2007 Meeting Minutes
Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The regular meeting of the Lake Emma Township board was called to order at 7:00 PM with the flag pledge. Board members present were Chair Rod Westrum, Vice Chair Roberta Doyle, Supervisor Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Nancy Bogaard, Clerk.
The Clerk’s Report from the November 6, 2007 Board meeting were accepted as printed on motion by Roberta, seconded by Rod. Carried. Mavis gave the Treasurer’s Report as of November 30, 2007– Total of All Accounts = $215,352.80. General Revenue = $84,086.39 + Road & Bridge = $131,266.41, with $107,309.94 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $58,596.59; State Bank C.D. of $108,042.86; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $48,515.04; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Motion by Jeff, seconded by Roberta. Carried. Payment of Vouchers #2448 – 2466 were approved.
Donations for 2007-Jeff made a motion to donate $350 to the Headwaters Animal Shelter. Roberta seconded, carried. Roberta moved to contribute $300 to the Lakes Area Dive Team, Jeff seconded, carried. Jeff moved, Rod seconded to donate $2000 to the Hubbard First Responders and $1500 to the Park Rapids Area Library, carried.
Old Business: Road Report – Terry Long – The sink hole on Hunter Road was finished before the ground froze. Snow plowing was obstructed by people parking in the roadway. A resident on Hawk Drive (off 250th Street) complained that snow was piled in their road. Intrepid Trail/Drive intersection reconstruction will have to wait until spring, with exception of cutting some of the trees this winter.
Roberta moved that the road contract with Long Construction be extended through Octobet 2008 with consideration for fuel compensation. Jeff seconded. Terry will provide us with fuel costs from the original contract date and today’s cost. Carried.
Half Moon Road Vacation – A letter to all affected property owners was sent by Thomason Law Office, explaining the schedule for the vacation of a portion of the Half Moon Road. Jeff explained that grants are available through the Soil and Water Conservation. Nancy will call Brenda Boterman and find out if the Blue Lake Association has started a process to obtain grants.
Stoltenow Development “Open Meadows” – Jerry Cole, Planning Commission was not able to attend due to the road conditions, but told Nancy in a phone conversation that Eric Buitenwerf. had stated that Stoltenows had met the requirements of the variance, and that all the lots, including the lots in the wetland area, have room for a septic and a septic alternative. Several residents in the area have requested an EIA, which requires 25 signatures. Jeff made a motion that Lake Emma Township draft correspondence to the County Commissioners, with copies to the Zoning Commission and the Planning Commission, suggesting Open Meadows preliminary plat have an EIS (environmental impact study) completed, or at least an EAW (environmental assessment worksheet) completed, and that the high watermark be used instead of the ordinary watermark, as suggested by the Minnesota DNR, and that the decision be tabled until spring of 2008. Rod seconded. The motion carried. The next meeting of the Planning Commission will be on Tuesday, December 11, 2007 at 9:30 AM.
Light in parking lot. Hoffman Electric reported that both times that they have repaired the light, it had been shot out. It was decided that we would have Hoffman put a switch on the pole, rather than have it come on automatically.
Concerns from the Floor: Chris Rausch requested that the board consider adopting a zoning ordinance to limit lot size in PUDs. Rod will meet with Thomason Law Office to get information about necessary procedures.
New Business: A survey from Giziibii Resource Conservation & Development Assoc Inc was completed by the Board relating to the priority concerns of the Board.
Jeff made a motion that the January Board meeting be held on January 8, 2008, and The Board of Audit be scheduled for Tuesday, February 12, 2008. Rod seconded, and motion carried.
Jeff gave a report on the State Convention held in St Cloud in November. District 11 was the featured district, and Jeff helped plan and man the booth, which was one of the more successful booths of the convention.
Jeff and Mavis attended the Hubbard County Township meeting in November. A resolution will be presented to the county commissioners requesting townships be allowed to have an input regarding the establishment of all gambling activities within their township.
Thomason Law Office sent a letter stating that the application for an easement for the Whitesides would not be accepted, and that the property would be sold by the DNR. Nancy will notify the Whitesides of the decision and request additional funds to cover the expenses.
Correspondence, etc:
Hub Co Environmental Services – Lakes Area Windsurfing Inc – Public Hearing – Tuesday, Dec 11, 9:30 AM; Thomas & Irene Weis – Lot viewal – Thursday, Dec 13, 9:30 AM; Public hearing – Monday, Dec 17, 9:00 AM
LTAP - Minnesota Spring Maintenance Training Expo - Workshops – will give the information to Terry at the next meeting.
Roberta made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 PM. Jeff seconded.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Agenda – Tuesday, November 6, 2007
The regular meeting of the Lake Emma Township board was called to order at 7:00 PM with the flag pledge. Board members present were Vice Chair Roberta Doyle, Supervisor Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Nancy Bogaard, Clerk.
The Clerk’s Report from the October 2, 2007 Board meeting were accepted as printed on motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff. Carried. Mavis gave the Treasurer’s Report as of October 31, 2007– Total of All Accounts = $250,483.16. General Revenue = $85,554.09 + Road & Bridge = $164,929.07, with $143,678.65 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $58,452.46; State Bank C.D. of $106,804.54; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $85,027.88; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Motion by Jeff, seconded by Roberta. Carried. Payment of Vouchers #2435 – 2447 were approved.
Old Business: Road Report – Terry Long – Doing normal grading until freeze up. Hunter Road, dug out soft spots, and Howards Driveway applied blacktop. They will work on shoulders along blacktop roads this fall. Intrepid Road culvert north end of Stocking Lake, needs to be cleaned out and fence put back up to keep beavers out. Property lines at Intrepid Trail have been surveyed and if the weather holds out, Terry will try to realign the corner yet this fall. Base One on Intrepid looks good, even after the rain we have had.
Half Moon Road Vacation – The road will close to public traffic May 1, 2008 and property owners will have 30 days to do restitution on the road bed, closing the road on June 1, 2008. The turnarounds will be constructed in the road right of way. Mark Thomason will be sending out letters to the property owners and will also file with the County Recorder.
Whiteside application for easement-The DNR has informed the township that they are not giving easements any longer and that the property will be put up for auction.
Allen Shallbetter requested the township abandon the cart path between parcels 16.01.01010 and 16.01.00900 which has not been maintained for many years. On motion by Jeff, seconded by Roberta, Mark Thomason was asked to file the appropriate papers.
Concerns from the Floor: There was some discussion regarding the Open Meadows development. People with questions were encouraged to go to the public hearing on November 13th.
New Business: A cemetery stone at the Lake Emma Township cemetery was reported as being askew. Rod had talked to Rod Lof, who said he thought he could fix it. Roberta will contact Rod Lof to find out if he was able to straighten it
The light in the parking lot has not been working continually. Hoffman Electric has been out to fix it twice but it is out again. Jeff will contact them again.
Nancy received two phone calls regarding a 1999 variance for garage, and whether the township had approved the variance. Records from 1999 show that it was approved. It was suggested that interested parties contact the Hubbard County Zoning office for limitation in the variance.
Mavis and Frank Trenholm attended the workshop for LUCA – 2010 Census and reported the importance of getting all addresses of Township residents.
Correspondence, etc: MAT annual meeting, November 15-17, 2007, Civic Center in St Cloud (featuring District #11). Jeff has been active in getting information and door prizes to represent Hubbard County.
Hub Co Environmental Services –
Lot Viewal – 24365 Hickory Trail - Nov. 15, appox. 9:40 AM; Hearing date: 9:00 AM, Nov. 19
Public Hearing for Preliminary Plat of “Open Meadows”, 9:30 AM, November 13 at the courthouse
Scholarship applications thru MBA to public employees or elected officials or children of, up to $1000.
Roberta made a motion, seconded by Jeff to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 PM. Carried
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Lake Emma Township - Board Meeting - October 2, 2007
The monthly meeting was called to order by Chairperson Rod Westrum at 7:00 p.m. on this date. Members of the board present were Supervisors Rod Westrum, Jeff Adolphson, and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Deputy Clerk Marianne Potratz. Several other people from the community were also present.
The pledge of allegiance was recited. Roberta moved to approve the minutes from the September 4, 2007, meeting as printed. Seconded by Jeff, the motion carried. The October Treasurer’s report was accepted as read by motion of Roberta and second of Rod, showing a balance of $272,670.43 in all accounts, with $84,353.63 in General Revenue and $188,316.80 in Road and Bridge, with $165,865.92 currently available. Balances at the end of September were as follows: Money Market Account at Citizens National Bank $107,373.26; Money Market Account at State Bank, $58,294.35; Certificate of Deposit at State Bank $106,804.51 Citizens National Bank Checking Account, $198.31.
Old Business: Road Report: Rod moved to accept the road tour minutes of September 25, 2007, as printed. Seconded by Jeff, the motion carried. Rod then went over the items contained in the report for the benefit of the residents present. Terry Long indicated that they have completed the work on Intrepid Road. The gravel was laid with Base One, which has set up well. Normal maintenance has been done on the remainder of the township roads, and they will continue with the list outlined at the road tour. Jeff recommended that the township hire a registered land surveyor to mark property corners before modification of the intersections on Intrepid Road. Rod asked Jeff to contact Emmons Oliver and Associates (EOA) and Arrow Engineering and have the work done by the firm that can do it most expeditiously.
Some concerns are still present in regard to the Half Moon Road vacation. One concerns new addresses. A technical committee apparently will decide what new roads will be named. Other concerns include what will happen with the roadbed. The blacktopped areas will be removed, and berms will probably be erected at each end of the vacated portion of the road, perhaps with gravel from the roadbed. Run off from taking up the gravel must be avoided, but Terry recommends removal of three inches or so of the gravel before planting, rather than discing the gravel, as he feels that taking the road back to more native soil should produce native plantings. A big cost would be silt fencing, if that would be required, and they are also unsightly and hard to remove. Natural methods seem to be easier to work with. A good physical barrier at the ends of the present road seems to be a good idea, to discourage use of the property as a road. The projected date to close the road is uncertain, but it will probably be in the spring of 2008. All eight property owners must sign off to allow the township to vacate, and one party has not done so to date.
The Whiteside application for easement to the south of Hartman Drive is proceeding, but slowly
New Business: Rob Swanson from Zhateau Zorbaz and Terry Hokeness from Bayside Resort brought resolutions requesting township approval of an on-sale liquor license for Zorbaz and a 3.2 beer license for Bayside. Jeff moved to accept both resolutions. Seconded by Roberta, the motion carried.
A petition signed by 23 residents of Hartman Drive was presented, requesting that the township in the spring of 2008 upgrade ¾ of a mile of their road, from County Road #4 to its intersection with Harbor Trail. After discussion, the Board decided they will look into the matter on the spring road tour and will perhaps apply the new Base One product. Other remedies may be considered, but the Board does plan to do something to that portion of their road because of the high traffic count. The road needs new gravel before anything is laid on it.
MasTec has been given permission to bury cable on Intrepid Road, but the site is east of the newly graveled portion of the road.
Concerns From the Floor
More discussion took place regarding having three or five supervisors on the township board. The board, and most of the residents present who expressed an opinion, seem to agree they would prefer to have a three-member board, with the option to appoint a deputy supervisor to serve when needed. Such a provision is not currently available, but the Board intends to recommend to the Minnesota Association of Townships that they pursue this possibility with the State Legislature.
A workshop for the 2010 census is scheduled in Bemidji on October 22, and Mavis Trenholm and another township resident will attend if possible.
The report from the District 11 MAT meeting in Walker was read.
The MAT annual meeting is scheduled for November 16-17 in St. Cloud. District #11 will be featured, and Jeff plans to attend and is working with a committee to plan features to focus on our area at the meeting. The Preparation Committee is meeting at the Township Hall on October 4th at 7:00 PM.
Rod plans to attend the Hubbard County Environmental Services Board of Adjustment viewal on October 11th for a variance request on Big Sand Lake.
Payment of vouchers: Roberta moved to pay vouchers #2430 – 2434. Rod seconded the motion, which passed.
Rod moved to adjourn at 8:36 P.M. Seconded by Roberta, the motion carried.
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Fall Road Tour – Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The Fall Road Tour was held on Tuesday, September 25th. Members present were Chair Rod Westrum, Supervisors Roberta Doyle and Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, Clerk Nancy Bogaard, and Terry Long of Long Construction. We left the town hall at 5:15 PM.
Intrepid Road – leaving Co Rd 4, had calcium chloride applied earlier this spring. Long Construction is in the process of applying Base One for approximately .85 mile, from Co Rd 4 ending just short of Intrepid Trail. This is the first application of Base One in Lake Emma Township. The intersection of Intrepid Road and Intrepid Trail was be modified for safety reasons. Terry has talked to both property owners who are in favor of the improvements.
280th Street, west of Co Rd 4, a Minimum Maintenance Road, will have gravel added to crown the surface and allow one lane of traffic. Currently the road does not allow for access for emergency vehicles.
270th Street, west of Co Rd 4, will need new gravel next year. Application of Base One may also be considered.
The north end of Holly Road which is a Minimum Maintenance Road should be reconstructed to 280th Street to allow access for emergency vehicles. After the reconstruction, that portion of Holly Road down to 270th Street will need new gravel. Holly Road south of 270th Street is in good condition.
We drove Harris Drive which Cumber Construction reconstructed this summer, and it is much improved.
Sink holes on Hunter Road and Green Pines Road will be repaired yet this fall, coordinating with Howard’s Driveway for resurfacing.
Glacier Drive received new gravel this summer and is in good condition.
Road Projects for this fall: (as weather conditions and time allow)
1) Complete Base One application on Intrepid Road
2) Repair sink holes on Hunter Road and Green Pines Road
3) Reconstruction intersection of Intrepid Road and Intrepid Trail
4) Reconstruction of Minimum Maintenance section of Holly Road and add gravel south to 270th Street
5) Add gravel to 280th Street (minimum maintenance road) to crown and allow one lane traffic
The road tour concluded at 6:45 PM.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting Agenda – Tuesday, September 4, 2007
(Immediately following adjournment of Continuation of Annual Meeting)
The regular meeting of the Lake Emma Township board was called to order at 7:40 PM.
The Clerk’s Report from the August 7, 2007 Board meeting were accepted as printed on motion by Rod, seconded by Roberta. Treasurer’s Report August 31, 2007 – Total of All Accounts = $293,070.74 General Revenue = $88,304.60 + Road & Bridge = $204,766.14, with $186,266.20 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $58,160.50; State Bank C.D. of $106,804.54; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $127,867.39; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $238.31. Roberta made a motion, Jeff seconded to accept the treasurer’s report. Payment of Vouchers - #2415- 2429.
Old Business:
The cemetery was discussed. A suggestion of installing a pump at the cemetery has been made, but it was felt that because of the restrictions in a cemetery (distance from grave sites) and the cost, it would not be feasible.
Road Report – Justin Long – Some grading has been done as moisture conditions allow. Plans are to apply Base One to one mile of Intrepid Road this month. A resident requested calcium chloride or Base One on Hartman and/or Harbor, both which have increased traffic and are wash board and very dusty. 280th Street and Holly Road (low maintenance roads) will be considered after slated projects are completed.
Half Moon Road Vacation – The road will be vacated but will probably not be closed before winter. A question was raised as to the size of the turnarounds. One resident on Half Moon Road drives truck and will have to be able to turn it around.
A resident from Hermit Lane stated there was washing of the road. Jeff said Hermit Lane is a private road, dedicated for public use. The DNR is planning a preserve in the area and putting in an additional road to the preserve.
Whiteside application for easement-Mark Thomason has received the completed survey and will proceed.
Board of Appeals & Equalization certification – good for 4 years. Jeff & Rod good till July 2008, Roberta to July 2009.
Concerns from the Floor:
Addition discussion on the number of supervisors was held. Some residents felt 3 was sufficient and approved the use of a Deputy supervisor to fill in when a board member was absent more than one meeting. Another opinion stated 5 supervisors would allow for more input and a wider range of views. To go ahead, we could have an election to decide whether to change, prior to our annual meeting in March, and if approved, filings could be done for the November 2008 election. For the upcoming year, it was decided to pursue a deputy supervisor.
New Business: The date for Fall Road Tour was set for Tuesday, September 25th at 4:30 PM at the Lake Emma Township Hall.
Hurd’s Acres- neighbors parking on her road (old county road 40). Assessor’s office stated it is a property dispute between owners.
Correspondence, etc:
Anderson Law Office- is closing her office.
District 11 MAT meeting – Wednesday, September 26, 2007 at 7 PM at the Northern Lights Event Center in Walker
Hubbard County Township Association meeting – Monday, September 17 at 7:30 PM at Mantrap Town Hall
MAT annual meeting in St Cloud, November 16-17, 2007.
Minnesota LTAP Workshops and Events for Fall and Winter
Dustin Overbeck, Town Web Design Inc
Public Hearings – Environmental Services
Roberta made a motion, seconded by Jeff to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 PM
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Lake Emma Township - Minutes of Continuation of Annual Meeting - September 4, 2007
The continuation of the Annual Meeting of Lake Emma Township was called to order at 7:05 PM by Clerk Nancy Bogaard with the Pledge of Allegiance. Approximately 20 people from the township were present.
Karl Dyre was elected moderator, nominated by Roberta Doyle, seconded by Teri Moen.
Clerk Nancy Bogaard read the minutes from the March 2007 meeting.
The discussion to change the board from 3 supervisors to 5 supervisors was continued.
Dick Moen moved to accept the preliminary budget of $95,000 for General Revenue and $275,000 for Road and Bridge. The motion was approved by a majority of those present.
The donations being considered were discussed, with the decision made that the supervisors make the decision.
The next annual meeting will be Tuesday, March 11, 2008 at 8:00 PM.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting - August 7, 2007
The monthly meeting was called to order by Chair Rod Westrum at 7:00 p.m. Other members of the board present were Supervisors Roberta Doyle, Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. 11 people from the community were also present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
On motion by Roberta, seconded by Rod, the reading of the July Board meeting minutes was dispensed with and they were accepted as printed. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report July 31, 2007– Total of All Accounts = $323,250.93. General Revenue = $88,365.96 + Road & Bridge = $234,884.97, with $217,670.54 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $58,012.69; State Bank C.D. of $105,580.39; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $159,459.54; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. On motion by Jeff, seconded by Roberta, the treasurer’s report was approved. Payment of Vouchers - Bills to be paid: Vouchers #2404, 2408-2414.
Old Business: Road Report – Terry Long – Normal grading on township roads as weather allows. Gravel was added to 250th St, and some tree removal was completed. Darrell Devault was present to oppose improvement on the north end of Holly Road which is a minimum maintenance road, feeling that there is not enough traffic to warrant spending the money. They live on that part of the road, about ¼ mile beyond the maintained road and want to keep their buffer of the trees. Jeff reported that there is a liability issue for the township if the road is not passable. Terry Long reported the road is eroded in some areas and has water holes in other spots. Some large trees may have to be removed to allow access for emergency vehicles. Some shaping and graveling could be done to improve the road. There was also concern of the corner of Holly and Ivy, because it is steep and a sharp corner.
Half Moon Road- Mark Thomason, Township attorney was present. A waiver of damages must be obtained from all property owners who now access their property from Half Moon Road before the road can be closed. It is the landowners obligation to restore the road bed once it has been vacated. Eric Buitenwerf of Environmental Services suggested that the township do some work on the vacated roadbed such as discing and seeding the area. Mark said we should have a release signed from all affected landowners before doing any work. Jeff suggested getting some grant money through the township which could be used by the property owners for restoration.
Regarding the easement for Christ & Shannon Whiteside, Mark stated he has not heard back from the State.
Concerns from the floor:
Intrepid Road is in poor condition because of the dry weather this summer. Corner of Intrepid Trail and Intrepid Road was very bad. There are plans to apply Base One so we will go ahead and apply to the west end of Intrepid to just before Intrepid Trail yet this summer.
Arlin Stoltenow requested a copy of the resolution granting the cartway, indicating that it is a public road, for Hubbard County and the engineer for Qwest. A copy was given to him, and a copy will be sent to the engineer.
The continuation of the Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 4, 2007 at 7:00 PM at the town hall.
A local resident sent an e-mail requesting Lake Emma Township consider adopting a pet ordinance. Because we have no way to enforce an ordinance, we will not be adopting an ordinance. We will suggest he contact the county sheriff when a problem arises. Nancy will reply to the resident.
Reports were given on the Summer Short Course attended last month.
The District Township meeting will be held at Northern Lights in Walker on September 26, 2007.
The next Hubbard County Township Association meeting will be Monday, September 17th at 7:30 PM at the Mantrap Township Town Hall.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:08 PM on motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff. Carried.
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Lake Emma Township Board Meeting - July 3, 2007
The monthly meeting was called to order by Chair Rod Westrum at 7:00 p.m. Other members of the board present were Supervisors Roberta Doyle, Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. 16 people from the community were also present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. On motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff, the reading of the June Board meeting minutes was dispensed with and they were accepted as printed. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report - June 30, 2007– Total of All Accounts = $343,946.16. General Revenue = $94,747.13 + Road & Bridge = $249,199.03, with $238,365.77 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $57,860.51; State Bank C.D. of $105580.39; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $108,306.95; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Roberta moved to accept the Treasurer’s report, Jeff second. Carried. Payment of vouchers - Bills to be paid: Vouchers #2399-2407.
Old Business: Road Report – Terry Long – Normal grading on township roads as weather allows. They have also added gravel to 250th St, and done some tree removal. Road dips on Green Pine and Hunter plan to be repaired in August. Rob Hallstrom opposes removal of trees along Glider Drive. The board received a letter from Rod Lof asking for maintenance on 280th Street and the north section of Holly Road, which are both minimum maintenance roads. Terry Long will look at the roads and determine if grading would improve or if some gravel would be needed.
Half Moon Road- Mark Thomason, Township attorney was present. He explained that since the road has been maintained at approximately 20 feet, that is the width available to the township, without condemnation, to construction of turnarounds. A waiver of damages must be obtained from all property owners who now access their property from Half Moon Road before the road can be closed. It is the landowners obligation to restore the road bed once it has been vacated. Rod made a motion to vacate the road, seconded by Roberta. Motion carried.
Jim Schmid stated that at one time there was a DNR picnic area at the east side of the lake at the end of Half Moon Road which could interfere with constructing the turnaround. The township will be responsible for establishing a turnaround at each end of the vacated area, and for blocking the vacated road. Jeff suggested that some improvements on the remaining portions of Half Moon Road will be considered such as gravel or possibly Base One.
The ATV officer from the Hubbard County Sheriff’s Department spoke regarding ATV usage. County land cannot be ridden on by an ATV unless the area has been designated as an ATV area. However, ATVs can ride in the bottom of the ditch or on the outside (far) bank of all county roads.
There were no concerns from the floor.
New Business: St Cloud Wireless – Communications 300’ tower off County Road 24 for improved cell phone reception and law enforcement communications. There will be a meeting Tuesday, July 10, 2007 at 7 PM at the Lake Emma Township Hall.
The easement for Whitesides was discussed. Rod will check with Mark Thomason.
Correspondence, etc: Summer Short Course – Bemidji, July 26th We will meet at 7:30 AM and carpool.
Rinke Noonan Attorney at Law – Legal Retainer Agreement for Wetland Conservation Act issues It was decided that no action would be taken.
The Blue Lake Association will be using the town hall for their annual meeting on Saturday, July 14th.
Jeff made a motion that we use the money received from the Tax settlement for Special assessments to pay down the Town Hall. Roberta seconded. Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM on motion by Rod, seconded by Roberta. Carried.
Public Meeting -- Half Moon Road - Monday, June 25, 2007, 7:00 p.m.
Approximately 20 people attended this meeting, called by the Lake Emma Township Board to discuss the feasibility study on Half Moon Road, which was conducted and the results printed by Widseth, Smith, Nolting Engineering Company of Bemidji, MN. The township was petitioned by local property owners and the Blue Lake Association to vacate the section of Half Moon Road located adjacent to the lake.
This meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairperson Rod Westrum. Members of the Board present included Rod Westrum, Roberta Doyle, and Jeff Adolphson, supervisors, and Marianne Potratz, Deputy Clerk. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited to begin the meeting.
Chairperson Rod Westrum immediately explained that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the feasibility study, and ample copies of this printed document were available and given to those present. Rod then turned the meeting over to Curtis Meyer and Darrin Laesch, who represented the engineering company.
Curtis and Darrin explained reasons the study was done, including the desire to study how the several alternatives would affect the quality of the lake, transportation and traffic, property, safety and recreation, as well as the liability of the township.
Curtis said that in an assessment of the lake, the Dept. of Natural Resources and Hubbard County Environmental Services agreed that the road as it now stands very probably has a detrimental effect on the lake. About ½ of the lake�s shoreline consists of Half Moon Road, and the remaining 2/3 of the lakeshore is privately owned. Half Moon Road connects Co. Roads 4 & 40 and is approximately 1.8 miles long. The affected portion of the road along Blue Lake is about .9 of a mile, with the average width 18 feet. Fourteen parcels are located on the proposed road to be vacated, with eight of those parcels using Half Moon Road to access their property. Property owners who petitioned the township have agreed to construct a private drive at their own expense to access their properties. Currently, if a new road were to be built around a lake in Hubbard County, a 50 foot buffer would be required, with ditches and possibly detention ponds. Half Moon Road has 10 to 20 feet of buffer between the road and Blue Lake. Nutrient loadings into the lake are likely being affected by the road.
The road is a short cut from County Road 4 to County Road 40. Though closing the road would mean residents on Harebell Drive would be affected most by having to drive more miles, in reality they would lose little time, due to the nature of Half Moon Road, with its sharp curves and lower speeds required.
Much discussion took place from those present in regard to the pros and cons of closing the road, and the possible alternatives. Trout that currently live in the lake and need cold, clear water to thrive, and some feel the road is threatening their ability to survive. Other published evidence seems to suggest the quality of the water has not deteriorated, but those statistics were challenged by others present.
By statute in the state of Minnesota, the legal right of way is likely the portion of the road that is currently being maintained.
Alternative #1, as outlined in the feasibility study, would narrow up the road, shifting it away from the lake.
Alternative #2 would keep the road as it is now, but slope it away, with ditches constructed on the outside of the roadway.
Alternative #3 would construct bituminous curb and overlay the road with bituminous pavement.
Alternative #4 would excavate the road surface and restore vegetation.
Alternative #5 would restore wetlands in conjunction with Alternative #4.
Alternative #6 would construct a walking trail in conjunction with Alternative #4.
Alternative #7 would close the road.
The Engineering Company recommends that the township proceed with Alternative #6. They find #1 and #7 to be the least desirable, and #'s 4, 5, and 6 most effective. They do not recommend #s 2, 3, and 5 due to the springs located near the roadway. Alternative #6 would close the road for the benefit of the lake but construct a walking trail to keep it accessible to the public.
Discussion took place about liability issues for the township, as well as for adjacent landowners, in regard to a walking trail. With a conservation easement, most likely the township would incur liability on the trail, but it was felt that the adjacent landowners would no doubt be responsible for incidents on their property. Concern was expressed for absent landowners and problems that might develop in their absence. A conservation easement is often used by governing bodies as a tool to control the property and keep access available in a natural setting, and sometimes monies are available to help with these expenses, but there are no guarantees of that. One view was that the landowners should not be concerned about whether they own the lakeshore, but that the lake is protected. Water quality is no doubt affected by the stripping of the lakeshore of natural vegetation and creation of sand beaches. Hard surfaces on the roadway eliminate some problems, such as less nutrient loadings entering the lake, but open up other problems, such as more traffic and a faster flow of water, taking with it larger chunks of materials into the lake.
Tax matters were discussed. The Board was told by the assessor that the Market Value of property was decreased by about a third when a road runs between the property and the lake, so possibly the value, and therefore the taxes, might be increased by a third if the road is closed and the property reverts to the landowners. This would mean increased taxes collected by the county, with a portion passed on to the township. Other township residents will be sharing the cost of whatever needs to be done to the road.
Jeff Adolphson read some of his ideas about the road, including the fact that the town board need to try to determine what is in the best interest of the township. This road was established in 1920 to provide access and connect other roads. The Town Board is not required to provide for ATV trails, walking trails, or other enhancements. These things and many others are a privilege and tangible benefit. The Board is required to maintain the roads� operating function by a reasonable means. If this road is to remain open, improvements such as new signs and delineators need to be made to retain some integrity and restore the shore line and/or protect it, and these should be budgeted for 2008. If the road is closed, Jeff estimates it will save approximately $1,350 in maintenance, after consideration of fewer dollars from the State for maintenance. A determination would need to be made as to whether the township or the affected property owners should be responsible for the cost of the restoration of the old road. Perhaps the DNR would construct a small storm water retention pond to help control run off at the public access., possibly within the old roadbed. It is possible that if the road remains open, petitioners would again petition to close it after a year's time.
The Town Board will have to make a decision as to how to proceed with this matter, and they intend to do that in the near future, probably at the regular July meeting. The content of the feasibility study was complimented by many present, both for its completeness and its ease of reading. Roberta Doyle moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 P.M. Seconded by Jeff Adolphson, the motion passed.
Lake Emma Township Board Meeting - June 5, 2007
The monthly meeting was called to order by Chair Rod Westrum at 7:00 p.m. Other members of the board present were Supervisors Roberta Doyle, Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. 22 people from the community were also present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. On motion by Rod,, seconded by Roberta, the reading of the May Board meeting minutes was dispensed with and they were accepted as printed. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report May 31, 2007– Total of All Accounts = $222,329.62. General Revenue = $73,741.14 + Road & Bridge = $148,588.48, with $116,749.23 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $57,722.92; State Bank C.D. of $105,580.39; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $58,828.00; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Payment of Vouchers - Bills to be paid: Vouchers #2382-_2393. Motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff, to approve, carried.
Road Report – Terry Long – Put gravel on Holly and 270th, started on 195th. Other general maintenance on roads. Jeff brought up that the greatest potential of liability lies in hazardous road conditions. We should develop a plan to protect our citizens in the case of a emergency. We will this as an agenda item in July. Jeff also met with the owner of Base One. Cost is $4400 per mile for Base One, about twice what calcium chloride cost, but does not have to be applied every year. Terry stated he would have to get a serrated edge for his equipment in order to apply Base One. The dip on Hunter Road has been signed. We asked Terry to repair the dips on Hunter and Green Pines as soon as possible, coordinating with Howard’s Driveway on the paving. The process for getting a driveway easement for Chris Whiteside has been started and they have deposited $1000.00 with the township. Jeff also read a letter from Ed Steidler from Hemlock Road stated they will go ahead and talk to other people and get back to the township with their wishes later.
Stoltenow Petition – Resolution & Order Establishing a Cartway filed with Hubbard County Recorder on May 25, 2007. 40 day appeal period.
Half Moon Road – Have not received the feasibility study by Widseth Smith Nolting. Pending WSN, a special board meeting will be held on Monday, June 25 at 7 PM to review the feasibility study.
Jeff gave a report from the State Auditor’s office on the taxing capacity of Lake Emma Township, being greater than the city of Park Rapids (by 1.7%) and the city of Wadena (by 1.54%) bases on 2005 information.
Doc Carlson, Hubbard County Commissioner, was present and had received a letter from Rep Brita Sailer stating there is Grant monies available from the state. Nancy reported on the Hubbard County Township May meeting. David Collins of Hubbard County Economic Development Commission spoke. Hi-speed internet, JobZ areas, ATV usage were also discussed.
Summer Short Courses will be held in Bemidji on Thursday, July 26th. Environmental Service Lot Viewal (June 14) & Public Hearing Notice (June 18). MN Dept of Natural Resources – roadside mowing recommendations. StateDemographic Center population estimates for 2006 were received. The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 PM on motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff.
Continuation of Spring Road Tour – May 10, 2007.
The Lake Emma Township Board met at the Town hall at 4:30 PM on Thursday, May 10, 2007 for the continuation of the Spring Road Tour. The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Roberta Doyle.
The Resolution and Order establishing a cartway for Arlin and Lois Stoltenow was received from Anderson Law Office. After reviewing the Order, and finding no changes or additions, the Resolution and Order was signed by Supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. It will be returned to Anderson Law Office after Rod Westrum signs.
Jeff reported he had completed the application for an easement across State Forest land for a driveway for Chris and Shannon Whiteside, and had sent it to Mark Thomason along with the documentation for the easement including estimated expenses of $1000 to $1500.
Work needed on roads:
Gravel all roads that need. 270th from Co 4 to Holly; Get Around; Ginger; Glacier;
195th Ave and 250th St.
Repair the sink holes on Hunter and Green Pines, and go ahead and arrange to have the paving repaired once the holes are fixed.
Place yield and stop signs on Gasparilla.
Reconstruction of ½ mile of Get Around to Mantrap Township line (later summer).
Calcium chloride on Intrepid, Holly, 270th (contracted with County)
Striping all blacktopped roads (contracted with County)
Minimum maintenance road on north Holly – blade and add gravel to second house (if time and money allow).
Jeff made a motion, seconded by Roberta to complete the above road maintenance this season. Carried.
Roberta made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:30 PM, Jeff seconded.
Spring Road Tour - May 4, 2007
The Spring Road Tour began at the Lake Emma Township at 4:10 PM. Supervisors Rod Westrum, Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, Clerk Nancy Bogaard, and Terry Long from Long Construction participated.
Jeff brought up a proposal for an approach from Chris & Shannon Whiteside which is across State land. An application would have to be completed and filed with the State at a cost of $500. Other township costs could be up to $1000, and all costs will have to be reimbursed by the Whitesides. Rod made a motion to apply for the approach, Jeff seconded. Carried.
Leaving the town hall, we traveled west on Half Moon Road, there is water standing in the spring area, the north east corner rough. Consideration was given as to where turnarounds would be on each side of Blue Lake, should the road be vacated.
Harris Drive is very rough. Cumber Construction has been hired to reconstruct the road as soon as the road restrictions go off.
Holly Road was graveled to Pickerel Lake last year and is in good condition. There is a spot on the west end of Pickerel where people were driving onto the lake during the winter. The area on Holly Road around Pickerel Lake is scheduled for new gravel this summer. From Pickerel north to 270th, new gravel was applied last year. Jeff suggested reconstruction of the north end of Holly which is considered a Minimum Maintenance road, at least past the two homes on that section of road. It appears to be in too poor shape to get by with grading only. On 270th, there are some trees leaning toward the road that should be removed before they fall on the road. Terry will take down all dead, leaning trees along all township roads. 270th east of Co 4 needs new gravel this summer. 270th between Holly and Co 4 was graveled last year.
We drove 264th to see the placement of stakes for the Stoltenow cartway.
Harbor Trail was reconstruction last year and is in great shape.
The corner of Intrepid Trail and Intrepid Road needs to be improved, squeezing the road to the north so you can see both directions when approaching Intrepid Road. Terry has spoken with Bob Davidson but not the owners of Hoosier Bay. A driveway serving four residents on Intrepid needs to be raised and culvert put in to allow for drainage in the ditch. Terry will do that.
Indigo Drive was crack sealed this spring. All our paved township roads are slated to be striped this summer.
Hunter Road residents have requested the township take over maintenance on the portion of Hunter that is not currently a township road, from Hermit Lane to Hemlock Trail. Ed Steidler & Cecil Cordahl met the board to discuss their concerns. If the road is brought up to township requirements, we will look at it and make a decision. There are 3 sink holes plus the culvert on Hunter that need to be fixed by removing and replacing the gravel in those sections of the road and have Howard’s Driveway pave those sections. The same will be done on Green Pines Road.
New gravel is needed on Get Around Road and Ginger Road. Get Around beyond Ginger needs to have ditches put in place. If time allows, Terry will work on that this summer. Glider should also get ditches at some time in the future, and some trees removed along the road, especially in the tax forfeited land sections.
Glacier Drive needs new gravel. If we were to take over Happy Drive, it would have to be brought up to the standards of Glacier, which also was a forestry road.
Grouse Road east end will be blacktopped in 2008. One resident complained she has to stand in water to get her mail. Terry will work on the shoulders on Grouse as needed.
Green Pines Road has sink holes to be repaired and also a couple spots that need shoulder work.
Gasparilla Drive, Loop and Trail will be striped this summer, plus there is some shoulder work to be done. Yield signs should be placed at intersections of Loop and Trail onto Drive. Stop signs at each entrance need to be raised and replaced.
Garnet Drive has had encroaching trees removed this spring, and will need to be blacktopped in the future. A turn-around is needed at the dead end, which Terry said he can do by taking dirt from along the road to use to create an approach for a turnaround.
195th Avenue and 250th Street both need new gravel.
The Road Tour was continued to Thursday, May 10th at 4:30 PM. Hopefully we will have the Order for the Stoltenow Cartway from Anderson Law Office so we can sign it at this time.
Board Meeting - May 1, 2007
The monthly meeting was called to order by Chair Rod Westrum at 7:00 p.m. Other members of the board present were Supervisors Roberta Doyle, Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. 17 people from the community were also present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. On motion by Jeff, seconded by Roberta, the reading of the April Board meeting minutes was dispensed with and they were accepted as printed. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report - April 30, 2007– Total of All Accounts = $230,999.80. General Revenue = $72,915.45 + Road & Bridge = $158,084.35, with $126,590.51 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $57,576.22; State Bank C.D. of $104,409.29; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $68,815.98; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Payment of Vouchers - Bills to be paid: Vouchers #2371 - 2381. Roberta made motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, Jeff seconded. Carried.
OLD BUSINESS - The township received a Thank you from the Boy Scouts for use of our building during their overnight training.
Jeff meet with Arago Township who are planning to building a new townhall and wanted to see our building.
Jeff also attend a Weed control meeting on April 23rd. Jeff suggested we continue with spraying the roads (especially for knapweed) that we have sprayed in the past. Following the road tour, we may have other roads to add for spraying. Cost is around $121.00 a mile.
Rod thanked Roberta, Mavis and Nancy for attending the Spring short course in Bemidji.
Road Report – Justin Long was present, Township roads have been graded twice. The Board has set the Road Tour for Friday, May 4, 2007 at 4 PM. Rod will notify Joe Hines of the tour. Joe mows the roadsides in the township.
Damages were awarded earlier this evening in the Stoltenow Cartway petition hearing, which will allow them access to their property. Costs of establishing the cartway were totally funded by the Stoltenows..
Mark Carlstrom – DNR – was scheduled to be present to discuss Hunter Road and Happy Trail, but was unable to attend because of wild fires in the area in which he was involved. We will look at both situations on our Spring Road Tour. Statue 164.07 gives requirements for making a road a township road. The process will take four to five months minimum. Regarding Happy Trail, there are state park road funds available for building roads through state land, but cannot be used for engineering purposes. A road must meet the requirements stated in Lake Emma Township Ordinance #1.
Half Moon Road – A big concern is about who will pay for closing the road. Rod stated that the affected land owners may have to bear the majority of the cost. The feasibility study and centerline survey was approved at the April meeting, based on the opinion of residents attending the Annual meeting. The study should be ready to be presented at our June meeting. Mark Thomason explained that there may be damages awarded to Holfelders and Cohns, the residents located at each end of the road to be vacated. A surveyed, written easement to all properties on the north end of the road, must be in place before the road can be vacated. Dan Ronning spoke, stating his opinion was that there is no environmental damage to the lake from the road. Other residents spoke stating that the road is in very poor shape, the worst in the township; something has to be done. Another stated that the improved clarity of the water is a benefit to all the lake residents. There is a concern about the roadbed being restored, and who would pay for restoring it. A resident asked why the road cannot just be blocked off and not maintained any longer. Roberta speculated that individual property owners might be willing to restore the area attached to their property. Jeff reminded that closing the road, is removing a transportation route in the area. Eric Barth stated that the road property will probably go to the adjoining property owners, benefiting them, in exchange for the cost they will be encountering.
In 1920 the Half Moon Road was described as a 66 foot right away. Increased traffic and dust were a concern to one resident. We expect the feasibility study will answer some of the questions that came out of the discussion. Nature and vegetation will take over a vacated road in time. ATV traffic and safety were also mentioned. The DNR will attempt to utilize some of the existing right of way for collection ponds at the public access if the road is vacated.
Local Board of Appeal and Equalization – Thursday, May 3, 2007 at 9:00 AM at the Town Hall. Residents were encouraged to attend if they feel their property valves are in error. They need to bring their property parcel number.
There were no concerns from the floor.
NEW BUSINESS - Milica Stanfel had presented a copy of the zoning ordinance that Mantrap Township had prepared, for consideration by Lake Emma Township. Jeff explained that the procedure would be to send a survey out to all the property owners, and then appoint a commission of five people. Rod stated that a zoning ordinance would have to be enforced and funded by the township, if we want an ordinance other than County’s.
A local 4-H club is looking for a new location and possibly would be interesting in meeting at the town hall. They will make a formal request when they decide.
A copy of the Hubbard County Local Water Management Plan was received.
Roberta moved for adjournment at 8:40 PM, Rod seconded. Motion carried.
Public Hearing – Stoltenow Cartway - Tuesday, May 01, 2007
The Public Hearing regarding Awarding Damages for the Stolenow Cartway convened at 6:08 PM with Rod Westrum, chair, presiding. Town board officers, Roberta Doyle, Jeff Hanson, Mavis Trenholm and Nancy Bogaard were present. Darrin Leasch of WSN, Arlin and Lois Stoltenow, Jeff Hanson and attorney, Mark Thomason, and Chris Rausch
Chair Rod Westrum thanked everyone involved in establishing the cartway which has been a long and difficult process.
Mark Thomason explained that a Damage hearing is to award money to affected property owners for any reduction in the value of their property, should there be a reduction, based on an appraisal.
Jeff Hanson agreed to accept damages as stated by Tinjum Appraisal.
Arlin Stoltenow rejected the damages as stated by Tinjum Appraisal, based on his opinion that the corner would be too tight for his purposes according to the Certificate of Survey.
There was discussion regarding a small piece of property owned by Tom Geraedts that was not included in the appraisal. Itasca Mantrap Electric Cooperative also may have rights to some of the land.
Rod made a motion to grant award damages of $6243.00 to Jeff Hanson for his property affected, allowing Arlin & Lois Stoltenow to establishing a cartway to their property. Jeff seconded. Carried. A check was issued to Jeff Hanson in the above amount.
Any affected property owner can appeal the decision, with the District Court within 40 days following the signing of the Order to establish a cartway and award damages, which will be forthcoming from Stoltenow’s attorney, James Wallace.
Meeting adjourned at 6:43 PM.
Lake Emma Township Board Meeting, April 3, 2007
The monthly meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Roberta Doyle at 7:05 p.m. Members of the board present were Supervisors Roberta Doyle, Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. 7 people from the community were also present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. On motion by Jeff, seconded by Roberta, the reading of the March Board meeting minutes was dispensed with and they were accepted as printed. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report for March 31, 2007– Total of All Accounts = $265,462.85. General Revenue = $98,401.88 + Road & Bridge = $167,060.97, with $161,053.56 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $57,429.89; State Bank C.D. of $104,409.29; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $103,425.36; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Payment of Vouchers - Bills to be paid: Vouchers #2362 -2369.
Roberta made motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, Jeff seconded. Carried
OLD BUSINESS - Road Report – Terry Long was present, have snow plowed, sanded and salted all blacktopped roads. The gravel roads had already been graded and are soft, but Terry felt we should go over the gravel roads with a grader to remove the snow so they don’t become too soft. They had been doing some tree trimming, nearly completing Garnet Road. The Board has set the Road Tour for Friday, May 4, 2007 at 4 PM.
On the Stotlenow Petition, the Damage award hearing is set for May 1, 2007 at 6 PM at the Town Hall. The Appraiser will reevaluate the corner. The engineer will also have more work to do after Damages are awarded. Stoltenow’s have requested a detailed breakdown of how their deposit was spent. Nancy will get that to them.
Half Moon Road – Feasibility study needs to be done from County Road 4 to Holly Road. A centerline survey also needs to be done. Jeff made a motion, Roberta seconded, to have WSN do the feasibility study and the centerline survey. Carried.
Local Board of Appeal and Equalization – Thursday, May 3, 2007 at 9:00 AM at the Town Hall.
Concerns from the Floor: Ed Steidler from Bottle Lake regarding Hunter Road from end of blacktop of Hunter to Hemlock. The residents would like to have the township take over the part of the road that has been maintained privately up to now. The cartway portion had been deeded to the township. The platted road would also have to be deeded to the township. Jeff handed out copies of the township ordinance regarding township roads. The Board will look at the road situation on Hunter Road during the Spring Road Tour. Terry Long will be there and can give them an estimate on the work that would need to be done. Hermit Lane (accro management area) could be continued to County Rd 7. Mr. Steidler said a Norm Olson claimed the township did maintain the road in the 1930’s.
NEW BUSINESS - Jeff made a motion to have the organization of the Board remain the same with Rod Westrum as Chair and Roberta Doyle as Vice Chair. There was also discussion of the possibility of changing the townboard to five supervisors, and the procedure that would need to be followed.
The dates and locations of the Hubbard County Township Association were handed out to board members.
Roberta, Mavis and Nancy will attend the Short Course in Bemidji on April 4.
Jeff will plan to attend the annual township weed inspectors training on Tuesday, April 23.
Jeff testified at a planning & zoning meeting regarding the 2008 replacement of the bridge on Co Rd 7 near Zhateau Zorbaz. Jeff requested the township receive notification of when the road will be closed, possibly through the Little Sand Lake Association. The township will also try to coordinate some road work on adjacent roads.
Jeff also attended a Excavator Safety meeting.
Jeff presented a request from Milica Stanfel to present zoning ordinances that she had prepared for Mantrap Township for discussion for Lake Emma township. We will put it on the May agenda.
Roberta moved for adjournment at 8:20 PM, Jeff seconded. Motion carried.
Annual Meeting Minutes - March 13, 2007
The Annual Meeting for Lake Emma Township was called to at 8:00 p.m. on this date. Thirty-six people were present. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Jeff Adolphson nominated Karl Dyre as Moderator. The motion was seconded by Jim Potratz, and Karl was unanimously elected moderator.
The Deputy Clerk, Marianne Potratz, read the minutes from the 2006 March Annual Meeting and its continuation in September, in the absence of Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Jeff Adolphson moved to accept the minutes as read, and Marilyn Schmidt seconded the motion, which carried.
The financial report for 2006 was distributed to all members present. Joan Aeling moved to have the financial report read by the Deputy Clerk, instead of the reading of all checks written, and Jim Bodsgard seconded the motion, which carried. The report shows a balance in all accounts on 12/31/06 of $276,333.46. Total receipts in 2006 were $276,333.46 and disbursements were $$226,128.19. After the reading of the report, moderator Karl Dyer asked if the members had any further questions. In the absence of any question, the report was accepted as printed.
Two of the Board Supervisors, Roberta Doyle and Jeff Adolphson, were present, and Jeff gave a road report. The township has thirty-three miles of roads, of which approximately one-third are paved. Two road tours were conducted in 2006, the spring tour on May 5th and the fall tour on September 28th. Extensive work was done on Holly Road south of Pickerel Lake and Ivy Road, as well as 270th Street from Holly Rd. to County Rd. 4. Unfortunately, ATVs have destroyed some of the rip-rap installed in recent years on Holly Road at Pickerel Lake. Calcium Chloride was applied to Intrepid Road, and work was done on the turnaround for the snowplow on Greenwood Trail. Spot graveling was done on Glider Drive and Glacier Drive. Harbor Trail was reconstructed from Intrepid to Hartman. Preliminary work was done on Harris Drive, where right-of-way has been donated by Cumbers for further work in the spring. Pavement markings are planned on all the township paved roads in 2007. It is anticipated that calcium chloride will be applied to Holly Road and 270th Street. Intrepid Trail needs to be reconstructed where it meets Intrepid Road.
In 2006, a Comprehensive Road Improvement Plan was completed for the Township. A new website was established, and it is expected to display information about the township roads, as well as minutes and other information. (The web site is Still to be decided are questions on the Half Moon Road vacation petition and Stoltenow Cartway Petition. The Department of Natural Resources is asking the Township to take over maintenance of Happy Drive, and the DNR plans to make a presentation to the Board at the May meeting in regard to this matter. Consideration for funding for resurfacing some of the township paved roads needs to be addressed in the near future. Grouse Road needs attention on the east end, and the Board is considering resurfacing part of that road at the same time the County will be installing a new bridge on County Road 6 near Zhateau Zorbaz in 2008.
The township parking lot was paved this past year, and a dusk-to-dawn light was installed for safety and security reasons.
Gasparilla Drive, Loop, and Trail roads through the Woodhaven Acres development have been taken over for maintenance by the Township. The Board felt it would be advantageous to take them over while they are new and in good condition and can more easily be kept up to township standards.
Jeff Adolphson said he recently saw statistics that showed our township spends much less per capita than most for road maintenance, and our township ranks very high in tax capacity, by comparison.
Much discussion took place in regard to the Half Moon Road project. The engineering study, a part of the feasibility study, has been completed and was available in printed form at the meeting. The Board had intended to complete the feasibility study in its entirety, but because of cost considerations decided against it. Grants can be applied for to complete some of the work necessary if the road is to be vacated, but Jeff said a feasibility study and a plan would need to be in place before consideration would be given for a grant. Finally, Jane Reish moved to ask the Township Board to furnish funding for the full feasibility study that was requested at the December 2006 board meeting on Half Moon Road, and Bert Fosse seconded the motion, which carried. It should be noted that no decision has been made by the Board at this point as to whether or not the road will be vacated.
The township budget for 2008 was discussed, with funding for road work a primary concern. The township has an $116,000 Certificate of Deposit currently set aside primarily for resurfacing the paved roads, which will be an expensive undertaking when it becomes necessary. Finally a preliminary budget of $275,000 for Road and Bridge Expenses and $95,000 for General Fund Expenses was presented. Moderator Karl Dyre took a vote on these figures, and they were overwhelmingly accepted. The final budget, it was understood, will be decided by the residents of the township at the finalization of the Annual Meeting in September of this year. The minimum that can be assessed for Roads and Bridges, in order to qualify for the State Gas Tax Refund, is $153,946.
No Cemetery Report was given.
Jeff Adolphson moved to set the next Annual Meeting on March 11, 2008, at 8:00 PM. Seconded by Roberta Doyle, the motion carried.
By unanimous consent, it was decided to leave the matter of placement of the bank accounts to the discretion of the Board. Newspapers and posting places will be left as before, with notices to be published in the Park Rapids Enterprise and official postings to be placed at Zhateau Zorbaz, the Deer Lane Laundry, and the Township Hall.
Written requests for funds were received from the All Veterans Memorial Committee, the Lakes Area Dive Team, Headwaters Intervention Center, the Shell Prairie Agriculture Association, and the Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity, the Park Rapids Area Library, Hubbard First Responders, and the Headwaters Animal Shelter. Steve Blanchard also gave an oral presentation requesting funds for the Lakes Area Dive Team. After discussion, Karl Dyre put amounts recommended by community members who were present to the entire group, asking for a vote on the following recommendations: $2,000 for the First Responders, $1,500 for the Library, $350 for the Animal Shelter, and $0 to $1,000 for the Dive Team. The vote was in favor of those figures. More discussion will take place in September of this year at the continuation of the meeting, and the Board will make the decision in 2008 as to what donations will actually be made by the township.
Jeff Adolphson added one more item, “food for thought.” He addressed the group with the following information. Some townships have five supervisors on their board, instead of the three that we and many other townships have. Because our taxable assessed value is $318,398,300 currently, the highest of any township in the County, and higher than the City of Park Rapids, perhaps we should consider going to a board with five supervisors. It is not unusual for one or more of the supervisors to be retired persons, and at times absent for some of the winter months, and that leaves only two board members for important decisions. If two members are absent, it is impossible to have a meeting. For these reasons, the Board would appreciate feedback from our township residents on this important subject.
Marilyn Schmidt moved at 10:15 p.m. to continue the annual meeting to September 4, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. Seconded by Linda Schissel, the motion carried.
Board Meeting - March 6, 2007
The monthly meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Roberta Doyle at 7:00 p.m. Members of the board present were Supervisors Roberta Doyle, Jeff Adolphson, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Deputy Clerk Terry Hokeness. 12 people from the community were also present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. On motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff the reading of the February Board meeting minutes was dispensed with and they were accepted as printed. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report for February 28, 2007 – total of all accounts = $275,500.61. General revenue = $102,003.92 + road and bridge = $173,496.69, with $171,091.32 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $57,288.63, State Bank CD of $104,409.29; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $113,604.38 and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Payment of vouchers – bills to be paid, Vouchers #2349 - #2361. Jeff made motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, Roberta seconded. Carried.
OLD BUSINESS - Road Report – Terry Long was present, happy to have snow. They had been doing some tree trimming, which will continue when snow is gone.
On the Stotlenow Petition, the Damage award hearing is set for May 1, 2007 at 6 PM at the Town Hall. The Appraiser will reevaluate the corner.
A letter from William Barth was read in support of the closing of Half Moon Road. Board was reminded that an open discussion will be held at the regular May meeting before the board makes their decision on Half Moon Road. Jeff read a letter from Mark Thomason regarding Half Moon Road restating LE township’s ownership of the right-a-way and stating that acquiring additional right-a-way would be costly.
Annual Meeting , Tuesday, March 13, 2007 at 8:00PM at the Town Hall. Refreshments will be served.
Local Board of Appeal and Equalization – Thursday, May 3, 2007 at 9:00 AM at the Town Hall.
Concerns from the Floor: several stated approval of the website.
NEW BUSINESS - Jeff made a motion to have Cumbers Construction reconstruct and rebuild Harris Drive, including a turnaround. Roberta seconded. Motion carried.
Roberta, Mavis and Nancy will attend the Short Course in Bemidji on April 4.
Jeff introduced Ron Carnell from Emmons & Olivier Resources, surveying & engineering company.
Township Association Meeting – March 19, 2007 at 7 PM at Farden Town Hall.
The Board tentatively set the Road Tour for Friday, May 4, 2007 at 4 PM.
Following questions from the floor regarding the use of Base 1, Jeff explained that the board hoped to do a trial use of it on Holly Road along Pickerel Lake and perhaps on Intrepid Road. Some more concerns were raised on Half Moon Road. It was suggested that interested parties should come to the May meeting.
Roberta moved for adjournment at 8 PM, Jeff seconded. Motion carried.
Board Meeting - February 6, 2007
The monthly meeting was called to order by Chair Rod Westrum at 7:00 p.m. on this date. Members of the board present were Chair Rod Westrum, Supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. 10 people from the community were also present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. On motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff, the reading of the January Board meeting minutes was dispensed with and they were accepted as printed. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report January 31, 2007– Total of All Accounts = $269,809.70 General Revenue = $102,304.98 + Road & Bridge = $167,504.72, with $166,597.14 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $57,157.09; State Bank C.D. of $103,212.56; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $109,241.74; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.31. Payment of Vouchers - Bills to be paid: Vouchers #2339 -2348. Roberta made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, Jeff seconded, Carried.
Old Business: Road Report – Terry Long was present. Normal winter conditions. Have been doing some right-of-way clearing, starting with Garnet.
Stoltenow Petition was discussed at the Public Hearing prior to the Board meeting. An additional Public Hearing was scheduled for 6 PM on Tuesday, May 1, 2007.
Half Moon Road – Letter from Widseth Smith Nolting was received. Darren Laesch and Brian Ross were present from WSN, and presented three alternatives for maintaining the road, and three options for vacating the road. Questions were taken from the audience.
Annual Meeting, Tuesday, March 13, 2007 at 8:00 PM at Lake Emma Township Hall. It will be published in the Park Rapids Enterprise.
There were no concerns from the Floor.
New Business: Fire Service Agreement: $24,712.37 for April 1, 2007 through March 31, 2008. Jeff made a motion to contract with the Park Rapids Fire Department, Rod seconded and motion carried.
Local Board of Appeal and Equalization – Thursday, May 3, 2007 at 9:00 AM. Notice will be posted.
Short Courses have been set for April 2-6, 2007.
Correspondence, etc: Environmental Services Office – Lot Viewal Date: Thurs., Feb 15, 2007 – Potato Lake. Rod will check on exact location and try to be present.
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Roberta made a motion to adjourn, Jeff seconded, and motion carried.
Public Hearing for Award of Damages for the Stoltenow Cartway - Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Chair Rod Westrum opened the meeting at 6:05 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Jeff explained that the Stoltenows have requested an additional amount of land to allow for modification of the two 90 degree corners for safety purposes. An additional appraisal would need to be done before granting damages. We also need a revised certificate of survey indicating the changes. Darren Laesch was present and will get the revised certificate to us. Jeff Hanson requested stakes be put into place prior to road construction. The second corner will be taking property from Tom Geraedts possibly in exchange for reconstructing their driveway for safety reasons.
Rod also explained that the Stolenows also will be required to deposit additional funds of $10,000 with Attorney Rebecca Anderson to cover expenses and damages. The money for damages will be paid to the township and the township will pay the property owners. The bond must be posted by April 15, 2007.
Jeff suggested that it be included in the resolution that the cartway must be constructed to the engineer’s specifications.
Based on the changes in the cartway, another Public Hearing is scheduled for 6 PM on Tuesday, May 1, 2007.
Jeff made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 PM, Roberta seconded. Carried.
Board of Audit - January 30, 2007
The Board of Audit met at 7:00 p.m. at the Lake Emma Town Hall on Tuesday, January 30, 2007, for the purpose of auditing the 2006 financial records of the clerk and the treasurer of the township. The meeting was properly posted at all three locations.
All current members of the Board (Jeff Adolphson, Roberta Doyle, Rodney Westrum, Mavis Trenholm, and Nancy Bogaard) were present. Chairperson Rod Westrum called the meeting to order shortly after 7:00 p.m. The supervisors were presented with all receipts and vouchers of payment for 2006 as well as the Treasurer’s 2006 Annual Report and records of the clerk’s and treasurer’s debits and disbursements from CTAS. All these items were examined thoroughly.
Total disbursements for 2006 were $313,664.42. Income and interest for 2006 was $301,893.89. Books of the Clerk and Treasurer showed a balance of $276,333.46 in all accounts at the end of 2006, with $57,002.48 in the money market account at the State Bank of Park Rapids, $115,920.38 in the money market account at Citizens National Bank of Park Rapids, $103,212.56 in Certificate of Deposit at the State Bank of Park Rapids, and $198.04 in the checking account at Citizens National Bank of Park Rapids.
Jeff made a motion to transfer $29,137.67 from the General Revenue fund to the Road and Bridge fund to allow for the purchase of the State Bank CD. Roberta seconded. Motion carried. A resolution will be prepared and signed at the February Board meeting.
Outstanding Debt on December 31, 2006 is $36,109.16 with $20,889.33 on the Town Hall at Northwoods Bank, and $15,219.83 on Hunter Road at Citizens National Bank.
Roberta Doyle moved to approve the financial audit for 2006, and Jeff Adolphson seconded the motion, which passed. The books of the clerk and treasurer were then signed by all three supervisors of the Board.
Some discussion took place regard the budget for 2007, but no decisions were made in regard to a proposed or recommended budget.
Roberta made a motion to increase the pay schedule for officers and elections judges effective January 1, 2007. Monthly stipends will be for Clerk $300; Treasurer $200; Chair $150; Supervisors $100. Meeting per diem will be $50 for meetings up to 4 hours. Meetings longer than 4 hours will remain at $75. Election judges were set at $10/hour. The pay schedule was last raised in February 2001. Rod seconded. Carried.
Jeff moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 p.m. Seconded by Rod, the motion passed.
Lake Emma Township Board Meeting January 9, 2007
The monthly meeting was called to order by Chair Rod Westrum at 7:00 p.m. on this date. Members of the board present were Chair Rod Westrum, Supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. 20 people from the community were also present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. On motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff, the reading of the December Board meeting minutes was dispensed with and they were accepted as printed. Motion carried. Treasurer’s report was accepted as read by motion of Roberta and second of Jeff, and carried, showing a balance as of December 31, 2006 – Total of All Accounts = $276,,333.46 with $173,120.90 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $57,002.38; State Bank C.D. of $103,212.56; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $115,920.38; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.04. Vouchers #2329-2338 will be paid.
Old Business: - Road Report – Terry Long – Have been putting a lot of sand on township roads. Has put an ice edger on a grader and will be going over roads, starting today, which will take the glare off, and then will salt. We had received calls regarding ice on Indigo, Intrepid, Holly and 270th
Stoltenow Cartway- Jeff stated appraisal is completed and has been forwarded to Anderson Law Office who will distribute to appropriate parties. Arlin Stoltenow asked if the Board had heard anything regarding his request to make the road a 66’ width because of two 90 degree corners, on recommendation of his contractor. Jeff Hanson would not be happy with going to 66’. Tom Geraedts would like to see the road built to the township specifications, and have the township take over the road, and would like to have his driveway moved for safety reasons. The township has not heard back from Anderson Law Office on this issue. Jeff also contacted MAT. We will set the hearing for Damage awards at our February meeting after we have heard from Rebecca Anderson. Jeff will contact Rebecca about additional expense funds needed from the Stoltenows.
Half Moon Road – MAT and Attorney Mark Thomason are checking to see what expenses the petitioners are responsible for in closing the road. WSN can provide three options for closing or maintaining the road for approximately $1200. Jeff made a motion to have WSN go ahead with the preliminary study, Roberta seconded, Carried.
Bids were received from Emmons & Olivier Resources and Schellack Engineering for Center Line surveying of Holly Road and 270th Street. Bids were: EOR for $8200 and Schellack for $1600. Rod made a motion to accept Schellack Engineering bid, Roberta seconded. Motion carried.
Phyllis Hatch’s easement description was received from EOR along with maps.
Concerns from the Floor: - Chris Rausch said people are driving off Holly Road onto Pickerel Lake with their fishhouses, eroding the shoulder of the road. If signs were posted, the feeling was that they would just move to another spot.
New Business - Ed Rousseau spoke about the paving of Indigo years ago, that the residents had to pay a equal share each. Intrepid Road has many feeders into it and everyone on those feeders should have to pay a share should it be blacktopped. Ed sent out a survey to the 18 property owners and the majority preferred Intrepid remain a scenic gravel road. Ed read a letter in response, supporting changing the corner of Intrepid Trail and Intrepid Road, and applying Base One.
Jeff proposed that if we want to be included in the County contract for pave markings on our blacktopped roads, we need to decide now because the County is letting contracts earlier this year. Roberta seconded, Motion carried. The same is true for Calcium Chloride contracts which we will need if we cannot get Base One.
Several residents on Happy Drive were present requesting that the township take over maintenance of Happy Drive. Township ordinance requires that a road be wide enough for a snowplow to meet a school bus, which Happy Drive would not meet. Jeff had talked to Mark Carlson of the DNR (who was scheduled to be at the meeting but didn’t make it) and they would like to sell the land to the township. It may be possible to have it dedicated as a Private Road. Larry Hetrick will talk to Mark Carlson about possibilities.
The Lake Emma Township Annual meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 13, 2007 at 7:00 PM at the Town Hall. In the case of inclement weather, the meeting will be rescheduled for the following Tuesday, March 20th.
The date for the Board of Audit was set for Tuesday, January 30, 2007 at 7 PM at the town hall.
The Hubbard County Township Association meeting will be Monday, January 22, 2007 at 7:30 PM at Henrietta Town Hall.
Correspondence: MasTec contacted the township regarding burying telephone cable for Qwest on Holly Road.
Rod Lof has requested and received a NPDES permit from the MPCA of which we received notice.
Rod made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9 PM, Roberta seconded. Carried.