2006 Meeting Minutes
Lake Emma Township
Board Meeting
December 5, 2006
The monthly meeting was called to order by Chair Rod Westrum at 7:00 p.m. on this date. Members of the board present were Chair Rod Westrum, Supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. 30 to 35 people from the community were also present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. On motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff, the reading of the November Board meeting minutes was dispensed with and they were accepted as printed. Motion carried. Treasurer’s report was accepted as read by motion of Roberta and second of Jeff, and carried, showing a balance as of November 30, 2006 – Total of All Accounts = $165,305.25 General Revenue = $104718.96 + Road & Bridge = $60586.29, with $62,092.69 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $56,866.93; State Bank C.D. of $103,212.56; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $5,027.76; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $198.00. Vouchers #2311-2327 will be paid.
Old Business: Road Report – Terry Long – Making the transition from summer maintenance to winter maintenance, snowplowing the blacktopped township roads so far. Signs on Grouse Road near the culvert were placed, prohibiting parking.
Stoltenow Petition – Update on Appraisal; Damage Award hearing; Stoltenow expense fund; Will have the appraisal in about one week per Roger Tinjum according to Jeff. We expect to have a public hearing to award damages, possibly at our January monthly board meeting. Jeff will notify Stoltenows and Hansons when the appraisal is received. Attorney Rebecca Anderson will be contacted to find out what notices need to be sent out.
Regarding the Draining easement of Phyllis Hatch property, Jeff talked to Emmons Olivier Resources, and they did the centerline survey and can supply us with the necessary information.
Half Moon Drive – Rod made a motion to rescind the resolution vacating the Half Moon Road of June 8, 2006 because the requirements of the DNR were not met. Jeff second. Carried. Rod read a letter from Peggy Webster supporting the closing of the road. Eric Barth, resident since 1983, would like to see the road closed, feeling the class 5 going into the lake is not good for the lake, and we need to maintain the quality of the lake. Kathy Edelman does not want the road closed, feeling it is a hardship for her. She lives on the north side of the lake and the road runs between her house and lake. Phyllis Barth and her grandchildren swim in the lake and want to keep it clean. Bonnie Tharalson asked how long it had been since class 5 had been added. Terry Long said it had been a few years. Melodee Monicken stated that the dust from the road contributes to the phosphorus content of the lake. Mike Webster is in favor of closing the road to save the lake, based on the studies done of the lake. Rod read portions of a letter from Bruce Paakh, MCPA. Opal Ronning thinks the soil under the lake is as bad as the dust coming into the lake. She also thinks Mr. Paakh’s letter is referring to the “level” of the lake. She also wants buffer zones put back. Dan Ronning spoke on the same issues. Responding to a question about the new road to the properties on the north, Jeff explained that the new road would be constructed at the expense of the property owners, and will be accessible prior to vacating the road. Bonnie Tharalson asked if the road would have to be made adequate for a school bus at the expense of the township at a later date. Jeff said no. Linda Schissel, of Potato Lake, as a tax payer, asked what the cost of closing the road would be, and how taking the road out would affect the springs along the road. Rod gave comments from Linda Moon, who would have to go around the lake to put her boat in at the public access if the road is closed. Dan Ronning thinks the buffer zone be restored first to see if that would reduce the pollution to the lake from the road. Rod checked at the courthouse and found that property owners receive a 30% reduction on their lakeshore because the road runs across their property. Terri Moen said that they will not be happy about the increase in taxes, but are interested in preserving the lake. Ken Grob, COLA president, and resident of Potato Lake, stated that because Blue Lake is a small lake, small changes in environment make for big changes in the lake; an effective buffer zone should be 25’ and you can’t have a road and an effective buffer zone in the same area. The clarity decreases with rain runoff, increases in dry seasons when runoff is less. A resident asked where the phosphorus comes from. Dan Dyre stated there is more phosphorus in anything (gravel, rocks, etc.) going into the lake that has not had time to age. Jan Biemdick stated that the lake has changed since the Public Access was established and the changes in the fish being stocked. Rod stated that it should be the responsibility of the Blue Lake to enforce buffers. Potato, Big Sand and Little Sand all had better Secchi Disk readings in May 2006. Jean Ballard, resident for 57 years, has used the road, and has seen traffic increase and the road deteriorate and would like to see the road closed. Rod visited with the Director of Transportation at Park Rapids Area Schools who stated that no one had ever told her Half Moon Road caused any problems for them. Jane Reish says they can see the dust clouds from Half Moon Road from their house.
Jeff gave an estimate of $50,000 cost to the township for the vacating of the road and feels that the township has a plan in place, including what needs to be done and costs before vacating the road. There is also a possibility of Grant money available. Rod read a proposal from Widseth Smith Nolting & Associates for a study of the project for approximately $3240. Darren Leasch from WSN gave further explanation of what the engineering firm would include in a feasibility report. Dan Ronning and Melodee Monicken both felt that the money could be better spent if people in the township did the legwork and grant writing. Others felt that a comprehensive plan is needed first. Roberta made a motion, Jeff second, to accept WSN proposal for engineering services. Rod suggested that the Blue Lake Association could accomplish some of these studies. Julius Webster did not think the Blue Lake Association would want to or be able to do the engineering services. Judy Harsha suggested that hiring an outside firm such as WSN is the way to go. The motion to hire WSN carried.
Township Website is up and running. Monthly minutes, map, board members, information and link sites are available.
Township Insurance - Endorsement for coverage at cemetery will cover the fencing only, no coverage on headstones.
Jeff made a motion to donate $250 to the Human Society, second by Jeff. Carried.
Concerns from the Floor:
New Business:
Ed Rousseau, via Jeff, asked if we could entertain a resolution to always maintain Intrepid Road as a rustic road, never to be paved. The board did not feel they could put that restriction on future Townboards or future circumstances. Nancy will send him a letter thanking him for his interest. Jeff will contact Mark Thomason regarding establishing an easement for corner improvement on Intrepid Road and Intrepid Trail.
Intrepid Road was slated as the first township road that should receive Base One under our Road Maintenance Plan. Holly Road will be the second road to be coated with Base One.
Jeff made a motion, second by Roberta, carried, to contact Emmons Olivier Resources to have a centerline survey on Holly Road from Co Road 4 to 270th and 270th east to Co Road 4,
Rod visited Big Sand Lot Viewal for a 10’ cut in the ice ridge to the lake, and it appears Environmental services will grant it.
Correspondence, etc:
Minnesota Spring Maintenance Training Expo information will be given to Terry Long.
Roberta moved to adjourn at 9:45 PM, Rod seconded, Carried
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 9, 2007.
Lake Emma Township
Board Meeting
November 14, 2006
The monthly meeting was called to order by Chair Rod Westrum at 7:00 p.m. on this date. Members of the board present were
Chair Rod Westrum, Supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard.
Several other people from the community were also present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. On motion by Rod, seconded by Roberta, the reading of the October Board meeting minutes
and the Half Moon Road minutes was dispensed with and they were accepted as printed. Motion carried. Treasurer’s report was
accepted as read by motion of Roberta and second of Jeff, showing a balance as of October 31, 2006 of total of All Accounts = $200,216.19 General Revenue = $116,117.35 + Road & Bridge = $84,098.84, with $98,097.56 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $56,727.06 State Bank C.D. of $102,118.63; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $41,117.30; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $253.20.
Made a motion for payment of vouchers #2291-2310.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long – Continued with regular maintenance, grading. Culver by Bill Pauley’s installed and tree roots removed. Questioned if there should there be a turnaround at the end of Garnet Drive. IT will be looked at during the Spring Road 2007. Rod asked Terry to grade Harris Drive before winter, even though the work hasn’t been done yet.
Darren Leasch of WSN was present and brought the maps and Road Improvement plans that were recommended and approved by the township board for future maintenance and improvements on the township roads.
Stoltenow Petition – Update on Appraisal, Hearing for Damages. Jeff has talked to Roger Tinjum and the appraisal has been done, but he didn’t have the appraisal report done yet. We will expect to have it in time for the next Board meeting at which time we can set the hearing for damages to property owners.
Half Moon Drive – Petition against vacating received via Thomason Law Office. Roger Harsha asked about the turnaround on each side of Blue Lake and the requirements for land needed, and who will pay for the land and how much it would cost. Opal Ronning asked who will pay for taking out the road, and if any property owners have damages claims, who will pay for that. Rod explained that all property owner will have to sign off before the road is removed. She feels the money should be used to put the buffer zone back
Instead of removing the road. Paul Fredrick wants the road left to be able to walk on the road because it is a great road to walk on. A resident asked about the cost of a turnaround.
Rod asked Rod to put together approximate cost. Terry Hokeness asked if the increase in taxes collected from the eight property owners would cover the cost of removing the road.
Danny Ronning feels it is a misappropriation of funds to close the road for the gain of a few property owners. He would rather see the money spent on a buffer zone. Rod explained that the most serious part of the road is where there is no area to install a buffer zone because of the lake on one side and a hill on the other. Jan Biemdick stated that the dust problem is increased because the buffer was removed between the road and the lake. The length of the road considering to be vacated is slightly under one mile. Brenda Boterman explained that the eight signers of the petition are not the only ones that would like to see the road closed. Those wishing to have it closed are basing their decision on scientific findings on preservation of the lake. Mr. Fosse from Holly Road would like to see the issue put on the General Ballot, and let the people decide. He is concerned about the traffic on Holly Road if Half Moon Road is closed. Bonnie Tharalson wanted to know if the road sections would be forfeited to the adjacent property owners. Jeff explained that typically that is the way it works for township and county roads vacated. A survey will have to be done, showing the segment to be eliminated. It also must be recorded at the Recorder’s office. The property owners would also be responsible for changing E911 information and signs. There is also a issue with phone and electrical lines that would need to be relocated that would be the property owners’ responsibility. A MPCA study may also be needed to determine run off. The new private drive is the property owners’ responsibility. Notification of meetings was discussed. Some would like to see the minutes in the Enterprise. Jeff explained that the township is in the process of setting up a website.
Ron Oines read that the Succi readings have not dropped off in years since they have been taken. Opal Ronning suggested that the issue be tabled until all the facts and cost have been determined. A feasibility study would probably take about three months. Jeff made a motion that WSN’s environmental department be invited to the December meeting to tell us how feasible a feasibility study would be. Rod seconded, carried.
Township Website update – the website is set up and Jeff and Nancy need to meet with Brad Rittgers to learn how to use the website. The types of information to be included is yet to be decided. It was also suggested that the notice of Town Board meetings be in the newspaper.
Concerns from the Floor:
New Business:
Jeff made a resolution , Roberta seconded for a Liquor License for Zhateau Zorbaz and a 3.2 Malt Liquor license for Norris & Terry Hokeness (Bayside Resort). Carried.
State Bank CD renewal this month -Jeff moved to renew the CD at the State Bank at 4.6%, Roberta seconded, Carried.
Report on Conservation Design Workshop – Rod explained the concept of building the houses in clusters and having common area along the lake and other public areas.
MasTec – Buried Telephone Cable request for Qwest (Green Pines Rd & Grouse Rd)
Township Insurance - Need to check on the coverage for the Cemetary (headstones and fence)
Jeff asked about setting aside funds for centerline surveying and to identify roads to do. Rod suggested Holly Road should be considered. Roberta suggested Road 272.
Jeff suggested that we have Emmons Oliver & Assoc. write an easement description for Phyllis Hatch property.
A resident asked if there is a way to sign Grouse Road near the culvert, that it is not a public access. It is undermining the road. Jeff suggested that a No Parking sign may help and it could be done yet this fall. Rod will contact Terry about installation.
Jeff explained the Highway motor vehicle tax amendment for the State which was on the General election ballot.
Humane Society accomplishments were discussed. The decision for a donation will be on the December agenda. Judy Harsha suggested having a collection for auction items in the summer (Auction is generally in August), and Judy volunteered to help with this project.
Correspondence, etc:
Potato Lake Association – Copy of Letter to County Commissioner encouraging them to adopt alternate shoreline management standards.
Hubbard County Environmental Services Office – Public Hearing for Variance Appeal on Big Sand Lake on Thursday, Nov 16, 2006.
Anderson Bros newsletter
Corui, Macarthur & Ruppe – Proposal for Legal Services
Roberta moved to adjourn at 9:15 PM, Jeff seconded, Carried
Lake Emma Township
Board Meeting
October 3, 2006
The monthly meeting was called to order by Chair Rod Westrum at 8:30 p.m. on this date following the Half Moon Road Public
Hearing. Members of the board present were Supervisors Rod Westrum, Jeff Adolphson, Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm,
and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Several other people from the community were also present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited earlier at the Half Moon Road Public Hearing.
On motion by Roberta, seconded by Rod, the reading of the September Board meeting minutes was dispensed with and they were
accepted as printed.
Treasurer’s Report September 30, 2006 – Total of All Accounts = $232,231.97 General Revenue = $117,523.54 + Road & Bridge = $114,708.43, with $130,113.34 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $56,578.25 State Bank C.D. of $102,118.63; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $73,281.92; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $253.17. Motion made by Roberta, seconded by Jeff, to accept the treasurer’s report as given. Carried. Payment of Vouchers - Bills to be paid: Vouchers #2274-2290.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long reported they have finished graveling and other work on Holly Road and have finished Harbor Trail work. General maintenance on other roads continues.
Stoltenow Petition –Arlin Stoltenow has most of the information for the breakdown of expenses for the cartway to date. Roger Tinjum, appraiser will meet with Jeff Hanson by the end of October. The damages hearing should be scheduled within 10 days. Nancy will contact Rebecca Anderson with that information.
Jeff read a letter from Darren Leasch following Jeff’s notification that we had adopted their recommendation for our Road Improvement Plan. We will order 12 copies of the plan, and some maps.
Township Website update – We will get an account set up with ACS and will need Front Page Extension completed. Brad Rittgers will set up a meeting for training when the above is done.
Grouse Road Culvert project - Kathryn Williamson had talked to Rod and the project will be put on hold until spring.
Jeff presented the bids for paving the parking lot and approach at the town hall. Howard’s Driveway $9306.00 ; Anderson Construction $11,378.00. The bid of Howard’s Driveway was awarded at the Fall Road Tour meeting on September 27th.
Concerns from the Floor:
Chris Rausch reported on the Human Society who had requested a donation. All animals are delivered to the shelter and there are no records as to how many come from Lake Emma Township.
Swede Nelson, Hubbard County Commissioner was present. He said there are several new roads in Hubbard County. Swede thanked Nancy for sending the minutes of the monthly meetings. Roberta asked about the County-wide zoning. The 2007 Levy increased 5.2 %. Tax rate was reduced 10.5 %
Jeff Hanson reporting that “someone” had reported that he was not a resident of Lake Emma Township and his property tax status would be changed to seasonal. He requested a letter from the township stating he is a resident, which will be done.
New Business:
Deputy Colter Diekmann from the Hubbard County Sheriff’s Office was present to answer questions people may have regarding ATV issues – ATVs are allowed to drive on township roads if there is not a ditch to ride in. Destruction of driveways was a concern expressed from the audience. Legal age for driving is 16 years old. Or 12 years old with permit and with an adult driver on an accompanying ATV. Hubbard County has just hired a special deputy assigned to ATV duties. The county system will be established shortly. Ditches on County and State roads are allowed for ATV riding.
Mark Thomason was present to explain the process of taking on a new development road as a township road. The roads in the Wood Haven addition appear to have been built to the specifications of our ordinance for adopting roads. Roads in Wood Haven are Gasparilla Drive (.8 mile), Gasparilla Loop (.3 mile), Gasparilla Trail (.3 mile). Roberta made a motion to adopt the roads in Wood Haven as township roads. Rod seconded. Carried.
Annual Mileage certification for Hubbard County Highway Dept
Rod will contact Dean Cumber this month regarding the improvements on Harris Drive.
The privacy sleeves we have for election voting do not fit on the new Ballot Counter. We will order a dozen (12) cardboard sleeves that fit through Hubbard County Auditor.
Rod reported on the Fire Contract meeting, September 26th – Population, number of calls, and the taxable market value will be part of the formula for determining our cost for the fire contract. We would have saved approximately $7000 this year if the formula had been used. Some compensation will be given for what we paid this year.
Jeff reported on Hubbard County Township meeting – Lake Hattie Town hall– September 18 - Gary Mills reported signs are going up for the designated ATV trails. Reno Wells – Dave Olsonawski, Hubbard Co Engineer
Roberta reported on District MAT meeting – Walker – September 26th. We received information about legislation that had been before the State that affect townships, including the Motor Vehicle Tax Amendment which will be on the ballot in November. Jeff read the Amendment for the audience.
Correspondence, etc:
The State MAT Annual meeting will be held in Duluth on November 16-17.
Conservation Design Workshop – Mantrap Town Hall – Thursday, Oct 12 – 7 PM (Creating subdivisions that emphasize natural resource protection.)
November Town Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 14, 2006. Notices will be posted.
Adjournment of Meeting at 9:55 PM on motion by Rod, Roberta seconded. Carried.
Lake Emma Township
Board Meeting
September 5, 2006
The monthly meeting was called to order by Chair Rod Westrum at 7:42 p.m. on this date following the continuation of the Annual
Meeting. Members of the board present were Supervisors Rod Westrum, Jeff Adolphson, Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm,
and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Several other people from the community were also present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited earlier at the Continuation of the Annual Meeting.
On motion by Roberta, seconded by Rod, the reading of the August Board meeting minutes was dispensed with and they were
accepted as printed. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report August 31, 2006 – Total of All Accounts = $260,495.48 General Revenue = $121,015.12 + Road & Bridge = $139,480.36, with $158,376.85 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $56,443.71; State Bank C.D. of $102,118.63; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $100,926.54; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $1006.60. Payment of Vouchers – Roberta made a motion, seconded by Rod to pay vouchers #2260-2273. Carried.
Old Business:
Road Report – Justin Long reported that they have completed brushing and grubbing out stumps on Harbor Trail and are ready at add gravel. The equipment turnaround on Greenwood Loop has also been completed. They have also done a lot of grading following the rain we have received. Another problem that needs to be addressed is the culvert near Bill Pauleys. Chris Rausch reported the approach off Ivy Drive onto Holly Drive drops off resembling a speed bump since the corner was redone. Justin said they would look into it. Another Lake Emma resident asked if Hart Trail is a township road and reported it is cracking. The consensus was that Hart Trail has been abandoned. Because it had been a platted road, property owners may wish to have a petition to vacate it. Rod will contact Joe Hinds about mowing for goldenrod. Greg Hensel will be contacted regarding spraying Inward Loop, 250th Street and around the townhall.
Road Improvement Plan – Meeting with Darren Leasch, Terry Long and Township Board for discussion of Phase II of Road Improvement Plan will be Thursday, September 14th at 7:00 PM at the township hall.
Half Moon Road Petition/Vacation - An Open Hearing has been set with notification to the DNR, beginning at 6:45 PM at the Road Site, 7:15 PM at Lake Emma town hall on Tuesday, October 3, 2007 (Prior to October Board meeting). Mark Thomason recommends that roadwork on the new drive be postponed until next year. The message was relayed to Howard Gensler.
Stoltenow Petition – Appraisal not done yet (Roger Tinjum). Stoltenows have not received an accounting of expenses. Nancy will contact Rebecca Anderson, and then notify Rod.
Blacktopping township roads – Bonding meeting (Date?) Tabled to Road Meeting Sept 14. Gravel for Base One on Township Roads – video will be shown at Sept 14 road meeting.
Township Website information: Possible link to Hubbard County website. Use for Board minutes, meeting dates; township map; road construction locations and dates. Jeff talked to Brad Rittgers of Nevis. We would have to purchase internet name at $35 per year. Brad estimated it will cost $400-500 to get set up, then $10 a month. Motion made by Roberta, to have Brad Rittgers set up a web site, and provide training for the board, Jeff seconded. Carried. A web name will need to be chosen.
Fire Contract – Person needed to represent Lake Emma Township on a committee to determine how Annual Fees are determined. Rod Westrum will represent Lake Emma Township and Nancy will contact Bruce Weuve at the City Administrator’s office with this information.
Concerns from the Floor:
Tom Geraedts voiced a concern about the site lines on 264th Street. Arlin Stoltenow said the engineer did not use the County markers on the east end.
Kathryn Williamson has called Rod regarding a concern about the rocks around the culvert on Grouse Rd. Rod will meet with her there on Wednesday at 10:30 AM.
New Business:
All voting Board members are certified for the Local Board of Appeal & Equalization.
Nancy presented a list of Election Judges for Primary/General Elections.
Payoff on Loan – Roberta made a motion to pay off the loan of $10,880.34 on Intrepid Road at the Northwoods Bank. Jeff seconded it. Carried
Parking Lot – Light Quote - Donn Hoffman, 400 Watt flood light on Itasca Mantrap pole in corner for $1250.00. Roberta made a motion to accept Hoffman’s bid, Jeff seconded. Carried.
Paving – Jeff will get quotes from Anderson Bros and present at the Road Meeting Sept 14, and possibly Howard’s Driveway. Get bids for lot, and option of driveway.
Happy Drive – Mark Carlson of the DNR Forestry said that Happy Drive is a Federal Forest road. Township needs to consider buying from the DNR because it is being used as a regular road for home owners living there. It is presently maintained by the Forestry and is bladed twice a year . We will include it on the Fall Road Tour to view only.
Television for Townhall for viewing videos and DVD. Rod moved to authorize Jeff to get a television spending no more than $400. Roberta seconded, carried.
Approval for ordering Checks from CTAS that can used in the printer. Jeff moved Mavis buy needed checks, Roberta seconded. Carried.
General Election & Town Board Meeting both scheduled for November 7, 2006. The Board meeting is rescheduled to Monday, November 6th.
Roberta made motion, Jeff seconded that the town board concur with those present at the Annual meeting, that we have a resolution regarding the restriction of ATV use on township road and ditches. Carried.
Correspondence, etc:
District 11 MAT meeting – Wednesday, September 27, 2006 at 7 PM at the Northern Lights Event Center in Walker. Plan to attend. Roberta will contact each board member to check if they plan to attend.
11th Annual Minnesota Development Conference – October 4-5, 2006 – St. Paul – Doesn’t seem to apply to us. Minnesota LTAP Workshops and Events for Fall and Winter - Terry Long may be interested. Township may pay expenses.
Carr’s Tree Service – A letter requesting our business for roadside brushing, tree trimming, tree removal, and spraying. They are not located in our area, so we will continue with present people.
Park Rapids Area Library Board – A Library Planning Committee has been established to determine the future needs for the Library. The first meeting was held August 9, 2006. Rod will represent Lake Emma Township.
The next Hubbard County MAT meeting will be Monday, September 18 at the Lake Hattie Township Hall at 8 pm.
Rod made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Roberta seconded. Carried.
Lake Emma Township
Board Meeting
August 1, 2006
The monthly meeting was called to order by Chair Rod Westrum at 7:05 p.m. on this date. Members of the board present were Supervisors Rod Westrum, Jeff Adolphson, Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Several other people from the community were also present. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
On motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff, the reading of the July Board meeting minutes was dispensed with and they were accepted as printed. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report July 31, 2006 – Total of All Accounts = $296,640.99 General Revenue = $122,098.77 + Road & Bridge = $174,542.22, with $195,604.69 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $56,300.26; State Bank C.D. of $101,036.30; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $139,115.77; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $188.66. Roberta made a motion, seconded by Jeff to accept the Treasurer’s report. Carried. Payment of Vouchers - Bills to be paid: Vouchers #2253-2258. Roberta motion, Jeff seconded to pay vouchers as listed.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long reported they have finished graveling Holly & 260th. Also on Holly Road, put up arrow signs on the corner at Pickeral Lake.
Jeff reported on a survey on declaring Intrepid Road a scenic road and maintained as is. Ed Rousseau had sent surveys to all the property owners on Intrepid Road. He received 18 responses, 11 for the Scenic designation, 2 against, and 5 not indicating their preference.
Road Improvement Plan – We need to make decisions about how to proceed with improvements. A meeting to meet with Terry Long and the engineers at 7:00 PM on Thursday, August 17, 2006 at the Lake Emma Township hall has been scheduled.
Half Moon Road Petition/Vacation –Attorney Mark Thomason has received a notice from the DNR that they need 60 days before anything is done to Half Moon Trail, to review what should be done with the former road bed. The open meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, October 3, 2006, meeting at the east terminating site on Half Moon Trail at 6:45 PM with the meeting at 7:00 PM at the townhall. Attorney Mark Thomason will notify property owners. The surveying has been conducted on the property for the new driveway off Holly Road. The Board suggested waiting until after the October meeting before starting the construction of the driveway. Jeff will request that Attorney Mark Thomason contact the DNR and find out if they have any reason to stop the vacation of the road, and if there is any need to delay the construction of the driveway.
Stoltenow Petition –The route of the new cartway was discussed. Jeff and Rod met with the engineer at the cartway site today and asked him to stake a site line so the buffer zone would be indicated. The cartway is surveyed to follow the section line west with a 90 degree angle to the south. It was suggested that a diagonal angle, following the old trail to the south, might be used. An appraiser will be contacted to survey both routes. Attorney Rebecca Anderson will be contacted to find out what options we have, concerning the wording of the original petition, and the wording of the Engineer’s recommendations. Arlin Stoltenow gave his permission to survey both routes. The Stoltenows requested a listing of the expenses that have been paid out of his deposit money, and Nancy will contact the attorney’s office to have that sent to them.
Harris Drive reconstruction will be delayed until this fall at which time Rod will meet with Dean Cumber.
Development Agreement – Jeff will contact Mark Thomason to get a copy of the Ordinance regarding roads in developments for which township maintenance is requested. Lake Emma Township has standards now which all new township roads must meet.
Blacktopping township roads – Bonding meeting will be set up after the Road Improvement Plan has been determined, at which time we will put this back on the agenda.
Township Website possibilities: Link to Hubbard County; meeting dates; township map; road construction locations and dates. The suggestion to check HOW TO on Goggle was given.
Don Carlson was present and introduced himself. He is running for Hubbard County Commissioner for our area, District 1.
Spraying for knapweed is needed on Inward Loop and 250th from Co Rd 4 and the township building yard. Jeff will contact Greg Hensel, County Agricultural & Weed Inspector.
Summer Short Course was attended on Thursday, July 27 at Bemidji by Rod, Jeff, Roberta and Nancy. Roberta reported on Planning for the Future; Jeff, on Liabilities; Rod, on Zoning and Shoreline Management;
New Business:
The new election voting machine needs to have an area for privacy. We will try using the room at the front of the townhall. A stand or table for the machine will have to be obtained.
Jeff made a motion that we authorize Mavis to purchase a Laser printer for the townhall, for up to $400. Rod seconded, Carried
Rod will contact Rod Lof to get rid of the grass & weeds in the fence line around the cemetery.
Correspondence, etc
State Demographic Center: Lake Emma Township - April 1, 2005 - Population estimate:959 Household estimate: 412
Roberta made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 PM. Rod seconded. Carried
Lake Emma Township
Board Meeting
July 5, 2006
The monthly meeting was called to order by Chair Rod Westrum at 7:05 p.m. on this date. Members of the board present were Supervisors Rod Westrum, Jeff Adolphson, Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Nancy Bogaard. Several other people from the community were also present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. New flags and poles were displayed.
On motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff, the reading of the June Board meeting minutes was dispensed with and they were accepted as printed. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report June 30, 2006 – Total of All Accounts = $217,973.14 General Revenue = $110,836.47 + Road & Bridge = $107,136.67, with $116,936.84 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $56,157.17; State Bank C.D. of $101,036.30; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $60,591.83; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $187.84. Roberta made a motion, seconded by Jeff to accept the Treasurer’s report. Carried. Payment of Vouchers - Bills to be paid: Vouchers #2242-2252. Roberta motion, Jeff seconded to pay vouchers as listed.
Old Business:
Road Report – Justin Long reported they have been grading roads as needed, and applied Class 1 to Hope Dr, Haywood Dr, 250th St, and Glacier Dr. Work has been completed on one stretch on Holly Road. Following up on an inquiry regarding “Watch for Pedestrians” and “15 MPH” signs on Intrepid Road, the signs were in place, and must have been missed by the resident.
Road Improvement Plan – Darren Laesch –from Widseth Smith Nolting & Associates. We need to make decisions about how to proceed with improvements. A meeting was scheduled to meet with Terry Long and the engineers at 7:00 PM on Thursday, August 17, 2006 at the Lake Emma Township hall.
Half Moon Road Petition/Vacation –Attorney Mark Thomason has received a notice from the DNR that they need 60 days before anything is done to Half Moon Trail, to review what should be done with the former road bed. Attorney Mark Thomason will be sending out a mailing concerning the waiver necessary by property owners, possibly going out tomorrow. The Soil & Water Conservation Department is working on obtaining grants to restore the road bed. Several community members were present who are unhappy with the vacation of Half Moon Trail. Another hearing will be held in the future following the DNR decision. All people living on Half Moon Trail will receive a notice of the meeting. David Martin has volunteered to be on the committee to work on the restoration of the road bed. Brenda Boterman had volunteered earlier.
Stoltenow Petition –The route of the new cartway was discussed. Tom and Jennifer Geraedts were present and are concerned about how close the cartway will come to their garage which is presently 7 feet from the stake. The exact route has not been determined. The Township Board does not have any authority to enforce the road be built to a given standard beyond safety issues. Attorney Rebecca Anderson will have to be contacted to see what we can do as the township. The engineers are to contact the township board when the stakes have been placed so it can be reviewed before they disappear. The buffer will be determined at a later date. Damages will be awarded after the survey at a separate meeting.
Development Agreement – Regarding roads in developments for which township maintenance is requested. Attorney Mark Thomason said the township must pass an ordinance if such an agreement is adopted. Mark has the original ordinance at his office to be signed by Rod and Nancy, and then it will have to be recorded, which Mark’s office will do. Lake Emma Township has standards now which all new township roads must meet. Rod read the new ordinance to those present. Roberta made a motion to accept the ordinance, Jeff seconded. Carried.
Blacktopping township roads – Bonding meeting will be set up after the Road Improvement Plan has been determined.
Township Website possibilities: Link to Hubbard County; meeting dates; township map; road construction locations and dates. Jeff is going to talk to ACS to find costs, etc.
Summer Short Course – Thursday, July 27 – Bemidji. Mavis will send in registration. Meet at the town hall at 7:15 AM.
New Business:
Items from the floor: Chris Rausch brought in an ATV map which shows Half Moon Trail and Holly Road as part of the ATV trail system. Rod will contact the Forest Riders ATV Club to have the roads removed from their map.
Harris Trail is a township road which was deeded to the township by Cumbers for a 25’ road. Jeff proposed that we build the road to 33 feet, and that perhaps Cumbers would like to build the road, along with compensation for additional property which they own on both sides of Harris Trail. Rod will contract Cumbers.
Jeff is going to check on getting a video for next month’s meeting, explaining Base One, as a possible road surfacing material for some of the township roads.
Correspondence, etc:
State Demographic Center has released Population and Household estimates for 2005. We are not to release the estimates until after July 15, 2006.
Jeff made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 PM. Roberta seconded. Carried
Lake Emma Township
Board Meeting
June 6, 2006
The monthly meeting was called to order by Chair Rod Westrum at 7:05 p.m. on this date. Members of the board present were Supervisors Rod Westrum, Jeff Adolphson, Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk. Nancy Bogaard. Several other people from the community were also present. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
On motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff, the reading of the May Board meeting minutes was dispensed with and they were accepted as printed. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report May 31, 2006 – Total of All Accounts = $230,736.39
General Revenue = $116,526.07 + Road & Bridge = $114,210.31, with $129,700.09 currently available. Includes State Bank Money Market of $56,019.04; StateBank C.D. of $101,036.30; Citizens National Bank Money Market of $73,508.39; and Citizens National Bank checking account of $172.66. Roberta made a motion, seconded by Jeff to accept the Treasurer’s report. Carried. Payment of Vouchers - Bills to be paid: Vouchers #2229-2241. Roberta motion, Jeff seconded to pay vouchers as listed.
Old Business:
Road Report – Terry Long reported they have been grading roads as needed. Work has started on Holly Road, placing a culvert and reshaping ditches and slopes. 24” STOP sign has been placed at the Green Pines Road and Garnet Drive intersection. May need a larger one. We received a request for some kind of sign to be posted on Intrepid Road to slow traffic, i.e. Watch for Pedestrians, Children at Play, Slow. Terry will look into placement of a sign.
Road Improvement Plan – Darren Laesch –Report from Curt Meyer (Widseth Smith Nolting & Associates). Darren presented plans for Phase I of the 2006 Road Improvement Plan which included:
a. Road inventory b. Traffic analysis & road classification with map c. Road condition rating (windshield survey & typical section d. Maintenance costs (crack sealing, patching, resurfacing, grading) e. Preliminary comprehensive plan & map (10 year improvement schedule)
Motion made by Jeff, seconded by Roberta to accept the proposal of Widseth Smith Nolting for the 2006 Road Improvement Plan, Phase I. Estimated cost is $7,600. Carried.
Half Moon Road Petition/Vacation - The continuation of the public hearing will be June 8th at 7 PM. Attorney Mark Thomason has written an agreement for the affected landowners. Citizen (later identified as Ronnie Oines) with concern the road is being vacated for financial benefits of the property owners. Also did not like that he would lose the cut-across from Co 4 to Co 40. Terri Moen asked about the use of ATVs on township roads. State law says they are allowed if the ATV is licensed.
Stoltenow Petition – Order for Hearing date set for June 12th at 7 PM. Walk through on June 7th for Jeff and Rod with Gary Wolff and Engineer Curt Meyer. Jeff spoke to Rebecca Anderson today, and they were able to get notices out for the meeting to affected residents. Jeff Hanson stated that Hubbard County is looking at changing some the road requirements for PUDs, and we should wait until they have completed the process. The letters have been sent and the hearing must go forward as planned.
Development Agreement – Regarding roads in developments for which township maintenance is requested. Attorney Mark Thomason said the township must pass an ordinance if such an agreement is adopted.
Phone call from Coldwell Banker Clack & Dennis. Motion made by Jeff, seconded by Roberta to recommend approval of the Lake Emma Township Ordinance #1 with the exception of Number 4. Carried.
Jeff will notify Mark Thomason to rewrite the ordinance with the corrections. Ordinance would be “Accepting Platted Roads by Lake Emma Township”.
Blacktopping township roads – Bonding meeting (Date?) No date set yet. Roger Steward would be willing to attend meeting. Possibly county-wide meeting could be held at our townhall.
Township Website possibilities: Link to Hubbard County; meeting dates; township map; road construction locations and dates. Tabled to July.
New Flag Pole-Historical Society has none. Motion made by Jeff, seconded by Rod to buy two new flag poles. Carried.
Summer Short Course – Thursday, July 27 - Bemidji or Friday, July 28 –Grand Rapids. Bemidji preferred.
New Business:
Items from the floor: Cemetary looked very nice for Memorial Day.
Sentence to Serve maintaining Town
Presented Marianne Potratz with a plaque of appreciation for her many years as township Clerk.
Request for use of Lake Emma Townhall by the Blue Lake Association for their annual meeting on Saturday, July 1, 2006. (Melodee Monicken). Roberta will take care of getting key to her.
Jeff presented three options from EOR for beaver control at the culvert on Intrepid Road. The Beaver Deceiver (fencing) at $1000 is the least expensive. Information will be given to Terry Long at the next meeting.
Correspondence, etc:
Pemberton,Sorlie,Rufer & Kershner – Managing township employees.
Minnesota Association of Townships – Membership cards were handed out to Elected Officials
Jeff & Sue Dubay – Stoltenow cartway; Reino & Frances Anderson – Stoltenow cartway; Jeff Hanson – Pickett’s Excavation– Stoltenow cartway
Mr & Mrs Donald McGinnis presented a letter requesting paving be done on Intrepid Road. Jeff explained about a new product, Base One (like bricks are made of) to put on gravel roads. Cost is $4000 per mile. Base One stands up much longer than calcium chloride and environmentally safe. It could be a possible solution to Intrepid Road. Becker County has been using for eight years.
Jeff made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM. Roberta seconded. Carried
Lake Emma Township
Board Meeting
May 2, 2006
The monthly meeting was called to order by Chair Rod Westrum at 7:05 p.m. on this date. Members of the board present were Supervisors Rod Westrum, Jeff Adolphson, Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk. Nancy Bogaard. Several other people from the community were also present.
The pledge of allegiance was recited. Introductions were made around the room. April minutes were accepted as printed on a motion by Roberta, second by Jeff. The April Treasurer’s report was accepted as read by motion of Roberta and second of Jeff, showing a balance of $242,088.01 in all accounts, with $116,51.67 in General Revenue and $125,546.34 in Road and Bridge, with $142,088.01 currently available. Balances at the end of April were as follows: Money Market Account at Citizens National Bank $86,032.54; Money Market Account at State Bank, $55,867.51; State Bank CD, $100,000.00; and Citizens National Bank Checking Account, $187.96. Motion by Roberta, seconded by Jeff, carried, to pay vouchers 2222-2228 as presented.
Old Business: Road Report – Terry Long indicated that crack sealing was completed in April, and they have been grading township gravel roads after rain as needed.
The Emmons & Oliver Resources engineering services for a centerline survey and hydraulic analysis for Hartman, Intrepid, and Harbor Roads, has been started with report submitted. They submitted a bill for 35% of contracted work done.
Darren Laesch from Widseth Smith Nolting & Associates presented a Road Improvement Plan to provide the board with an accurate depiction of the township’s goals and needs. This report will give the board a method to prioritize road improvement projects in a fair and cost effective manner, and give a basis for budgeting for road improvements. The next step will be to provide cost estimates on road projects for Phase I and Phase II, which will be presented at our June 6th meeting. We have 31.65 miles of township roads.
Half Moon Road - The continuation of the public hearing will be June 8 at 7 PM. Attorney Mark Thomason has written an agreement for the affected landowners. Rod will contact Mark regarding the wording in the agreement changing the width of the new road from 66 feet to 32-33 feet. This will not be a township road, but a private driveway. It is hoped state funds might be available to the Blue Lake Association, in conjunction with the township, to return the road, if and when it is abandoned, to an environmentally acceptable state.
Stoltenow Petition – Order for Hearing date is set for June 12th at 7 PM. Jeff & Nancy signed the “Order Setting Forth Initial Descriptions and Setting Hearing Date” form which will be sent to Attorney Rebecca Anderson. Arlan Stoltenow requested a date change because he would not be able to attend the hearing on June 12th. Changing the date was discussed but it was decided that the date will stand. Mr. Stoltenow said he would be there even if he had to fly back for it. Jeff read an April25th letter received from Attorney Rebecca Anderson. Rod and Jeff will do a walk-through of all the route options with engineer Curt Meyer on June 7th at 9 AM.
The County Assessor has set the date of the Lake Emma Township Board of Review and Equalization for Thursday, May 4th, at 9:00 a.m. Some letters have been received at the Assessor’s Office.
The spring road tour has been set for Friday, May 5th, at 1:00 p.m. Joe Hines (Rod will notify), Darren Laesch and Terry Long will participate.
Blacktopping township roads - We have not heard any date or time for a possible bonding information meeting.
Tabled until June meeting.
The possibility of developing a Lake Emma Township website was discussed. Information that could be included: all meeting dates, a map of township, road construction location & dates. We need someone to create the website and cost estimates. Making the website a link to the Hubbard County website is a consideration. Tabled until June meeting.
The need for new flag poles was discussed. The possibility of obtaining a “dual” flagpole from the Historical Society (Rod will check), or the school was discussed. Tabled until June meeting.
New Business:
An addendum to the Resolutions regarding the terms of Clerk and Treasurer needs to be added to reflect the Treasurer position will be on the ballot in November 2008 and the Clerk position on the ballot in 2010.
Roberta will attend the Annual Township Supervisors Training (Minnesota noxious weed laws) on Thursday, May 11th at 7 PM at the courthouse.
Jeff, Mavis & Nancy will attend the May Township Officers Assoc. meeting at Monday, May 15th at 8 PM at the courthouse.
Township Short Courses will be offered at Bemidji on Thursday, July 27th or at Grand Rapids on Friday, July 28th. We will decide at a later meeting which to attend.
Because the first Tuesday in July is on July 4th, the regular monthly board meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 5th.
Roberta moved to adjourn at 8:50 p.m. Seconded by Jeff, the motion carried.
Lake Emma Township
Board Meeting
April 4, 2006
The monthly meeting was called to order by Deputy Chair Roberta Doyle at 7:00 p.m. on this date. Members of the board present were Supervisors Jeff Adolphson, Roberta Doyle, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk, Nancy Bogaard. Several other people from the community were also present.
The pledge of allegiance was recited. The minutes for the regular March meeting were accepted as printed, by motion of Roberta and second of Jeff. The March Treasurer’s report was accepted as read by motion of Roberta and second of Jeff, showing a balance of $273,033.82 in all accounts, with $144,157.87 in General Revenue and $128,875.95 in Road and Bridge, with $173,033.82 currently available. Balances at the end of March were as follows: Money Market Account at Citizens National Bank $117,107.01; Money Market Account at State Bank, $55,739.23; State Bank CD, $100,000.00; and Citizens National Bank Checking Account, $187.58.
Old Business: Road Report – Terry Long indicated that they have been blading township gravel roads as they become dry enough.
The Emmons & Oliver Resources contract has been signed for engineering services for a centerline survey and hydraulic analysis for Hartman, Intrepid, and Harbor Roads, as well as analysis of piping from Stocking Lake to Lower Bottle Lake, in the amount of $14,500.00.
Half Moon Road - The continuation of the public hearing will be June 8 at 7 PM. Attorney Mark Thomason has written an agreement for the affected landowners. It is hoped state funds might be available to the Blue Lake Association, in conjunction with the township, to return the road, if and when it is abandoned, to an environmentally acceptable state.
The County Assessor has set the date of the Lake Emma Township Board of Review and Equalization for Thursday, May 4th, at 9:00 a.m. This will need to be published in the newspaper.
The spring road tour has been set for Friday, May 5th, at 1:00 p.m. Joe Hines and Terry Long will participate.
Stoltenow Petition – Order for Hearing date is set for June 12th at 7 PM. Jeff read a letter received by Attorney Rebecca Anderson from Gary & Lynn Stocker concerning the cartway. Jeff has written to Rebecca Anderson requesting information regarding costs for “alternative routes”; who contracts with Curt Meyer; property line survey needs; whether we need a “Finding of Fact” statement; and requested a walk through with the engineer on June 7th, prior to the Hearing. The attorney is meeting with the engineer on Thursday, April 6th.
Blacktopping township roads - We have not heard any date or time for a possible bonding information meeting. Jeff has contacted Curt Meyer to see what they have done for other townships to evaluate roads for priority rating.
The possibility of developing a Lake Emma Township website was discussed. Information that could be included: all meeting dates, a map of township, road construction location & dates. We need someone to create the website and cost estimates.
The need for new flag poles was discussed.
New Business:
Bob and Lynn Davidson, from Home Bay Camp, presented documents requiring Township officer signatures for their 12 unit PUD on Lower Bottle Lake. They appear before the Hubbard County Planning Commission on April 11th.
Reorganization for the upcoming year will include Rod Westrum as Chair and Roberta Doyle as Deputy Chair. Mavis said mileage will be paid at 44.5 cents per mile. It was decided to complete the reorganization in May when Rod will be back.
Jeff signed a form to MasTec requesting that we be notified whenever they plan to bury lines along township roads. MasTec does work for Qwest Communications.
Payment of vouchers: Jeff moved to pay vouchers #2215 – 2221, plus the March electric bill of $62.47. Roberta seconded the motion, which passed. Following the payment of the bills, Roberta moved to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. Seconded by Jeff, the motion carried.
Lake Emma Township
Board Meeting
March 1, 2006
The monthly meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jeff Adolphson at 7:00 PM on this date. Members of the board present were Supervisors Jeff Adolphson, Roberta Doyle, Treasuer Mavis Trenhholm. Acting Clerk was Nancy Bogaard. Four people from the community were also present.
The pledge of allegiance was recited. The minutes for the regular February 7, 2006 meeting were accepted as printed, by motion of Roberta, and second of Jeff. The February Treasurer’s Report was accepted as read by the motion of Roberta, second by Jeff, showing a balance of $280,119.35 in all accounts, with $147,193.43 in General Revenue and $132,925.94 in Road and Bridge, with $180,119.35 currently available. Balances at the end of the February 2006 were as follows: CD at State Bank $100,000.00; Money Market at Citizens National Bank $124,334.78; Money Market account at State Bank $55,597.57; Citizens National Bank checking account $187.00.
Old Business: Road Report – Justin Long indicated that they have been doing regular snow plowing.
Nothing new in the Half Moon Road matter.
Stoltenow Petition – Order for Hearing date set for June 12, 2006 at 7:00 PM.
A bid proposal was received from Emmons & Oliver Resources for engineering services for a centerline survey and hydraulic analysis for Hartman, Intrepid, and Harbor Roads, as well as analysis of piping from Stocking Lake to Lower Bottle Lake, in the amount of $14,500. This compares to a proposal from Widseth Smith and Nolting received earlier for $18,596. Roberta made the motion to accept the lower bid, second by Jeff. Carried.
A letter was received from the Park Rapids Area Library requesting financial support for 2006. This request will be brought up at the Annual Meeting.
The County Assessor has set the date of the Lake Emma Township Board of Review and Equalization for Thursday, May 4th at 9:00 AM. Posting will be done at this time. Market value for 2006 is $272,521,000.
The spring road tour has been set for Friday, May 5th at l:00 PM.
Ken Sulem, MAT Attorney, has advised that two or more government entities may agree to do a joint bid process so long as the agreement is reached prior to the advertising for bids, with one entity bidding for all participating members. This advice was in response to Lake Emma Township’s interest in inclusion in the bidding process for such things as liquid calcium chloride and possibly some pavement striping.
Motion made by Roberta, second by Jeff, to approve payment of $684.92 to Rebecca Larson, Attorney, out of the Stoltenow account.
Contract with City of Park Rapids for fire protection – Marianne attended the fire department meeting Feb 16th and gathered information for the board. The city said they are working on a more equitable way to charge and expect to have a different formula for 2007, looking at population, history of number of calls, and other things in addition to taxable market value. Lake Emma Township would like to have a volunteer to serve on a committee to help evaluate how this might be done, and Roberta said that Rod might be interested in doinbg this. Lake Emma Township’s cost has increased $4000 to $27,464.37 for 2006.
Roberta spoke to Mark Thomason regarding the possibility of paving all township roads. He said many townships were interested in blacktopping all township roads and that, through the Northwoods Bank, a symposium would be held regarding bonding for the project. The meeting will be held the end of April, first part of May. There are cost analysis showing maintenance of blacktop over gravel being much lower and safer, as well as producing less dust and less vibration on vehicles. The blacktopping of township roads should be discussed at the Annual Meeting.
New Business: The State Auditor Town Financial Reporting Form was reviewed and signed.
The Hubbard County Resource Management report by Bob Hoffman was presented.
A letter from the Park Rapids Area Library requesting financial support was received and will be read at the Annual Meeting.
We need a new flag pole. Jeff has a catalog to look at, and suggested that this be discussed at the Annual Meeting.
There will be Township Officers Short Courses offered this spring around the state. Mavis and Nancy plan to attend in Bemidji on April 5th. Registration fee is $35 per person.
The possibility of establishing a Website for Lake Emma Township was discussed. If we had someone who could asset up the website, the monthly fee through Arvig is approximately $25 per month. Meeting notices, etc. could be posted on the site.
Payment of Vouchers #2202-2214, plus 0206, the February electric bill, were approved on a motion by Roberta, second by Jeff.
At 8 PM, Jeff made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Roberta seconded.
Lake Emma Township
Board Meeting
February 7, 2006
The monthly meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jeff Adolphson at 7:00 p.m. on this date. Members of the board present were Supervisors Jeff Adolphson, Roberta Doyle, and Rod Westrum, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Marianne Potratz. Several other people from the community were also present.
The pledge of allegiance was recited. The minutes for the regular January meeting, the December 20th Stoltenow public hearing, and the January 28th Road Work Session were accepted as printed, by motion of Roberta and second of Rod, as were the minutes for the Board of Audit, which were read by the Clerk. The January Treasurer’s report was accepted as read by motion of Rod and second of Jeff, showing a balance of $274,875.50 in all accounts, with $150,909.71 in General Revenue and $123,965.79 in Road and Bridge, with all funds currently available. Balances at the end of December were as follows: Money Market Account at Citizens National Bank $119,269.24; Money Market Account at State Bank, $155,404.31; Citizens National Bank Checking Account, $201.95. The Board has decided to again put aside funds for major road improvements, specifically the overlays that will be needed for our paved roads in the future. Jeff moved that treasurer Mavis Trenholm this month find the best interest rate on a 9-month Certificate of Deposit at one of our local banks and transfer $100,000 from the State Bank Money Market Account for this purpose. Seconded by Roberta, the motion carried.
Old Business: Road Report – Terry Long indicated that they have been doing regular snow plowing. The contract for road maintenance between Lake Emma Township and Long Construction was signed by both parties and is on file, with one copy given to Terry Long.
The Widseth Smith Nolting proposal for engineering services for a centerline survey and hydraulic analysis for Hartman, Intrepid, and Harbor Roads, as well as analysis of piping from Stocking Lake to Lower Bottle Lake, was in the amount of $18,596. The board decided to get one or two quotes from other engineering firms, perhaps E.O.S. and Schellack Engineering, if they are interested, for comparison purposes. The Board will bring this matter back to the March meeting.
Developer agreements, in regard to roads in developments for which township maintenance is requested, were discussed, and attorney Mark Thomason said the township must pass an ordinance if such an agreement is adopted. He is working on a simple agreement for the board to review, perhaps in May.
Nothing new in the Half Moon Road matter, but it is hoped state funds might be available to the Blue Lake Association, in conjunction with the township, to return the road, if and when it is abandoned, to an environmentally acceptable state.
Regarding the 2006 special budget items, Jeff moved, after discussion, to give $1500 to the Park Rapids Area Library and $1600 to the First Responders at this time. The honorarium for the Cemetery Sexton will remain at $300, the same as for 2005, to be paid at the end of the year. A donation to the Sentence to Serve program may be reviewed at a later date. A good article on “Dealing with Donations” appeared in the last township newspaper.
The County Assessor has set the date of the Lake Emma Township Board of Review and Equalization for Thursday, May 4th, at 9:00 a.m. Postings will be done at this time.
The spring road tour has been set for Friday, May 5th, at 1:00 p.m. The Clerk will send an e-mail to Joe Hines to inform him of the tour.
The County Engineer has requested information regarding Lake Emma Township’s plans for inclusion in the County’s bidding process, for such things such as liquid calcium chloride treatment and pavement markings. Roberta moved to follow the same procedures as last year for calcium chloride and also possibly some pavement striping, and the motion was seconded by Rod and carried. A resolution was also prepared and passed by the Board indicating they wish to enter into an agreement with Hubbard County for such bidding purposes. The Clerk will send a copy of the resolution and minutes to the County Engineer.
New Business: Judges for the township election on March 14th were discussed. The Board authorized Clerk Marianne Potratz to select judges, as they are available, from the schedule provided in 2004 by the Auditor’s Office.
Due to Caucuses, the Board had to choose a different time for their regular meeting in March, which now will be held on Monday, March 6th, at 7:00 p.m. This notice will need to be posted.
The Fire Contract with the City of Park Rapids was received, reviewed, and signed. Lake Emma Township’s costs have increased to $27,464.36. The Board has been invited to attend the Annual Township Appreciation Meeting on Thursday, February 16th, at 5:30 p.m., at which time questions regarding the contract can be asked.
The agreement with Thomason Law Office for years 2006 and 2007 was read and signed by the Chairperson. A copy is one file, and one will be returned to Thomason Law Office.
An e-mail received from Margie Vik, Clerk of Clay Township, was received reaffirming their desire to share a polling place with Lake Emma at our Township Hall. An e-mail was also received from Pam Heeren, County Auditor/Treasurer, indicating funds may be available in 2006 for polling place improvements, possibly in the spring. A web site ( was listed for updates.
Roberta brought up a topic that had been discussed at the Road Work Session last month regarding the possibility of paving all the township roads. With the growth in population and subsequent increased traffic, increasing costs, increased desire for expensive dust control, costly and time-consuming meetings and hearings, she felt the paving of all township roads should be considered, and that no one could complain about the costs, which would be considerably less if many roads were paved at one time. She feels that piece-meal paving is costly and dissatisfying, paved roads have more appeal and are less damaging to vehicles. Roberta obtained a rough estimate of laying pavement from Anderson Brothers Construction Company from Brainerd, estimated to be $57,000 per mile for 20 miles, or $1,140,000. This would not include the gravel where necessary in preparation for pavement. Lake Emma Township currently has 1755 parcels, so the costs would be spread out to all the property owners. It would be possible for the township to bond for funds for such a project, and the interest would apparently be more favorable than borrowing for individual projects. Jeff brought up many ideas that would need to be considered before such a project could be considered, and while the Board seems open to the idea, Rod said he vacillated between wanting to have all the roads paved and wanting the more rural nature of the roads kept. It was decided that the Board would give special consideration on the spring road tour as to which roads might or might not be considered for pavement, if this matter is pursued in the near future.
Payment of vouchers: Rod moved to pay vouchers #2191 – 2190, plus the December electric bill of $60.45. Jeff seconded the motion, which passed. Following the payment of the bills, Rod moved to adjourn at 9:45 p.m. Seconded by Roberta, the motion carried.
Lake Emma Township
Board Meeting
January 3, 2006
The monthly meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jeff Adolphson at 7:00 p.m. on this date. Members of the board present were Supervisors Jeff Adolphson and Rod Westrum, Treasurer Mavis Trenholm, and Clerk Marianne Potratz. Roberta Doyle, Supervisor, was absent. Fifteen other people from the community were present, and Rebecca Anderson, attorney for the Board.
The pledge of allegiance was recited. The Clerk read the December minutes, and Rod moved, and Jeff seconded, to accept the Clerk’s report as read. The December Treasurer’s report was accepted as read by motion of Rod and second of Jeff, showing a balance of $288,103.99 in all accounts, with $156,628.05 in General Revenue and $131,475.94 in Road and Bridge, with all funds currently available. Balances at the end of December were as follows: Money Market Account at Citizens National Bank $132,904.88; Money Market Account at State Bank, $154,996.65; Citizens National Bank Checking Account, $202.46.
Old Business: Road Report – Terry Long indicated that they have been battling ice the past month, and have been snowplowing regularly. Mark Thomason, Township Attorney, is preparing a contract between the Township and Long Construction, the company chosen after bids were opened last month to do township road maintenance for 2006 and 2007.
The bridge report from the County Highway Dept. indicates our bridge on Grouse Road was recently inspected, and the culvert is in good condition and will be inspected on a 24-month rotation as approved by the MNDOT Bridge Office. No work is needed at this time. Jeff explained that some changes will be made by the county on County Road #7 near Zorbas, where a bridge is scheduled to be replaced and some changes made in the road width, etc., as well as changes on the approach to Grouse Road (at no cost to the township). This work is expected to be completed when funds become available, in 2007 or perhaps 2008.
Curt Meyer from Widseth Smith Nolting will attend the February board meeting in regard to surveying centerlines for Hartman, Intrepid, and Harbor Roads, also the Stocking Lake culvert for possible replacement, at the request of the township.
Attorney Rebecca Anderson was present at the request of the Board to answer questions in regard to the Stoltenow request for a cartway. She again explained that a landowner who has no access may petition for a cartway, and the township board is required to grant access. However, the best and least disruptive route must be decided and chosen by the Board. Currently Mr. Stoltenow has deposited $15,000, as required by the township board, in an account to pay anticipated expenses in regard to granting the cartway. (The earlier misunderstanding on the amount was an error on the part of Ms. Anderson’s office, and she apologized for the confusion.) The expense of physically putting in the road, once the cartway has been chosen and granted, must be born by the petitioner. The cartway is usually 33’ wide but can go beyond that, though the roadway itself may not necessarily be this wide. The most reasonable route that does the least damage to affected landowners should be chosen, with concerns for wetlands, safety, and other matters of concern when building an access. The engineering firm of Widseth Smith Nolting has been chosen by the Board to review the proposed routes and give a recommendation to the Board. They expect to walk proposed routes as soon as practicable with board members. Ms. Anderson invited residents to send their concerns to her, as well as proposed routes they would like to have considered. She also explained that notices to the property owners who will be affected by the chosen route must be served personal notice of hearings and people on the proposed routes must be notified by certified mail. Everyone will be notified before the hearing scheduled for June 12th at 7:00 p.m. to consider all proposed routes. The Town Board is responsible for publishing notice of hearings, and Ms. Anderson’s office will take care of those notices.
The laptop computers have been delivered to the Clerk and Treasurer. They expect to install the CTAS program and begin using this for 2006. The laptops have been added to the Inland Marine insurance package, at no increase in premium. Printers for the laptops have been ordered, along with the necessary UBS cords, at a cost of $133.85 for the two of them.
New Business: The Clerk checked with Fuller’s for a desk amplifier, but none was currently available and she was informed they seldom are. She will check with Radio Shack on the cost of new equipment.
The Clerk handed out comparisons of the budgets, income, and disbursements for the past several years.
The treasurer will have W-2s and 1099s completed soon and ready for distribution. The Clerk will be sending in the Worker’s Compensation report, due January 20th, in the next few days. The Annual Report for 2005 is nearly completed and will be distributed at the Board of Audit to Board members. The Board of Audit has been set for Monday, February 6th, at 5:00 p.m. at the Township Hall.
The Board of Review and Equalization has tentatively been set by the Assessor’s Office for Thursday, May 4th, at 9:00 a.m. Township assessors must be notified.
The Spring Maintenance Training Expo, April 11-12, 2006 to be held in St. Cloud, and Terry Long was given the information in the event he wishes to attend.
Several e-mails have been received by the Clerk from Pam Heeren in regard to HAVA matters and whether or not townships will be combining for polling places. Apparently the County is on the verge of ordering voting and counting machines for the precincts.
The Annual Workshop on Traffic Engineering at the U of M will be held on Wednesday, February 15th.
The MATTIT Package Insurance Policy Renewal was received, along with the endorsement adding the computers.
The Resolution Form for MAT was given to Rod, after discussion.
A Zoning and Land Use Seminar is scheduled in St. Cloud for January 27th. Rod has talked to Zoning in our County about the possibility of having a Seminar such as this in our County this summer.
A handout on road policies and his personal opinions in regard to road matters was given to Jeff by Ed Rousseau to distribute to the Board.
Payment of vouchers: Rod moved to pay vouchers #2185 – 2190, plus the December electric bill of $60.45. Jeff seconded the motion, which passed.
Following the payment of bills, Rod moved to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. Seconded by Jeff, the motion carried.
Rod moved and Jeff seconded a motion to adjourn at 9:25 p.m. Motion carried.