, 2008. However, that date may have to be postponed because of road restriction limiting the completion of the new driveway for those property owners. The township has had expenses of approximately $9500 on Half Moon Road to date. We will need to construct turnarounds on both sides of the lake in 2008. Shoreline restoration will be the responsibility of the property owners. Grants are available through the SWC Department and the DNR.
Possible project for 2008 include reconstruction of the intersection of Intrepid Trail and Intrepid Road, repair of the sink hole on the north end of Green Pines Road, calcium chloride on Hartman Drive, reshape and new gravel on 280th Street and north end of Holly Road, which are both minimum maintenance roads, new gravel on 270th Street from Holly Road to Co Rd 4, and Grouse Road. Grouse Road needs attention on the east end, and the Board is considering resurfacing part of that road at the same time the County will be installing a new bridge on County Road 6 near Zhateau Zorbaz. Local Road Improvement Funds and State Park Road Funds may be available to help with cost of the resurfacing.
The township budget for 2009 was discussed, with funding for road work a primary concern. Jeff Adolphson made a motion to keep the budget the same as 2008 which is $275,000 for Road and Bridge Expenses and $95,000 for General Fund Expenses. Jim Bodsgard seconded the motion. Moderator Karl Dyre took a vote on these figures, and it was approved. The minimum that can be assessed for Roads and Bridges, in order to qualify for the State Gas Tax Refund, is $179,702.15.
The next township board elections will be held in conjunction with the General Election on Tuesday, November 4, 2008 with polls open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
Jeff Adolphson moved to set the next Annual Meeting on March 10, 2009, at 8:00 PM. Seconded by Roberta Doyle, the motion carried.
By unanimous consent, it was decided to leave the matter of placement of the bank accounts to the discretion of the Board. Newspapers and posting places will be left as before, with notices to be published in the Park Rapids Enterprise and official postings to be placed at Zhateau Zorbaz, the Deer Lane Laundry, and the Township Hall.
Written requests for funds were received from the All Veterans Memorial Committee, the Lakes Area Dive Team, Nevis Community Education, the Shell Prairie Agriculture Association, the Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity, the Park Rapids Area Library, Hubbard First Responders, the Living at Home/Block Nurse/Interfaith Caregivers Program, and the Headwaters Animal Shelter. Jim Bodsgard was present representing the Hubbard First Responders and Iva Thielges representing the Living at Home program. Jeff Adolphson made a motion to donate to the following organizations: $2,200 for the First Responders, $1,500 for the Library, $350 for the Animal Shelter, $500 to Living at Home, and $250 for the Dive Team. Roberta Doyle seconded the motion and the vote was in favor of those figures.
The subject of changing the Town Board from three members to five members was brought up. However, it is felt there is very little interest by the residents in pursuing the change at this time.
There has been some interest in the township adopting a Land Use Ordinance. Karl Dyre mentioned that Lake Emma Township has 63 miles of lakeshore that are already under the County ordinance. There could be a township resolution to restrict minimum lot sizes in developments and requirements to allow water access to back lots. Feedback from the residents would be appreciated.
Jim Bodsgard moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m., seconded by Jeff Adolphson, and motion carried.
Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, March 4 , 2008
The regular meeting of the Lake Emma Township board was called to order at 7:00 PM with the flag pledge. Board members present were Vice Chair Roberta Doyle, Supervisor Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Nancy Bogaard, Clerk.
The Clerk’s Report from the February 4, 2008 Board meeting were accepted as printed on motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff. Carried. Mavis gave the Treasurer’s Report as of February 29, 2008 – Total of All Accounts = $339,286.47. General Revenue = $100,991.72 + Road & Bridge = $238,294.75, with $229,990.90 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $59,035.95; State Bank C.D. of $109,295.57; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $170,756.64; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Payment of Vouchers #2495- 2507 were also approved. Motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff to accept Treasurer’s report. Carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long reported – Some winging the snow back on some township roads, and trimmed a few trees. Still hope to work on trimming on Intrepid Road yet this spring. WSN surveyed Grouse Road. DNR agent told Jeff they are not interested in having the Public Access paved at this time. We will still apply for grant from State Park Road fund. We can also apply for some bonding funds through MNDOT, made available in the gas tax increase bill passed recently.
Half Moon Road Vacation - Don Carlson was present and said that the new road providing access to people living on the north end of Blue Lake affected by the closing of a section of Half Moon Road, will probably be named Half Moon Lane. Gary Thompson of WSN will present drawings and a new legal description of the property lines down to the lake. Final closing date for vacating the road may have to be moved to a later date due to road restrictions.
Whiteside Easement – We have not had a response from either the Whitesides or Mark Carlstrom from the DNR.
Vacation of cartway - Mark Thomason reported to Jeff that there is no record of a cartway ever being on Shallbetter’s property and that he could go ahead and block it off. Jeff asked for a written correspondence verifying this information.
Tom Geraedts and Jeff Hanson have contacted the Board with complaints against Stoltenows because of the destruction done along the cartway and buffer zone when moving in a building. Jeff sent a letter to Tom giving him the statutes by which town boards are governed concerning cartways.
Mavis presented interest rates from all three banks for a CD. Jeff made a motion to get a $50,000 CD at Northwoods Bank at 3.9% interest, which requires a checking account also.
Concerns from the floor:
Chris Rausch reported that Craig Nieman, president of Pickerel Lake Association, is requesting a EPW (Environmental Protection Worksheet) for the Open Meadows development, and would like approval for the development be held up until the EPW has been done.
New Business: Annual Meeting - March 11, 2008 at 8 PM.
Fire Contract with the City of Park Rapids was signed for the year from April 2008 through March 2009 for a cost of $24,712.37.
Hubbard County Township Meeting will be held at Lakeport Township on Monday, March 17th at 7:30 PM.
Spring Short Courses will be held in Walker at Northern Lights Event Center on Wednesday, April 2nd. Mavis, Roberta and Nancy plan at attend.
Jeff made a motion to adjourn at 8:05 PM, seconded by Roberta.
The board watched the latest video on Base One.
Lake Emma Township Board of Audit, February 12, 2008 – 7:00 P.M.
The Board of Audit met at 7:00 p.m. at the Lake Emma Town Hall on Tuesday, February 12, 2008, for the purpose of auditing the 2007 financial records of the clerk and the treasurer of the township. The meeting was properly posted at all three locations.
All current members of the Board (Jeff Adolphson, Roberta Doyle, Rodney Westrum, Mavis Trenholm, and Nancy Bogaard) were present. Chairperson Rod Westrum called the meeting to order shortly after 7:00 p.m. The supervisors were presented with all receipts and vouchers of payment for 2007 as well as the Treasurer’s 2007 Annual Report and records of the clerk and treasurer’s debits and disbursements from CTAS. All these items were examined thoroughly.
Total disbursements for 2007 were $307,303.13. Income and interest for 2007 was $368,042.48. Books of the Clerk and Treasurer showed a balance of $337,072.81 in all accounts at the end of 2007, with $58,745.89 in the money market account at the State Bank of Park Rapids, $170,085.75 in the money market account at Citizens National Bank of Park Rapids, $108,042.86 in Certificate of Deposit at the State Bank of Park Rapids, and $198.31 in the checking account at Citizens National Bank of Park Rapids.
Jeff made a motion to transfer $50,000.00 from the available Road and Bridge fund for the purchase of a Certificate of Deposit. Rod seconded. Motion carried. Mavis will check on available interest rates and present them at the March meeting.
Outstanding debt on December 31, 2007 is $28,485.65, with $14,895.29 on the Town Hall at Northwoods Bank, and $13,590.36 on Hunter Road at Citizens National Bank.
Roberta moved to approve the financial audit for 2007, and Jeff Adolphson seconded the motion, which passed. The books of the clerk and treasurer were then signed by all three supervisors of the Board.
Some discussion took place regarding the budget for 2009, and the consensus was that the budget could remain the same as 2008. The budget will be voted on by residents at the Annual meeting, March 11, 2008.
Jeff moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Seconded by Rod, the motion passed.
Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes - Monday, February 4 , 2008
The regular meeting of the Lake Emma Township board was called to order at 7:00 PM with the flag pledge. Board members present were Vice Chair Roberta Doyle, Supervisor Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Nancy Bogaard, Clerk.
The Clerk’s Report from the January 8, 2008 Board meeting were accepted as printed on motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff. Carried. Mavis gave the Treasurer’s Report as of January 31, 2008 – Total of All Accounts = $327,793.91. General Revenue = $101,342.94 + Road & Bridge = $226,450.97, with $219,751.05 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $58,895.57; State Bank C.D. of $108,042.86; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $160,657.17; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Jeff made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, Roberta seconded. Carried. Payment of Vouchers #2487- 2494 were approved on motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff.
Old Business: Road Report – Terry Long reported they have done some sanding during January.
2008 Center Line Survey – Grouse Road – Jeff explained that we have put aside some money for road maintenance, and suggested doing a center line survey on Grouse Road, and put together a resurfacing program also so we would have a plan together should funding become available, either through the Dept of Transportation or through the DNR. Darrin Leasch of WSN presented a proposal for each part of the project. Total estimated cost for the total project was $26,700. Jeff made a motion that we have the center line survey and the design for resurfacing for Grouse Road done at this time. Roberta seconded the motion and it carried.
Half Moon Road Vacation- Extensions to property lines down to the lake have to be done. Gary Thompson of WSN presented an estimate of $1600, which Jeff made a motion to accept, seconded by Roberta. Carried
Whiteside Easement – We have not had a response from either the Whitesides or Mark Carlstrom from the DNR.
Vacation of cartway - Shallbetters have not heard from Attorney Mark Thomason. Roberta will check with Mark, and urge rapid closure of our interest in the cartway.
Board of Audit – Tuesday, February 12th, 7 PM.
New Business: The beginning time for Annual Meeting (March 11) was set for 8 PM.
Short Courses: March 31-April 4, 2008 (Probably April 2nd, Location undetermined)
Roberta made a motion to adjourn at 7:50 PM, seconded by Jeff.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, January 8 , 2008
The regular meeting of the Lake Emma Township board was called to order at 7:00 PM with the flag pledge. Board members present were Vice Chair Roberta Doyle, Supervisor Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Nancy Bogaard, Clerk.
The Clerk’s Report from the December 4, 2007 Board meeting were accepted as printed on motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff. Carried. Mavis gave the Treasurer’s Report as of December 31, 2007– Total of All Accounts = $337,072.81. General Revenue = $109,944.85 + Road & Bridge = $227,127.96, with $229,029.95 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $58,745.89; State Bank C.D. of $108,042.86; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $170,085.75; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Motion by Jeff, seconded by Roberta. Carried. Payment of Vouchers #2467– 2479 were approved.
Road Report – Terry Long –Have been doing snowplowing and scaping ice on all roads. Roberta had received a complaint that Intrepid Road was slippery. In response to County Engineer’s request for amount of Calcium Chloride, it was decided to request the same amount as last year. Nancy will notify the County office.
Half Moon Road –It is expected to have the certificate of survey from WSN for the affected property owners by next month’s meeting. Grants for restoration of the road base will be pursued by a group of residents.
We have not heard from Chris Whiteside regarding his easement. Jeff will contact Cindy Buttleman at the DNR to verify the property will be sold.
Concerns from the floor: Chris Rausch asked if there is consideration of using Base One on other roads (specifically Holly Road). We would like to wait to see the results of the section of Intrepid Road that received Base One in 2007.
Al Shallbetter asked about a petition regarding vacating an old cartway adjacent to his property. Jeff will contact Mark Thomason.
On a motion by Jeff, seconded by Roberta the February meeting will be held at 7 PM on Monday, February 4, 2008 because the political caucus is on Tuesday, February 5th.
On motion by Jeff, seconded by Roberta, Nancy will send a letter to John Nierenhausen giving him permission to remove snow to access his cabin located on 280th Street.
Jeff made a motion that the present officers maintain the same positions for 2008. Roberta seconded and motion carried.
Roberta moved the meeting be adjourned at 7:40 PM, Jeff seconded. Motion carried.